Has quest warrior kind of fade away? Maybe it's just my impression.
I was literally thinking of that exact combo last night when I read the flavor text for Holy Wrath and saw it mentioned Molten Giant as a joke.Well I officially just played against the stupidest deck I've ever seen.
A random Grimestreet Control Paladin
You win with drawing Holy Wrath + Hemet then on turn 6 you Hemet, then you Holy Wrath + Molten Giant for 25 damage.
wild is fun until you queue into the same person 3 times.
Well I officially just played against the stupidest deck I've ever seen.
A random Grimestreet Control Paladin
You win with drawing Holy Wrath + Hemet then on turn 6 you Hemet, then you Holy Wrath + Molten Giant for 25 damage.
Just lost two games due to connection issues, the game would glitch and not let me play a card then tell me I was out of time. One time a card I played didn't have any effect and hung in my hand sort of wonky. I then couldn't play it for the rest of the game.
Really, really madness inducing. I'm now back to rank 18 and probably won't make 15 for yet another season. Maybe I'll just clear quests in casual or just quit.
One loss is stopping you?
Just play ranked and clear quests.
I don't know about most quests, but there are a lot of quests that don't require winning. Off the top of my head, though some of these numbers may be inaccurate:What do you mean one loss? It was two disconnects but a losing streak of about 5 games.
Don't most quests actually need you to win games? If I'm losing in ranked then how is your advice going to help? I'll just drop further down and not clear any quests.
I don't know about most quests, but there are a lot of quests that don't require winning. Off the top of my head, though some of these numbers may be inaccurate:
* Play 10 pirates
* Play 10 deathrattle minions
* Deal 100 damage
* Play 50 cards of X class (I guess 9 of these quests)
* Play 100 murlocs
* Watch a friend win
My bad, if you're like rank 17 then by all means stick to casual for quests.Yes, that's true but my point remains. If I try and clear quests in ranked, I'll probably fall even further away from 15.
People always go on about how I should clear my dailies. If I'm winning about 30 percent of games, a "win 5 games with xxx" quest can take days.
My bad, if you're like rank 17 then by all means stick to casual for quests.
If you're rank 15 already then quests don't matter since you can't fall.
I was 16,I'm now back at 18it's the same every season, I've been playing over a year and made higher than 15 once. I always hit a wall around 17 and I'm not sure why. I can't be that thick, surely? I have friends that blast past 15 each month and they are f2p mostly too like me. One of them doesn't follow the meta at all and doesn't watch streamers or anything, logic would suggest he would make more miss plays than me.
Have you tried sharing your deck and some replays in here?
What rank are you? I just checked my recorded stats over 286 games and I played less than 5% druids. That's less than 1/20, but I'm around rank 9-10.Mage is horrible right now. Way to much burn and constant answers. Primordial Glyph is by far the most insane card of this expansion.
But man Quest rogue is the worst designed deck in a long time. Absolutely horrible. Boardclears do nothing against it.
And then straight from quest rogue into jade druid. The thing I hoped the most for was jade druid to be dead![]()
What rank are you? I just checked my recorded stats over 286 games and I played less than 5% druids. That's less than 1/20, but I'm around rank 9-10.
Board clears do nothing against quest rogue if they have a way to repopulate the board, but why should board clears always answer a deck? Aggro rather than board clear destroys quest rogue.
I agree that primordial glyph (combined with babbling book and various other mage discover/draw cards) are obnoxious for mage though.
It's also a bit of a pain with the deck list as I'd have to type it out. I have been meaning to though as I could use the help.
Jade Druid, Pirate Warrior, Quest Rogue is all I'm facing... Hearthstone is absolute fuckin garbage right now.
Time to take a break from this game.
if void terror's battlecry kills a poisonous minion like emperor cobra, does he die? he shouldn't but with the interactions some other cards have with poison, i was scared to try it out in arena but does anyone know
What does the criticism "this deck is totally non-interactive" mean?
It's a video game. Even if the deck steamrolls, aren't there things you can do to fuck up (or if against it, that you can do to try to stop it) therefore making the experience of playing it (or playing against it) interactive?
I just went all the way up from zero star rank 5 to 4 with a murloc warlock deck
what is happening
what's the best deck against silence priest? I don't want to lose to these /salt.
tempted to play double sap, double slayer rogue...
what's the best deck against silence priest? I don't want to lose to these /salt.
tempted to play double sap, double slayer rogue...
Warrior deck with removal
Super unlikely question, if you have a Shifter in your hand that turns into a C'thun and was buffed, would C'thun cards activate?
Come to Wild, more variety!
You can play trash up to rank 2-3. I know it, I played stealth rogue to rank 2*** with a 65+% winrate.
I give up on arena. It is a complete shitshow where my opponents generate more cards than they play, curve out perfectly, and have answers for everything I do. While I have shit choices for my drafts, shit rng, and can't draw a curve. This is the first expansion I averaged less than 5 wins a run since I first started playing. Its not even fun to lose to this shit.
EDIT: At least in the past expansions I still had fun playing even if I lose, but now it feels like games are completely out of my control.
I play arena to do Mage quests. Problem is I haven't been offered Mage in five runs.
My enjoyment of Arena would go up if they removed Cabalist's Tome and Glyph from the Mage drafting pool. I can stomach the book and that 2/1 but the other two are two of the most unfun cards to play against in either mode.
And please no more spell generating bullshit in the next expansions. Or is that part of the class identity in WoW?
Quest warrior is so annoying. Old control warrior but with a win condition.
Finally got to 7, still playing freeze mage. Great against anything else, but losing badly to priest and quest rogue.
Freeze Mage losing to priest and rogue, oh how the tables have turned.
I play arena to do Mage quests. Problem is I haven't been offered Mage in five runs.
My enjoyment of Arena would go up if they removed Cabalist's Tome and Glyph from the Mage drafting pool. I can stomach the book and that 2/1 but the other two are two of the most unfun cards to play against in either mode.
And please no more spell generating bullshit in the next expansions. Or is that part of the class identity in WoW?