My boyfriend just said: "Look, there is a thread for you!" and guided me here...
Guess that says enough about that... o_o"
I always get "mocked" about being quite small, but it's just my bf and some friends who do that. My reaction is apparently funny when I get "upset" easily.
But it is just jokes, nothing more. :3 (I think! :O)
The only troubles I have is that I am not a pretty... social person and when I am in a shop on my own and say have to pick up sth. from the top shelf I have trouble reaching... And even more trouble asking for help. /o\
So when people see me try to do that myself they always chuckle a bit and help me anyways. Making people smile is a pro I think.

Also nobody has ever actually laughed at me in a mean way, thank god.
Was different with my ex, who always had to tell me how he always had tall girlfriends and modelsizes... I really hated that because there really is nothing you can do and it's really unfair.. He actually wanted me to wear high heels at home, so he doesn't have to "trouble himself" too much.
He's my ex for a reason. ¯\_(ツ

So just go on! The majority of people who even recognize my size is just really nice and fun about that. It's definitelly nothing to be ashamed of.
If you can't be tall, just be cute instead.