I didn't really know where to post this, but you can share this to other subreddits where needed since I wasn't sure. But since the majority of this is all fighting game related I would post it here.
I went to Gamescom and found out A LOT of things that I have to share with you. I was going to do it right after I got back, but real life got in the way. It is a lot to cover, so I will just get to the point.
Marvel vs Capcom Infinite:
I have been in the know of these characters for some time now and with only a month to go before the game's release, I thought it good time to make an account to do this with since I am also at a point with the information where I crosschecked it. What I mean by that is that I have more than one source, and some overlap with what other people have leaked to me. Because of that is why I am sharing this. I trust them. But sometimes when certain ones don't line up with others yet, you spend time waiting and corroborating. Now that it's at a point where I can say more than one source says they've heard the same for each character, I take that as there is smoke to that fire and is true.
These are characters IN DEVELOPMENT for the game:
Wolverine, Star-Lord, Green Goblin, Venom, Ms. Marvel, Doctor Doom, Asura, Lady, Captain Commando, Vergil, Regina, Nina and Deis / Bleu.
An oddity is that between my sources I had one leak to me Bleu under her non-English release name Deis. I don't know if that might mean they're going back and forth in deciding whether to correct that localization change from the first two Breath of Fire games or what since her playable appearances had her under that name before it was changed on the third onward. Rereleases of those games kept it as Bleu still. I thought that worth sharing since it stood out to me. It could just be that she is based on those two games because of the name in the English versions being the name given as Bleu. Which would make sense. But the one who leaked me to her under the name Deis speaks Japanese and has their connections from Japan though. So that could just be why.
I can't tell you anything about the release schedule for them since I don't know anything at all about that yet and if I am not told, I'm not going to act like I know anything about that either. All I know is that those are characters in development. They've stressed to tell me the same in phrasing. I met up with one of them at Gamescom, and heard the same, as well as Regina now. Regina being because some kind of Dino Crisis revival has been planned for some time now, so I guess you can throw that in here too as a leak.
Super Street Fighter V:
You may recall a leaker named Rikurikumore who posted about a SSFV leak here. Well, I can at least say that everything he's said about that is true. It is indeed happening and going to be announced at PSX this year. Necro, Oro, Q, and Crimson Viper will be added as free characters as part of the free expansion. Sakura, Sagat, Sodom, Cody, and two new additions will be Season 3. I was hinted that the two new additions might be Final Fight characters as well.
Devil May Cry 5:
I don't know much about this yet other than it will also be announced at PSX and a "return to form" for the series.
Dragon Ball FighterZ:
You might have seen or heard about a leak that came from 4chan recently. Someone who went to Gamestop Expo and fished for information. Well, I can't entirely vouch for them altogether telling the truth, they said they heard about a "Saiyan Season Pass", and I heard of something very similar. I know of two DLC characters, those being Broly and Bardock. So, that lined up enough with what I know for the time being for me to consider that true. The game will be supported for a long time when it comes to DLC support. The most of any Arc System Works game yet. Bandai Namco is taking this game very seriously in the long run and will be keeping the game alive and supported for at least 2 years. Maybe more. Fan demand for a Switch version did fill their ears because there will be one but not at launch with PS4, Xbox One, and PC. But instead sometime later next year. So Nintendo fans can rejoice about that.
Soul Calibur VI:
I'll admit that I don't know too much about this other than it is in development and has been for a while. It was supposed to be announced before the end of last year, but something happened technically or something to that extent (it seems they wanted to have each character have three different fighting styles like MKX and that had them hit a wall or something). Because they hit that development wall, they instead opted to show that underwhelming retrospective trailer and that was that last December for Soul Calibur's big anniversary. As far as I've heard, the game should be announced this year though. And a Switch version is going to happen. They told me there were very serious talks about Link returning and being its guest character again on that version that have been happening since last year, but no one I spoke with could confirm if it was absolutely happening. But I cannot see why not since it's returning to a Nintendo console finally.