These are good, especially the secodn one, it's great.
Laser Ray is high damage, it's just hard to hit multiple targets with it. Fire Whip I found useless, not great range and less damage than Laser Ray.
Thanks for your response! Glad to hear you're a fan of burning/necrofire + Spontaneous Combustion as well. It's very satisfying to pull of, for me at least, (reminds me of that old Warlock skill in WoW), even if it's such a simple combo!
Good to know about Laser Ray! I'll give it a shot and then skip Fire Whip then, the latter sounds dissapointing the way you described it. Cheers mate! :> If you (or anyone else) got additional spell tips/combos that you're fond of I'd love to hear more!
It still seemed to do decent damage just not as much as it had done. I haven't really messed with too many skill combos, I recently restarted for the 289385th time and I've been having fun with Rupture Tendons + Chicken Claw but everybody knows about that one.
Ah, I see. Well, I'll give it a shot nevertheless. Heh, I had my fair share of restarts as well so I can definitely relate. Think how LONG this game will last you if you keep on starting over though ;-)
Oh I THINK I read about that combo but I haven't gotten a chance to try it out yet! Problem is I think most scoundrel skills requires you to have a dagger equipped. (Found out the hard way after purchasing serveral skillbooks, eagerly wanting to turn my 2h-warrior into a lean, mean backstab machine, zipping around with a giant club)
I currently roll with a 2h tank/Mage/Summoner/Ranger. Maybe I can give my Ranger a Dagger and have some fun with Rupture Tendons and Chicken Claw. Thank you for that!
On Pyro, having Elemental Affinity and standing in fire makes a big difference since you can use 2 of the 3AP skills or 3x 1/2 AP skills in a row, doing stupid damage on anything not fire resistant.
That's a splendid tip! I seem to stand in fire almost every battle so that will definitely be my next pick-up talent wise. Cheers! I read your whole post and really appreciate you typing all that useful information. I'm gonna let go of my Worm Tremor dream (didn't realize it was 3 AP, geez) and pick up Laser Ray. Sounds like it's at least worth the 1 memory slot. I do like disables but with Elemental Affinity, Searing Daggers still seems like the better choice over Fire Whip. As you stated, focusing down magic Armor with spells makes it so disables aren't really needed (unless you want to mess around with charm or similar shenanigans)
Oh good clarification on the reactive armor thing. I hadn't considered Heart of Steel - must have missed that skill book! Was thinking of throwing in an adrenaline rush or a haste into the mix so I have enough AP to stack enough phys armor for RA to do meaningful damage. I'll definitely try combo:ing it with Whirlwind.
Right now I'm doing a similar thing where I teleport the enemies to me, do whirlwind on my warrior and then a WW on my incarnate. That usually leaves the enemies with 0, or very little physical armor. Yet to try earthquake (been using fossil strike and impalement like you) Going to incorporate it into my rotation thanks to your advice (I do love me some knockdowns, simple but effective disable!)
Again, thank you so much for those tips and clarifications! I'm gonna get some rest now, since I can barely form coherent sentances, but looking forward to putting some of those tactics into play
Take care!