Lol. Can the same people stop having bokkake over it everyday?
Theres 2 threads about it today.
I'm sorry you don't feel it's as relevant as the threads praising Sony, but barging in and throwing accusations like that.. really?
Lol. Can the same people stop having bokkake over it everyday?
Theres 2 threads about it today.
honestly starting to wonder if Gamepass is being shilled. the endless threads about the exact same subject is incredible. either that or a lot of insecurity
it would be like 5 threads a week made by nintendo or sony fans about how many highly rated exclusives they have.
and it's funny to see how many people MS have successfully convinced that console sales aren't important.
Sony shill complaining about game pass.Lol. Can the same people stop having bokkake over it everyday?
Theres 2 threads about it today.
Not only that, also the ease of use of a console. Plug & play, automatic updates, OS and interface created purely for gaming. I get that you can build your own gaming PC, and remove as many bottlenecks as possible and plug it in on your TV, but it's still not the same.People think that just because something is available on the PC makes the other devices useless. The logic is so flawed and people who think like that are just beyond. Ignorant.
They are forgetting that a GPU alone will cost them roughly $1,200 or more that is equal to the Xbox Series X or PS5. That's not including a CPU, Motherboard, Ram, Monitor, Keyboard, Power Supply, Case and Mouse, and a copy of Windows 10. Fucking idiots.
I want too see what kind of performance they can get out of $499 PC. DMs are open, show me your amazing 4K60 or 4K120 builds with Ray Tracing on PC at $499. Please enlighten me. Thanks.
Not only that, also the ease of use of a console. Plug & play, automatic updates, OS and interface created purely for gaming. I get that you can build your own gaming PC, and remove as many bottlenecks as possible and plug it in on your TV, but it's still not the same.
Either prove it or fuck off.
Enough is enough of this shit.
You don’t see people calling everyone that praises the SSD Sony shills.
You bring nothing but negativity to the discourse, and then accuse them when they push back.
So exactly the same, but different because you said so.Show me how Many threads we have of the SSD in the last week and show me how maby gamepass threads are made this week?
Narrative of making gamepass threads:
Bumchum 1: Gamepass value is amazing ( heard it a million times )
Bumchum 2: O I can play it on my tablet
Bumchum 3: I can play it on my PC.
Bumchum 4: O well done MS, you dont want to sell xbox Consoles anymore. Only gamepass. We’re winning Something!
We only made 3 consoleSKU’s in 3 years, of course we dont want to sell them though. Gamepass is all thats important to us.
Rotate comments and circle jerk each other.....
I'm sorry you don't feel it's as relevant as the threads praising Sony, but barging in and throwing accusations like that.. really?
Did the SSD change from announcement? Yet we have hundreds of threads.O sorry you think Im just a Sony fan.
How many threads do we need to advertise Gamepass?
Has the service changed in the last day for a thread to be made about it?
Did the SSD change from announcement? Yet we have hundreds of threads.
Did the PS5 suddenly become better then the series X because we have hundreds of threads.
No matter how you justify it facts are facts, and you can’t get upset due to them.
I'm sorry you don't feel it's as relevant as the threads praising Sony, but barging in and throwing accusations like that.. really?
Said it before, say it again... GamePass is a great deal if you’re already an Xbox or PC gamer. But I don’t see how it gets fresh people to buy into the ecosystem, given how expensive a PC or Xbox is to buy. And if your marketing strategy is only to retain existing customers, you will be in trouble quickly. Services don’t sell consoles, games do.
It’s fine, every time someone argues that PS5 is better then a Series X Im yelling shill.People were having a debate about new technology.
Plenty of Xbox fans were making threads about the SSD saying what do you prefer, 12tpfs or fast SSD...? And how the SSD is lame.
People just say the same thing about gamepass.
Its like if i make threads about PS4. .... PS4 is great value console, look at the games...... ok we know that.
But let me make a thread about how many millions its sold... ok we know that.
Let me make a thread when a youtuber says PS4 is awesome....
Lets mae a thread if they release a new game on PS now....
if you get what I mean.
Facts are Facts:
Game pass is a great value product for 1st party games And such.
Its not different to PS now apart from 1st party games on launch. And you can download on PC.
its not making MS much money at the moment
Its doesnt let you own anything: Alot of consumers want to own there digital or disc based games.
MS does care about how many consoles they sell. Lets not pretend its all about gamepass for MS
Did you bother to check both the monetary and sentimental value of the games?Amazon.com: Xbox Game Pass: 12 Month Membership [Digital Code]: Video Games
Amazon.com: Xbox Game Pass: 12 Month Membership [Digital Code]: Video Gameswww.amazon.com
Xbox Game Pass: 12 Month Membership= $119
Amazon.com: Xbox Game Pass Ultimate: 1 Month Membership [Digital Code]: Video Games
Amazon.com: Xbox Game Pass Ultimate: 1 Month Membership [Digital Code]: Video Gameswww.amazon.com
Xbox Game Pass Ultimate: 3 Month Membership= $44.99
Xbox Game Pass Ultimate: 12 Month Membership = $ 179.99
PlayStation Now: 12 Month Subscription=$ 59.99
The Value Of Xbox Game Pass Keeps Getting More Insane ?????
Simple, the bulk of console sales are by casuals who don't hold as much loyalty to Sony or MS as the hardcore on here. Someone tells them what Game Pass is, how much it costs, and what games they get and a cheaper XSS looks very attractive. At least, that is what I believe the Xbox divisions hopes are. Many of them were probably 360 owners so seeing that Halo, Fable, Gears, Forza, etc will be included may also help "win" them back. Parents who want to get their kids a console see how many games their kids will have access to for a low price and how cheap XSS is may go with Xbox. Maybe not this year because XSS may still be expensive but there will be a cheap Xbox One S for those folks. Then in the coming years, MS should have the cheapest console year after year. I myself, as a parent will be way more likely to get my kids a XSS+GPU over a second PS5. They can play Spiderman on mine and they will have GPU for everything else.
You say games sell consoles, well Xbox's whole showcase featured games that are all launching on Game Pass. Then you still have 8-9 studios that didn't show anything yet.
It’s fine, every time someone argues that PS5 is better then a Series X Im yelling shill.
If you can, I can also.
Theeads are made over meaningless shit daily, that what keeps the forum moving.
Otherwise, everyone would buy the series X and get the best games there next gen and the forum would stagnate.
See what I did there? Shill?
So 3 games a year, what do you play outside those? And what if some of those don’t interest you?OK, but here’s the counter argument:
”I have a PS4. I will buy a Ps5, because I know it’ll have the exclusives I want.”
Did you bother to check both the monetary and sentimental value of the games?
Or are you just trying to be obtuse?
Im going with option 2.
PSNow has 1/5 of the subscribers for a reason, yet you want to pretend they are the same.
OK, but here’s the counter argument:
”I have a PS4. I will buy a Ps5, because I know it’ll have the exclusives I want.”
So they are the same..., except when they aren’t, and then we make excuses for them while getting mad at Gamepass.I feel PS now hasn’t really gone into full swing yet. They done a bad job with Gakai and not having there old PS1/PS2 titles on the service Right away. Like the whole PSP/PS3 and Vita library could be transferred to PS now...
Service wise, apart from not having 1st party games on launch and PS3 games for download.. I think they do a decent job, not the same amount of 3rd party games as Gamepass though.
Amazon.com: Xbox Game Pass: 12 Month Membership [Digital Code]: Video Games
Amazon.com: Xbox Game Pass: 12 Month Membership [Digital Code]: Video Gameswww.amazon.com
Xbox Game Pass: 12 Month Membership= $119
Amazon.com: Xbox Game Pass Ultimate: 1 Month Membership [Digital Code]: Video Games
Amazon.com: Xbox Game Pass Ultimate: 1 Month Membership [Digital Code]: Video Gameswww.amazon.com
Xbox Game Pass Ultimate: 3 Month Membership= $44.99
Xbox Game Pass Ultimate: 12 Month Membership = $ 179.99
PlayStation Now: 12 Month Subscription=$ 59.99
The Value Of Xbox Game Pass Keeps Getting More Insane ?????
I feel PS now hasn’t really gone into full swing yet. They done a bad job with Gakai and not having there old PS1/PS2 titles on the service Right away. Like the whole PSP/PS3 and Vita library could be transferred to PS now...
Service wise, apart from not having 1st party games on launch and PS3 games for download.. I think they do a decent job, not the same amount of 3rd party games as Gamepass though.
So essentially you're saying that you are smarter than Satya Nadella. That is both arrogant and exceedingly ridiculous, so I guess it makes sense that you play on Playstation.Once again, you are confusing "Big expensive company" with "it is run by smart people". And we have certainly seen plenty of horribly bad decisions made by these highly paid ceos, who then just walk off with a golden parachute while the lowly employee suffers. If you want to use MS's money as a shield for arguing how they can do no wrong, then I guess it makes sense why you play on Xbox.
honestly starting to wonder if Playstation exclusives are being shilled. the endless threads about the exact same subject is incredible. either that or a lot of insecurityhonestly starting to wonder if Gamepass is being shilled. the endless threads about the exact same subject is incredible. either that or a lot of insecurity
So they are the same..., except when they aren’t, and then we make excuses for them while getting mad at Gamepass.
It’s so convoluted how you hate it, but praise Now at the same time.
With the irrelevance of Xbox as a console these days (only 16% of gamers surveyed in the UK intend to buy xbox), I can't see this service doing more then 25M subs at it's peak. Eventually the price will be raised too which won't help.
Back in the 360 days MS surely had 25M+ gold subs and they were paying just for online? That sub service would have been way more profitable then this will ever be.
Every black Friday and holiday sales I buy 10-15 games for about $100. They keep me going for the year until the next holiday and the added bonus of actually owning these games properly. I'll never sub to ps now as long as I can buy the games I want for cheap.
They already are #1. The upcoming battle is ecosystem vs. ecosystem, not hardware unit sales vs. hardware unit sales. MS are heading into next-gen with a headstart. I hope that Sony doesn't notice. Sony fans certainly don't, as this forum proves.Throwing money at everything doesn't win. Microsoft would be #1 if it were.
They already are #1. The upcoming battle is ecosystem vs. ecosystem, not hardware unit sales vs. hardware unit sales. MS are heading into next-gen with a headstart. I hope that Sony doesn't notice. Sony fans certainly don't, as this forum proves.
GPU includes the same value PS+(Games with Gold) does plus Game Pass. For the price of 3 games you get all of the games in Xbox's showcase plus countless indies and big 3rd party games. If Sony's full showcase came with PSNow you'd be just as as excited as we are about GPU.
My hope is that Sony doubles down on it similar to MS. I'd have two subs and would be in gaming nirvana. They don't see the need at the moment, but maybe later...
I honestly can't tell if this is sarcasm or meant to be taken seriously.Its posts like this that shows how delusional some fans are....
I mean selling half of the competition, being taken over by Nintendo in half the time. And MS isnt making much money off gamepass And still thinking your number 1 lol.
Its not ecosystem vs ecosystem.
Who moved the goal posts lol? Its still about consoles, and games sold.
MS is already the richest if thats whats important to you
I honestly can't tell if this is sarcasm or meant to be taken seriously.
Does PS Now support multiplayer for both PS4 and PC?
Yes, games in the PlayStation Now library support multiplayer, just like the retail versions of the game. Multiplayer invites can also be sent and received, just like normal.
In addition, you can enjoy PS4 and PS3 multiplayer games online through PS Now without a PlayStation Plus subscription. PS Plus is required for online multiplayer access for PS4 and PS3 games outside of the PS Now service.
PlayStation Now: Everything You Need to Know
The game streaming and downloading service gets some big changes starting today.blog.playstation.com
For the price of 3 games you get all of the games in Xbox's showcase plus countless indies and big 3rd party games. ?
Confirmed upcoming Xbox Game Pass games due 2020:
- Tell Me Why - Chapter 1 (August 21st, 2020)
- Tell Me Why - Chapter 2 (September 3rd, 2020)
- Tell Me Why - Chapter 3 (September 10th, 2020)
- Destiny 2 expansions Forsaken, Shadowkeep (September 2020)
- Destiny 2 expansion Beyond Light (November 10th, 2020)
- Halo Infinite (late 2020)
- Tetris Effect: Connected (Xbox One, Xbox Series X and PC, coming 2020)
- The Medium (PC and Xbox Series X, release 2020)
- Call of the Sea (2020)
Psychonauts 2 / STALKER 2 2021
Forza Motorsport/ Warhammer 40,000: Darktide / Everwild /Hellblade 2 2021/2022
Avowed / Fable / State of Decay 3 2022/2023
Can you stop foaming at the mouth because you don't like Xbox, thanks.Lol. Can the same people stop having bokkake over it everyday?
Theres 2 threads about it today.
Fun Fact you don't even need a Series X or Series S or PC you can used XCloud to play the games on Gamepass with your phone or even Smart TV the value for the casual gamer is out of this world.
Apparently you didn't see their financial report. Or you are just trolling pretending a billion-dollar company that makes billions a year has no idea what they're doing. Troll post won't be tolerated.What’s even funnier than that is people who believe MS has a clue what it’s doing in any of its divisions. Propping up the win32/UWP fiasco as evidence of anything other than chaos is not good.
Apparently you didn't see their financial report. Or you are just trolling pretending a billion-dollar company that makes billions a year has no idea what they're doing. Troll post won't be tolerated.
Can you stop foaming at the mouth because you don't like Xbox, thanks.
Xcloud.Said it before, say it again... GamePass is a great deal if you’re already an Xbox or PC gamer. But I don’t see how it gets fresh people to buy into the ecosystem, given how expensive a PC or Xbox is to buy. And if your marketing strategy is only to retain existing customers, you will be in trouble quickly. Services don’t sell consoles, games do.
Exactly, I don't know why people can't comprehend that.Xcloud.
This. It's dangerous to condition your customer to no longer buy games IMORIP Xbox Series X sales.
The service they provide are the games inside of game pass. Plus you have xcloud. So Selling consoles are a thing of the past.Said it before, say it again... GamePass is a great deal if you’re already an Xbox or PC gamer. But I don’t see how it gets fresh people to buy into the ecosystem, given how expensive a PC or Xbox is to buy. And if your marketing strategy is only to retain existing customers, you will be in trouble quickly. Services don’t sell consoles, games do.
If you buy gamepass you are buying games.This. It's dangerous to condition your customer to no longer buy games IMO
Shut the fuck upAs with most things, it’s all my fault.
Rumor - Rumour: Microsoft intends to launch the Xbox Series X before the PS5 by any means, even if the launch games are affected
Rumour: Microsoft intends to launch the Xbox Series X before the PS5 by any means, even if the games are affected Microsoft will try its best to release the Xbox Series X console before the PlayStation 5, even if for this it has to sacrifice the quality of a number of starting games. The team of...www.neogaf.com
honestly starting to wonder if Gamepass is being shilled. the endless threads about the exact same subject is incredible. either that or a lot of insecurity
it would be like 5 threads a week made by nintendo or sony fans about how many highly rated exclusives they have.
and it's funny to see how many people MS have successfully convinced that console sales aren't important.