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How about an easy mode for Elden Ring?


I really don't understand this notion about the souls games being hard. you have multiple weapons, stat level ups, all kinds of buffs and online multiplayer to beat any bosses. You aren't locked out of making the game super easy. You are given a choice to play however you want. Do these people who whine about the difficulty not want to do any leveling up, buy weapons, explore or even play the game at all? I really don't get it.


I would love to see game journalist’s reaction to Magnamalo fight in MHRise demo.

This guy is waaaay harder than any Soul/Sekiro bosses.
They did that on purpose for a challenge.
In the full game it will be way easier because you'll be equipped with better armour and weapons.


Get good, kid

The difficulty is absolutely core to the experience in FROM's souls-formula games. There are a great many fans of this core experience. There are a metric shitload of other games with all sorts of difficulty options/cheats/etc. As a big fan of the souls games, I absolutely have a valid criticism that they should not appease "expanded userbase" maybes at the expense of the fans of the series.

The problem with this comparison is that Soulsbourne isn't like Forza, it's not an arcadesim...it's more like iRacing, which doesn't have assists and practically requires a wheel setup. An easy mode would defeat the entire purpose of the series. The whole point is to be brutally difficult and kill you over and over and over and over until you either give up...or overcome the challenge

Why quote me and tell me things I already know and incorporated in my posts.

I for one understand where they're coming from but the implementation of it in a game like Elden Ring would nullify and therefore ruin the whole pure core essence of the experience the artists finely want to convey.

You can want an easy mode, but if it detracts so much it destroys the pure initial fundamental experience... I mean.. its actually pretty fucking assholish to even post an article like that where it reads like their take is a fucking given and oh so normal..

I doubt the writer doesnt know what he wrote is wack but inclusion signaling = views = mahneyy I guess??

I went beyond the silly sentiment in the OP and started to free think about difficulty sliders and such in games in fucking general.

Edit: I swear I thought about putting a fucking disclaimer in on of my previous posts so i wouldn't get these reactions but i thought the better of it, jokes on me =p
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Firstly, having a number of sliders and options for combat could make the game’s many encounters far more manageable. With Elden Ring’s assist mode on, it could enable a multitude of creative modifiers, from weapon reach, parry times, and stamina usage, to enemy damage, regenerative health, or the removal of status ailments. While Souls purists may see this as a dumbing down, others will see this crucial customisation as nothing but empowering, allowing them to beat Elden Ring in a way that works for them.
Oh u mean like this?

Trainers already exist if that is what you need. Let hackers and modders worry about this shit. I would rather From create a new badass enemy than spend 1 second making a parry window slider.
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Souls games always had an Easy Mode, its called Co-Op.

Also farming souls and leveling up is another way to make the game very easy and even broken if you do it too much.

The fact that thers not a menu with Easy Mode option, dosent mean the game dont have ways to make it easy.
Why quote me and tell me things I already know and incorporated in my posts.

I went beyond the silly sentiment in the OP and started to free think about difficulty sliders and such in games in fucking general.

Edit: I swear I thought about putting a fucking disclaimer in on of my previous posts so i wouldn't get these reactions but i thought the better of it, jokes on me =p
I missed that it was you that posted the earlier posts, which made it come across like you were commenting on the need for difficulty in Soulsbourne itself. Easily done, it is what it is
Are these people blind? If you want Souls games to be easy just abuse summons or magic. The option has always been there, and I'm sure Elden Ring will be no different.


Oh u mean like this?

Trainers already exist if that is what you need. Let hackers and modders worry about this shit. I would rather From create a new badass enemy than spend 1 second making a parry window slider.

I'm good on trainers. Maybe some boots.


The nicest person on this forum
They did that on purpose for a challenge.
In the full game it will be way easier because you'll be equipped with better armour and weapons.
Yeah, in this demo you are severely under equipped and barely time to beat it, but even with all that stack against you, it still very possible to beat it.

It took me awhile but I finally managed to beat it.

I'm not exactly what you would call "high skill player" but If I can beat this guy then most people can beat Souls games.
Problem is these days most people don't want engage with the game and they want the game beats itself it for them with zero effort.
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This again? I though we reach a consensus that they're that way as a core design of Soul games, not to frustrate the players.

I’m not even excited for Elden Ring but I would love for it to have an easy mode just to see people get mad.
kanye west shrug GIF

Oh yeah, the usual jerk attitude.

"I don't care about this game or franchise, but I would love them to do that just to piss their fans. Haha, take that!
I won't be buying the game either way though."
If you're asking for an easy mode in Souls, you just don't get it. You're not excluded because of a lack of skill. You're excluded because you haven't stuck with the games long enough to understand the point.

The games aren't overly difficult outside of a few select portions, but they do require learning a different way of approaching the games. If you get rid of that, you get rid of what makes the games special. Giving players the option, only ensures they'll never get it.


I don't play these types of games due to their trial and error mechanics, but I sure as fuck don't demand them to cater to my preference while ruining it for someone else.

The heart of these games is their punishing difficulty and if that becomes an option instead of forcing you to figure it out, the spirit of the game has been ruined.


This again? I though we reach a consensus that they're that way as a core design of Soul games, not to frustrate the players.

Oh yeah, the usual jerk attitude.

"I don't care about this game or franchise, but I would love them to do that just to piss their fans. Haha, take that!
I won't be buying the game either way though."

Airbus Jr


Why are youre making fun of peoples whos being faithfull to the original?

The game never had and never will have any easy mode

Dumbing down the game mechanics to caters to people who refuses to learn the game design is great idea?

Cos thats whats happened to game like Diablo, Dragon Age, Elder Scrolls, etc

The game get casualized and getting worse ever since

Is that what you want to happened to this series? Perhaps not
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It won't happen but not because people don't want it. The developers don't want it. Their games are not that hard you just have to be willing to learn. If you don't want to then find some other game to play.
Never. FROM games aren't even that difficult. Accessibility options for the disabled are obviously fine but anything that makes the game easier, no. The difficulty is clearly part of the design and the games would not work as well without it. Not all games are for everyone.

And no, being "bad" at games is not a disability.


Nah, let them balance the game however they want. Sekiro is way too hard for me and my reflexes but I'll just play something else, I won't cry in a corner
You don't even need fast reflex.
You are playing it wrong.
All you do is hold guard to block and start tapping to parry when under attack. Also listen for the distinctive sound of the enemy deflecting your attack so you know to hold guard and start tapping for a parry.


Never have I seen a coherent argument put together for the need to dumb down the mechanics of a specific genre so that people who don't like the genre could destroy a niche that is loved by it's fans.

I can't handle yaoi and I want it more accessible, so why not demand the removal of gay characters from it so I could join in on the consumption?

Git Gud.
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Gold Member

"I see people argue that difficulty and accessibility are often confused, but they're becoming the same damn thing"

irony GIF


This is the same mentality as giving kids medals for coming last in the running race on sports day....someone once said,you have to learn to loose before you can learn to win.
Certain types just want shit given to them these days....let me tell you,I was a fat kid at school,coming last never did me any harm and Elden Rings bosses beating the crap out of me over and over won't do me any harm either.....it's all good character building stuff,lol.


How about the game gets a release date before crying about the difficulty?

I don't care if there is one or not. But there are always things you can do to make the souls games much easier.
On most games I wouldn't mind. But when it comes to games like Elden Ring and Nioh, I absolutely don't want an easy mode.

Changing the difficulty of these games will almost fundamentally change its appeal and design. With games like these, it takes an incredible amount of effort balancing everything revolving around the combat. Adding an easy mode would probably take away resources to balance the 'standard' mode, which is the way the developers imagine how the game will be played.

Messing with how the developers intend you to play these games would definitely impact the player's experience in a negative way.

In a world where it's so important to have great review scores, and where meeting the expectations the companies have set up for themselves, their games and their fan base, is paramount, adding an easy mode and messing about with balancing these kinds of games will certainly not benefit anyone.
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FFS you don't even have to git gud, you just need to be WILLING to LEARN and APPLY yourself. It's a series where patience, caution, guile and restraint pays off. It's not hard, it simply requires investment and an understanding that the game isn't remotely interested in letting you sit back while it plays itself. It insists that you to join in, take part, and earn your victories.

It's one of the few remaining videogame series which wants you to improve yourself by allowing no other option or easy way out. We should cherish these things, not abolish them.
I’ve only played Demons Souls so far and I get why people don’t want an easy mode in the game to some extent but can someone please explain to me properly why an easy mode would ruin the game?

I mean I think I get it. The whole game is based around the challenge and being slow methodical and careful so take that away and it’s just a simple hack and slash but if someone wants to play it that way why not? Why does it hurt to give the more casual crowd a slightly less challenging version a chance to enjoy the experience? Like say you don’t lose your souls when you die or slightly more health? Is it really so bad? I’m genuinely curious. Maybe I just don’t get it because I’ve only played one of the games From made.

Im completely stuck in demons souls for my platinum run. I finished my first run with full black character tendency and my NG+ is just so hard to accomplish anything. I just can’t get past any of the bosses I get hammered and my health is like a third of my entire bar. Grinding souls and levels seems to make so little difference it’s pointless. It’s so damn hard I’ve almost given up on going for a platinum. I really cbf starting from scratch with a new character to get the spell achievement and I’d have to go NG+ with that run also. Maybe I will one day, just wish I could get my character tendency up but I need to beat some bosses to do it and it’s fkn hard. I could use a difficulty slider right now haha!


What's the point having schools? Just built universities and it will force people to have a big IQ. -Fromsoftware
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Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
I hope its not as hard as Sekiro personally. Playing Demons Souls on PS5 was a breath of fresh air. Much more about exploration and creativity than purely beating your head against a wall.
The only thing worse than journalists begging for an easy mode is people that act like the begging is a personal attack. From Software has a pretty clear stance on easy modes in its games. Your rage is manufactured.
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