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Returnal PS5 is only 60 euros on Amazon.it


Random Q, but is the way PS and Xbox handle different regional purchases different?

I recently bought Diablo from Eneba Argentina store as it was £5 vs £20. I only needed to redeem the key via MS store and just use an Argentina VPN. I didn't need to create another account in South America.

Is this not how PS does it? Is it not possible to redeem a different regions keys on your main account via a VPN.... You have to create a regional account?

No need for a VPN with PSN.

Dr Kaneda

Am I paying for a videogame? Yes or no? Since I'm paying for a videogame, I think I'm entitled to the kind of experience I'd like to have. It has no relation to anything sexual, I want pleasing visuals. I mean, if middle aged angry Karens are what you like to see as protagonists, then I'm glad for you.

However, let's not cheapen morality and pretend that consuming a videogame with horseface makes you a better person. Someone who holds their entire morality to the type of media they consume are the ones that must have an incredibly empty and dull existence, morality is much more complex than that.
But you're talking about the attractiveness of the character. You’re not complaining because the visuals are low resolution, amuturely drawn etc.. You’re literally complaining only about the attractive (or lack of) appearance of the character. That's by definition a sexual connotation.

No one is even remotely talking about "morality". Easy up. These are videos games lol. It's people like you and the Era freaks that are obsessed with conversations like that and think everyone is a boogeyman from the opposing side. For the rest of us we genuinely don't care whether a character is a blonde blue eyed waifu dream or if she's a horse faced 50 year old Karen. That's how sane people operate.

Pedro Motta

Gold Member
You greatly overestimate how much energy I spend thinking about this game. I pretty much reply just to expand my ideas and why I'm entitled to express my opinion and its foundation.

Further, given that a significant part of Returnal's marketing seems to be woke representation of middle aged Karens, then it's a fair talking point I feel since that's what they are putting front and center.

What actually drives my curiosity is the equation of "I buy a game with a weird protagonist, therefore I am a better person" that is the underlying point of the people that reply to me.

But fair enough, I've expressed my point of view, and you are entitled to feeling like you accomplished one of the most important things in your life by buying a game with an unpleasant looking protagonist. Good for you buddy. :)
Who the fuck said "I buy a game with a weird protagonist, therefore I am a better person" ?

The gameplay is good, the graphics are good, the sound is good, why do I care about the character that I'm constantly seeing her back.

You are the one that's exagerating and thinking whoever buys this game is because of the main character.

I don't buy God of War because I love Kratos's beard and muscles....but I guess you do.


I can't imagine how warped your perception of reality would have to be to be to think a game is woke because its protagonist is an older woman.

And that because it's an older woman it somehow makes a game not worth getting. It's not the gameplay, not even the actual graphics. But a character model.

Is that what neogaf has come to? Is this place really gone that deep in the stupid hole?

(The answer is yes)


I can't imagine how warped your perception of reality would have to be to be to think a game is woke because its protagonist is an older woman.

And that because it's an older woman it somehow makes a game not worth getting. It's not the gameplay, not even the actual graphics. But a character model.

Is that what neogaf has come to? Is this place really gone that deep in the stupid hole?

(The answer is yes)
is not neogaf. is a few idiots but that about it. basically, they come from 4chan and shit everywhere they go like. you just see a trail of shit follow them around. just put on ignore and feel they don't exist
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But you're talking about the attractiveness of the character. You’re not complaining because the visuals are low resolution, amuturely drawn etc.. You’re literally complaining only about the attractive (or lack of) appearance of the character. That's by definition a sexual connotation.

No one is even remotely talking about "morality". Easy up. These are videos games lol. It's people like you and the Era freaks that are obsessed with conversations like that and think everyone is a boogeyman from the opposing side. For the rest of us we genuinely don't care whether a character is a blonde blue eyed waifu dream or if she's a horse faced 50 year old Karen. That's how sane people operate.

Oh my god, it's like I'm talking to a child that just left their first gender identity class. Your character is a big part of the appeal of the videogame, your avatar that you will control throughout the game.

Let's take Devil May Cry. A big part of the identity of the game are the cast of characters: a group of cool people with the capacity of doing otherworldly acts, fighting included. If you weren't playing as Dante but instead, let's say Bob from accounting with a beer belly, with a bit of a humpback, you'd instantly change the game.

Why is Mario so liked? Yes, the platforming is great, but the IP is valuable not just for the mere mechanics, but the image of a fun, cute and family friendly Italian plumber cartoony avatar.

The great majority of people don't like playing with an unappealing main character. People spent a lot of money trying to figure out what people want to play as, and it happens for a reason.

As I mentioned, it's not sex appeal, but rather tone. She didn't have to be a blonde ultra hot waifu, she doesn't even need to be young. Look at The Boss, that's an amazing, appealing design of an older woman. I love it, it's cool, tasteful and appealing. Instead we have a menopausic, angry Karen.

Your post is funny, you get offended by my point about your entire motivation being about being a better person because you "dare" to play as an ugly character, yet you berate me for telling you the truth about what people actually like, as well as live in a wonderland where visual beings don't care about visuals. You amuse me.


As I mentioned, it's not sex appeal, but rather tone. She didn't have to be a blonde ultra hot waifu, she doesn't even need to be young. Look at The Boss, that's an amazing, appealing design of an older woman. I love it, it's cool, tasteful and appealing. Instead we have a menopausic, angry Karen.
lmfao. how can you contradict yourself in the same sentence

Dr Kaneda

Oh my god, it's like I'm talking to a child that just left their first gender identity class.
You're literally the only here talking about identity politics, morality etc... in video games. You're honestly a bit obsessed with this stuff mate but I'm not going to respond in a snarky way since I've seen enough in your post to suggest we can have a sincere discussion.

Your character is a big part of the appeal of the videogame, your avatar that you will control throughout the game.

No one is disputing it's part of the appeal of video games. What they are disputing is the massive disproportionate amount of importance you're placing on and how your being disingenuous about it.

I'll deal with the later part later on in this reply but as for the former just to give you few examples for myself:

I hate the way the lady in Control looks. She's looks really annoying, and even the petty things like design of her boots annoy me (I had to change her outfit to the yellow suit). Also in TLoU2 I actually also agree with some of people's critiques of Abby. I massively prefer the character design of Ellie over her and even in terms of Abby herself I don't like the parts where she's sleeveless (don't like sleeveless characters in general men or women) vs when she's wearing a jacket.

BUT these issues wasn't anywhere near a major problem in the slightest that prevented me from enjoying the games because everything else, moment to moment gameplay, graphics, levels etc.. you know stuff that ACTUALLY matters far more, we're really, really good.

An inverse example would be Leon from RE4. I really like his character design (and the entire design/aesthetic of RE4 in general) but that isn't enough to make me enjoy the game because there's so many issues I have personally with the gameplay loop, camera and controls.

Let's take Devil May Cry. A big part of the identity of the game are the cast of characters: a group of cool people with the capacity of doing otherworldly acts, fighting included. If you weren't playing as Dante but instead, let's say Bob from accounting with a beer belly, with a bit of a humpback, you'd instantly change the game.
This is an example of that disingenuousness that I mentioned earlier. The design of women in Returnal looks 100% like a female army/space pilot, Google pictures of female army/space pilots and they look in keeping with the design of this character without question.

The example you've used here of a beer belly accountant with a humpback being the main character in DMC would be equivalent to if the character in Returnal was a fat, purple haired pre-transition blogger or something. Or if she was a petite 18 year old in a school girls uniform with massive breasts. But that's not the case, the overall design of the women in Returnal does not have in dissonance with the theme of the game.

Why is Mario so liked? Yes, the platforming is great, but the IP is valuable not just for the mere mechanics, but the image of a fun, cute and family friendly Italian plumber cartoony avatar.
Different games have different selling points. Stuff like Mario, Sonic, Crash etc.. are mascot games so the design of the character is immensely important. Look at another extremely valuable IP like COD, literally none of the characters/designs are recognisable or memorable in the slightest. The point you're trying to make here is extremely weak.

The great majority of people don't like playing with an unappealing main character. People spent a lot of money trying to figure out what people want to play as, and it happens for a reason.
There's a difference between a totally and completely unappealing main character, like having a beer belly accountant in DMC or a fat tranny in Returnal vs having a character that you're not 100% in love with. The majority of people do not like every single thing about every single main character they play, but it's such a minor the gripe that it does not prevent them from enjoying the MAIN ELEMENTS OF THE VIDEO GAME. That's what I and others find so bizarre about position here, that you think just the face of the women from Returnal (which you're not even going to see the VAST MAJORITY of the times) is so bad that it's make or break for you in terms of buying.

As I mentioned, it's not sex appeal, but rather tone. She didn't have to be a blonde ultra hot waifu, she doesn't even need to be young. Look at The Boss, that's an amazing, appealing design of an older woman. I love it, it's cool, tasteful and appealing. Instead we have a menopausic, angry Karen.
Nah I'm sorry but you're lying here. Sex appeal is clearly the element for you because the "tone" of the women in Returnal is perfectly fine. As I said she literally looks like female in the army/space pilot. Those women aren't lookers, they're munters. And bringing up The Boss just further proves it is about sex appeal since The Boss is a good looking/attractive character. So it's not a matter of "tone" that you want you literally want attractive characters, attractiveness has sexual connotations.

Your post is funny, you get offended by my point about your entire motivation being about being a better person because you "dare" to play as an ugly character, yet you berate me for telling you the truth about what people actually like, as well as live in a wonderland where visual beings don't care about visuals. You amuse me.
Mate nobody on here thinks they are a "better person" because of what video game character they play, loool. You're so deep into the REEEEra rabbit hole that they've got you on strings 24/7 and you're obsessively seeing them everywhere. it's a VIDEO GAME. It's not that deep. Re-lax. You're just as freakish as them with your "I will ONLY play games with [sexually] visual pleasing characters".

As I said before for us sane people we don't cry and seethe and refuse to play a game if our video game characters aren't black trans SJW and we don't seethe and refuse to play a game if our video game characters don't give us erections.
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