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Games You Wanted To Experience Upon Release

As I was moving through the rain-soaked trees of Yamatai. Covered in bruises and bodily fluids, all the while being pursued by a pack of wolves, I had an epiphany. I was engrossed and captivated by this adventure, I wanted to experience every morsel of it, every collectable, every tomb, every broken branch, every step. There's been few games which commanded my attention as Tomb Raider 2013 did. From the detailed and expansive environments to the smooth and seamless animations, to the breathtaking action set-pieces coupled with stellar audio design, it was an absolute pleasure to behold. Unfortunately for me I had to experience it so long after it's initial release, I would have been happier talking about it here as we all explored the dangerous island of Yamatai together.

And that's the reason I created this thread, to talk about those games more enjoyable upon release. Your reasons don't have to be the same as mine. They could involve games with multiplayer communities long gone, titles ruined by incompetent developers through unnecessary patches or tweaks, or maybe those that were taken offline altogether due to lack of support. Submit your selections below.



Tomb Raider 2013 - Wanted to experience the dangers of Yamatai with my fellow tomb raiders.

Unreal Tournament - Used to play this all the time, but not in 1999 when the shock combos and community were strongest.


Nosgoth - Despite owning a copy, I never actually played this before it went offline. It still taunts me in my Steam library.
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Resident evil village is one of mine but just dont have the money. Also Tribes back in the day was one of the best gaming experiences i've ever had and wish something could recapture that.
Resident evil village is one of mine but just dont have the money. Also Tribes back in the day was one of the best gaming experiences i've ever had and wish something could recapture that.
Resident Evil Village wasn't the answer I was expecting lol, I plan to see a lot of nostalgia in this thread. As for Tribes, are you talking about Starsiege: Tribes or Tribes: Ascend?



Kev Kev



because many of us (all of us?) had no idea you’d be playing with a partner at all. And then all the sudden this AI partner pops up like 20 minutes in. Then you realize it’s acting bizarre, like it’s trying to get your attention, and you’re man damn this AI is strange but smart. And more and more weird things start to happen until you realize it isn’t an AI at all but another human somewhere in the world.

It’s a total surprise that I did not expect, and going into it without knowing made it so much more exciting when you figured out what was really happening. As a result, I spent hours going through this Journey with this other human who I couldn’t even speak to. Right before the end we stopped and found an weird way to say bye lol, and you got the feeling neither of you wanted it to end, or scared that you may never get to find out who this person was, so you didn’t want to walk forward which would end the game. You eventually do and it’s really bitter sweet.

Incredible experience that was weirdly touching by the end of it, and it really was so much more exciting experiencing it upon release without knowing that you’ll be joined but other players along the way.


Gold Member
Not into day one launch games anymore, but years back getting COD on day one was important. Its such a different game at the early stages when everyone is learning the maps and havent maxed out levels and gear.

And back then COD was more popular among my friends list. Now, most people don't even play the series anymore. But during 360 when a new COD came out, half my friends list would be playing it after dinner and many of us would party up.

Codes 208

Dark Souls and Bloodborne, I got into both years after their initial launches (dark souls 3 and sekiro I got into at launch however, though I dropped the former for a few years before I attempted again and fell in love with the series.) I eventually played through and beat everything else, barring the og demon souls, then played through sekiro from beginning to end at its launch so sekiro is technically the first I played through at launch. Dark Souls Remaster being the second and Demon souls PS5 being my third and you can bet I plan on playing through elden ring at launch
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Nothing will ever quite recapture being there for the early days of PSO on Dreamcast. Other games I made the right choice of getting sooner than later:

Mario 64
Ocarina of Time
Pokemon Blue
PC version of Halo 1
Sonic Adventure


Final Fantasy VI and VII.

I played them really late and I would have enjoyed them much more on release, especially VI. The navigation in menus, comparing equipment etc... was too archaic and impaired a bit my experience.

Still was blown away by both.


I was big into competitive online when I was younger. My game at the time was Counter Strike 1.6 and then Source. It was so popular and so much fun. Not to brag, but the satisfaction I got when I was accused of cheating was amazing. I really felt part of a cultural event. And the BF2 game out and I got that very close to release and some of the best gaming experiences in my hobby. And then that was it.

Ever since then I've been lagging behind, missing out on the big occasion of the COD releases, the next BF and CS:GO. Each time when I eventually give the games go I am shit compared to the other players. I wish I could have the early years back again (doesn't everyone).

That said this is a result of opening up to other games; single player and coop. I love playing coop with my friends. And the quality of SP games is so high they are hard to ignore.




because many of us (all of us?) had no idea you’d be playing with a partner at all. And then all the sudden this AI partner pops up like 20 minutes in. Then you realize it’s acting bizarre, like it’s trying to get your attention, and you’re man damn this AI is strange but smart. And more and more weird things start to happen until you realize it isn’t an AI at all but another human somewhere in the world.

It’s a total surprise that I did not expect, and going into it without knowing made it so much more exciting when you figured out what was really happening. As a result, I spent hours going through this Journey with this other human who I couldn’t even speak to. Right before the end we stopped and found an weird way to say bye lol, and you got the feeling neither of you wanted it to end, or scared that you may never get to find out who this person was, so you didn’t want to walk forward which would end the game. You eventually do and it’s really bitter sweet.

Incredible experience that was weirdly touching by the end of it, and it really was so much more exciting experiencing it upon release without knowing that you’ll be joined but other players along the way.
Years later I sometimes I forget why Journey won so many GOTY awards despite how simple it is, but this is a great reminder of the experience I had playing it


Gold Member
I always play games on release. I was lucky enough to experience most of my favorite games of this and last-gen this way.

I have a well-organized life and always find ways to manage some free time for it.

Some of my finest gaming memories come from playing through those games "blind" and unspoiled.

Nowadays you're 100% guaranteed to have any game spoiled for you by youtube thumbnails by some truly notorious assholes that will always somehow make it into your feed if you watch gaming-related content.

Whenever a game I want to play comes out I usually binge it to completion and avoid the internet along the way.
I assumed this thread was dead as Arimer was the only person to respond to it. Goes to show how posting at the correct time can bring that American audience.
Starseige tribes of course. man that was some fun times back in my college days.
Never actually played those games and I’ve only heard of Starsiege: Tribes due to it being on one of Gamespot’s Greatest Games of all Time lists.
Another FPS from the 90s. I chose UT because it was more fleshed out and interactive than Quake, but I can’t imagine competing with guys like Thresh and Fatality Wendel back in the day.
Not into day one launch games anymore, but years back getting COD on day one was important. Its such a different game at the early stages when everyone is learning the maps and havent maxed out levels and gear.

And back then COD was more popular among my friends list. Now, most people don't even play the series anymore. But during 360 when a new COD came out, half my friends list would be playing it after dinner and many of us would party up.
Only checked out the COD games a little and Black Ops/MW were easily the best arcs. The multiplayer would have been packed upon release before being populated by cheaters.
Dark Souls and Bloodborne, I got into both years after their initial launches (dark souls 3 and sekiro I got into at launch however, though I dropped the former for a few years before I attempted again and fell in love with the series.) I eventually played through and beat everything else, barring the og demon souls, then played through sekiro from beginning to end at its launch so sekiro is technically the first I played through at launch. Dark Souls Remaster being the second and Demon souls PS5 being my third and you can bet I plan on playing through elden ring at launch
Only a matter of time before Bloodbourne found it’s way into this thread. Everybody on NeoGAF has a hardon for it and whilst I’ve never played it, I don’t think I want to with how dark and dim the lighting and environments are.
Nothing will ever quite recapture being there for the early days of PSO on Dreamcast. Other games I made the right choice of getting sooner than later:

Mario 64
Ocarina of Time
Pokemon Blue
PC version of Halo 1
Sonic Adventure
PC version of Halo 1? I actually played that with my siblings in around 2003. Shame we never checked out the multiplayer.
I never want to experience any game upon release. Waiting for sales, hotfixes and patches has become the wiser choice.
Or because you’re secretly a penny-pincher 😂?




because many of us (all of us?) had no idea you’d be playing with a partner at all. And then all the sudden this AI partner pops up like 20 minutes in. Then you realize it’s acting bizarre, like it’s trying to get your attention, and you’re man damn this AI is strange but smart. And more and more weird things start to happen until you realize it isn’t an AI at all but another human somewhere in the world.

It’s a total surprise that I did not expect, and going into it without knowing made it so much more exciting when you figured out what was really happening. As a result, I spent hours going through this Journey with this other human who I couldn’t even speak to. Right before the end we stopped and found an weird way to say bye lol, and you got the feeling neither of you wanted it to end, or scared that you may never get to find out who this person was, so you didn’t want to walk forward which would end the game. You eventually do and it’s really bitter sweet.

Incredible experience that was weirdly touching by the end of it, and it really was so much more exciting experiencing it upon release without knowing that you’ll be joined but other players along the way.

Happy to see these reactions as I believe the game is based on our ancient times, Ubar and Iram of the Pillars (Atlantis of the Sands).
The original Dark Souls release. I was there for Bloodborne and the theory + wtf really is this game was epic as people slowly discover the true nature of Yharnam.
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I don't usually go out of my way for day one releases, but Halo 2 and Halo 3 I did. Halo 2 damn near made me miss turning in my final assignment in a law school class. I took the day off of work for Halo 3.


Everquest sounded so cool back in the day, but I never ended up playing it. Probably better in my middle school imagination than in fact anyway, but I'll always wonder.

Missed out on, essentially, the entire SNES library back when I would have had the time and patience to play it. With how impactful Chrono Trigger was even years later, I can only imagine how other classics would have hit.

I've started FF7, and it's intriguing, but it lacks the wonder and grandeur it might have had back in the day. Plus, a certain well-known spoiler moment doesn't have the same impact now that it's a meme.

More recently, I'd like to have played Half Lylife: Alyx on release, though that has more to do with impatience than a fear of missing an essential part of the experience. I doubt I'll lose much by waiting for the VR library to grow and hardware to become cheaper.


As I was moving through the rain-soaked trees of Yamatai. Covered in bruises and bodily fluids, all the while being pursued by a pack of wolves, I had an epiphany. I was engrossed and captivated by this adventure, I wanted to experience every morsel of it, every collectable, every tomb, every broken branch, every step. There's been few games which commanded my attention as Tomb Raider 2013 did. From the detailed and expansive environments to the smooth and seamless animations, to the breathtaking action set-pieces coupled with stellar audio design, it was an absolute pleasure to behold. Unfortunately for me I had to experience it so long after it's initial release, I would have been happier talking about it here as we all explored the dangerous island of Yamatai together.

And that's the reason I created this thread, to talk about those games more enjoyable upon release. Your reasons don't have to be the same as mine. They could involve games with multiplayer communities long gone, titles ruined by incompetent developers through unnecessary patches or tweaks, or maybe those that were taken offline altogether due to lack of support. Submit your selections below.



Tomb Raider 2013 - Wanted to experience the dangers of Yamatai with my fellow tomb raiders.

Unreal Tournament - Used to play this all the time, but not in 1999 when the shock combos and community were strongest.


Nosgoth - Despite owning a copy, I never actually played this before it went offline. It still taunts me in my Steam library.
What a great topic!

I especially appreciate how you’ve clearly dig deep to verbalize your feelings.

I often - and I think many, many of us do - hunt for THESE MOMENTS with our games. They have become, somehow even as games have gotten bigger and more immersive, more rare.

that moment when a game has captured you with all its tendrils; art, design, gameplay, feel, mechanics, story, atmosphere....it’s such a pure and powerful blip of joy.

I’m currently having one of those moments with a return play of God of War 2018. I played it on launch and loved it deeply then, but something about the 60fps/PS5 play through has surpassed my original play through.

another few quick shout-outs for this:

prey 2017
Persona 5
Ghost of Tsushima
Resident Evil 4 and Remake
Resident Evil Village
The Evil Within 2
Dark Souls


The 2006-2009 period of PS3 exclusives (Metal Gear Solid 4, Uncharted, Killzone 2, Demon's Souls, Resistance, Motorstorm, R&C Future, Heavenly Sword, PixelJunk, inFAMOUS, L.A.I.R, HAZE, Folklore, Siren: Blood Curse, 3D Dot Game Heroes...)

Those were... interesting times for sure.
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I don't usually go out of my way for day one releases, but Halo 2 and Halo 3 I did. Halo 2 damn near made me miss turning in my final assignment in a law school class. I took the day off of work for Halo 3.
Were you one of the fortunate people who bought a copy from the GameStop Bill Gates was hosting at?
Everquest sounded so cool back in the day, but I never ended up playing it. Probably better in my middle school imagination than in fact anyway, but I'll always wonder.
I think about these old school MMORPGs too and what it must have been like back in the day. Everquest, Asheron’s Call, Ultima Online and so on. One I wanted to experience was Shadowbane but it went offline before I had the chance.



Death Stranding....had loved the look of the game from the very first reveal.Wanted to get in early with all the online integration as I thought it might end up being a bit of a niche game that fell off quickly.Played it on release day and every day after for a month solid and it was really great watching the world being altered around me by other players....164hrs later and it was one of my favorite experiences on PS4 and ever in gaming tbh.


because many of us (all of us?) had no idea you’d be playing with a partner at all. And then all the sudden this AI partner pops up like 20 minutes in. Then you realize it’s acting bizarre, like it’s trying to get your attention, and you’re man damn this AI is strange but smart. And more and more weird things start to happen until you realize it isn’t an AI at all but another human somewhere in the world.

It’s a total surprise that I did not expect, and going into it without knowing made it so much more exciting when you figured out what was really happening. As a result, I spent hours going through this Journey with this other human who I couldn’t even speak to. Right before the end we stopped and found an weird way to say bye lol, and you got the feeling neither of you wanted it to end, or scared that you may never get to find out who this person was, so you didn’t want to walk forward which would end the game. You eventually do and it’s really bitter sweet.

Incredible experience that was weirdly touching by the end of it, and it really was so much more exciting experiencing it upon release without knowing that you’ll be joined but other players along the way.
Kev Kev why are you trigger-bombing my thread posts? I didn’t even mention a thing about Journey, be it positive or negative.

NeoGAF moderators go and check this fool and strip him of his GAFGold status!
The original Dark Souls release. I was there for Bloodborne and the theory + wtf really is this game was epic as people slowly discover the true nature of Yharnam.
Im the opposite, played all the Souls games day one and still have the collectors edition for Demons Souls. Bloodbourne I never got deep into and if I try to play it today it just looks outdated and 30fps sucks in any souls combat game. Unless Bluepoint is secretly doing it I'm afraid I will never play Bloodbourne.
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Codes 208

Im the opposite, played all the Souls games day one and still have the collectors edition for Demons Souls. Bloodbourne I never got deep into and if I try to play it today it just looks outdated and 30fps sucks in any souls combat game. Unless Bluepoint is secretly doing it I'm afraid I will never play Bloodbourne.
Shame, I personally feel the lore and overall combat of bloodborne is far superior to dark souls (which I still love)

though I have to ask, what platform did you play souls on? If you played demon souls I would assume ps3, it seems strange that you’d give dark souls 1 a chance despite the infamous chugs to single digits in blighttown but pass on bloodborne despite what’s essentially a locked 30fps

Kev Kev

Kev Kev why are you trigger-bombing my thread posts? I didn’t even mention a thing about Journey, be it positive or negative.

NeoGAF moderators go and check this fool and strip him of his GAFGold status!
im just teasing you

but you can put me on ignore if you dont know how to dish it back out
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Shame, I personally feel the lore and overall combat of bloodborne is far superior to dark souls (which I still love)

though I have to ask, what platform did you play souls on? If you played demon souls I would assume ps3, it seems strange that you’d give dark souls 1 a chance despite the infamous chugs to single digits in blighttown but pass on bloodborne despite what’s essentially a locked 30fps
Demons souls was on ps3 and i've done it again on ps5(sooo good), ive done dark souls 1, again on the remaster (blightown done first time through!) ,part of 2(nah, not so good), and 3.

And I did the originals at 30fps because thats what you got, I'm an elitist 60 fps+ guy now.

Codes 208

Demons souls was on ps3 and i've done it again on ps5(sooo good), ive done dark souls 1, again on the remaster (blightown done first time through!) ,part of 2(nah, not so good), and 3.

And I did the originals at 30fps because thats what you got, I'm an elitist 60 fps+ guy now.
I get that, the older I get the more I realize I prefer higher frame rates (demon souls perf mode > cinematic mode)
But my point was more or less how there’s definitely worse than bloodborne and once yo I get into the combat, framerate practically issues melts away.

though tbf I’m hoping they update it at some point for the PS5. They’ve already updated dark souls 3 to support 60fps



1-this game change my life. before this game i thought we would be confined in Marios, sonics, Pacmans and Tetris all that.
but when this shit came out it made me believe that it was possible in the future play games like movies, with good writing great graphics nice characters, and sound. 10/10 my favorite game of all time hands down.
but yeah, you needed to be dare to understand how mind blown was this game when it came out.


I wanted to play Overwatch and WoW at launch, those games had such big hype over them. Another would be any Uncharted game, I would have loved to play it on release.
im just teasing you

but you can put me on ignore if you dont know how to dish it back out
Oh I know how to clap back and I was equally teasing when I called for your head by NeoGAF’s finest. But usually there’s some rhyme and reason when it’s comes to fooling with another person, especially when the other person has never spoken to or knew you existed until 5 mins ago.

Kev Kev

Oh I know how to clap back and I was equally teasing when I called for your head by NeoGAF’s finest. But usually there’s some rhyme and reason when it’s comes to fooling with another person, especially when the other person has never spoken to or knew you existed until 5 mins ago.

you were being a cunt itt. you didnt contribute to the thread, and instead threw a backhanded compliment towards my mom. it was really slimy how you went about it too. had it actually been a funny joke or obvious sarcasm then i would have laughed it off and moved on. but you were so smug and candid with the way you said it, that i could only conclude that either a.) english isnt your first language and therefore you dont understand the nuance of how dip shitted and disrespectful the thing you just said was, especially in regards to how it was said, or b.) you knew exactly what you were doing and were just trolling me.

i chose to believe the former, with a grain of salt, and simply responded for you to contribute to the topic and say something nice about your mom (which was all that was asked of you to begin with... which you ignored to instead talk about my mom, for some reason. hmmmm i wonder why? let's find out...)

then you decided to double down by making another dick headed, back handed comment about my mom. i never responded because i was busy actually contributing useful posts to the forum (like the Journey post i made up above, in case you were wondering what that looks like) and spedning time with my mom on mothers day, but it all just really rubbed me the wrong way.

so, when i noticed your name pop up as the OP today...


petty? maybe. but it sure did make me feel better watching you squeal for the mods like a little girl :messenger_tears_of_joy: so moving forward, every time you disrespect me, im going to throw it right back at you pal. fair is fair. consider us even.
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you were being a cunt itt. you didnt contribute to the thread, and instead threw a backhanded compliment towards my mom. it was really slimy how you went about it too. had it actually been a funny joke or obvious sarcasm then i would have laughed it off and moved on. but you were so smug and candid with the way you said it, that i could only conclude that either a.) english isnt your first language and therefore you dont understand the nuance of how dip shitted and disrespectful the thing you just said was, especially in regards to how it was said, or b.) you knew exactly what you were doing and were just trolling me.

i chose to believe the former, with a grain of salt, and simply responded for you to contribute to the topic and say something nice about your mom (which was all that was asked of you to begin with... which you ignored to instead talk about my mom, for some reason. hmmmm i wonder why? let's find out...)

then you decided to double down by making another dick headed, back handed comment about my mom. i never responded because i was busy actually contributing useful posts to the forum (like the Journey post i made up above, in case you were wondering what that looks like) and spedning time with my mom on mothers day, but it all just really rubbed me the wrong way.

so, when i noticed your name pop up as the OP today...


petty? maybe. but it sure did make me feel better watching you squeal for the mods like a little girl :messenger_tears_of_joy: so moving forward, every time you disrespect me, im going to throw it right back at you pal. fair is fair. consider us even.
You were holding a grudge for something that happened a couple of weeks ago and waited until the right moment to call me out on it? You didn't know my intentions when it came to writing those posts and I don't recall any profanity being involved. This is the first statement which involves me talking about how I disagreed with your mother's parenting techniques. Wouldn't it be beneficial to give a child wisdom and knowledge so they could avoid those mistakes altogether instead of having them go through it, feeling upset and then dusting them off? I also noted that it's usually the father who deals with these sorts of things and not women of this generation, but noted she could be from the hard-nosed decades of the past.
Say something nice about your Mom! I'll start...

My Mom let me make a lot of mistakes so I could learn from them, but she was always there to pick me up, and I can't thank her enough for that. She was just the right balance of love and not coddling too much. Love you Mom!
AlteredForms said: That’s something the father usually deals with. Setting up his children on the right path, and giving them wisdom and discipline to make sure those mistakes are avoidable. Surprising to see a woman do that instead, she must be old school.
Kev Kev said:
Say something nice about your mom
AlteredForms said: I’d much rather talk about yours 😉. Mothers are a blessing and their love unconditional, what more needs to be said?

My second statement could have been taken the wrong way with the opening sentence, but as noted by the emoticon it was suppose to be light-hearted. Then I followed up with a atypical statement about a mother's love and the usual stuff often said in these threads as a way to make amends if I did cause offense, but also to highlight how boring and mundane threads like yours were. They often involve people saying the same thing about how their mothers are a blessing and how much they love them and so on and so on, hence why you barely got 5 responses.

You didn't respond to my original comments through a thread post or private message because you're a wimp and didn't want the heat. Look through my post history and you'll find tonnes of thoughtful well laid out posts with tonnes of likes and responses. And I said before, my request for the mod's to take action was also meant to be a joke as like-spamming isn't against the rules to my knowledge. So moving forward you have a problem with somebody then have the balls to address them like a mature adult or let it bounce off your chest. I suppose that's what happens when a woman raises a boy and not a man. Also your English is worse than mine with tonnes of red grammatical errors in your post.

Kev Kev

You were holding a grudge for something that happened a couple of weeks ago and waited until the right moment to call me out on it? You didn't know my intentions when it came to writing those posts and I don't recall any profanity being involved. This is the first statement which involves me talking about how I disagreed with your mother's parenting techniques. Wouldn't it be beneficial to give a child wisdom and knowledge so they could avoid those mistakes altogether instead of having them go through it, feeling upset and then dusting them off? I also noted that it's usually the father who deals with these sorts of things and not women of this generation, but noted she could be from the hard-nosed decades of the past.

AlteredForms said: That’s something the father usually deals with. Setting up his children on the right path, and giving them wisdom and discipline to make sure those mistakes are avoidable. Surprising to see a woman do that instead, she must be old school.

AlteredForms said: I’d much rather talk about yours 😉. Mothers are a blessing and their love unconditional, what more needs to be said?

My second statement could have been taken the wrong way with the opening sentence, but as noted by the emoticon it was suppose to be light-hearted. Then I followed up with a atypical statement about a mother's love and the usual stuff often said in these threads as a way to make amends if I did cause offense, but also to highlight how boring and mundane threads like yours were. They often involve people saying the same thing about how their mothers are a blessing and how much they love them and so on and so on, hence why you barely got 5 responses.

You didn't respond to my original comments through a thread post or private message because you're a wimp and didn't want the heat. Look through my post history and you'll find tonnes of thoughtful well laid out posts with tonnes of likes and responses. And I said before, my request for the mod's to take action was also meant to be a joke as like-spamming isn't against the rules to my knowledge. So moving forward you have a problem with somebody then have the balls to address them like a mature adult or let it bounce off your chest. I suppose that's what happens when a woman raises a boy and not a man. Also your English is worse than mine with tonnes of red grammatical errors in your post.
no, i wasnt born yesterday, you were being a dick. nothing more to say here, just let it go

Kev Kev

You're the one who should have let it go instead of polluting this thread with your pettiness. Next time post a private message instead.
you started it, and i ended it. now we are even.

a good post should address the question/topic in the OP, and if it doesnt you better be god damn sure that its funny or clever. your post in my thread was none of that, it was slimy troll attempt and im calling you out for it in front of everyone. and now youre just being a coward by not owning up to it and asking me to take it to private message.

you can hit the ignore button on me, or just take the L, and move on
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Alien Trilogy is a surprising one. Heard good things about the Jaguar game too.
Im the opposite, played all the Souls games day one and still have the collectors edition for Demons Souls. Bloodbourne I never got deep into and if I try to play it today it just looks outdated and 30fps sucks in any souls combat game. Unless Bluepoint is secretly doing it I'm afraid I will never play Bloodbourne.
Bloodbourne was 30FPS? You must be joking. And PlayStationGAF still fantasise about it.
cyberpunk 2077
It's only a couple of months old. Can't imagine people have stopped playing it.
I wanted to play Overwatch and WoW at launch, those games had such big hype over them. Another would be any Uncharted game, I would have loved to play it on release.
I agree with World of Warcraft. Must have been hectic back in the day.
you started it, and i ended it. now we are even.

a good post should address the question/topic in the OP, and if it doesnt you better be god damn sure that its funny or clever. your post in my thread was none of that, it was slimy troll attempt and im calling you out for it in front of everyone. and now youre just being a coward by not owning up to it and asking me to take it to private message.

you can hit the ignore button on me, or just take the L, and move on
There wasn't anything to start. If you can't take constructive criticism then leave the details out. You can keep brandishing my post as being a "troll attempt" but to me it was factual and something I stand behind. Whatever children I have some day will hopefully not be making mistakes because I'll be there to make sure they don't in the first place. And I was talking about private messages for future encounters, since you wrote off my previous post as me being a dick and nothing more to say. We'll both let it go to avoid any further problems, that's something we can finally agree upon.


Some thoughts-

The Legend of Twilight Princess - I still get goosebumps when I see the E3 reveal for this game. Did not reach the heights of Ocarina, but still had a good time.

Dead Space 2 - YFW the Ishimura is increasingly visible from its docked position as you travel through the game, and then you have to go back to it.

Mass Effect 2 - Top notch, aside from the final boss.

Mass Effect 3, to my everlasting regret. I am still mad. A harbinger of how a iconic IP can burn like icarus by the sun, of the Last Jedi, of Game of Thrones season 8.

Skyward Sword - 0 execution, so much potential for the origin story of the entire Zelda storyline wasted.

Rise of the Tomb Raider - I like the gear, the exploration and tombs. The story on the other hand does a terrible job of connecting to 1 and building on it.

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild - What needs to be said?

Assassin's Creed Origins - Exploring Egypt, its towns and cities in all their beauty, looting its tombs for better skills and gear? Yeah, it was a pretty damn good game.

Ghost of Tsushima - Everything you could want from a Assassins Creed Japan and Samurai game. Incredible.

Nioh 2 - I like the character customization, builds, gear and skill variety, even if I constantly get my shit kicked in.

13 Sentinels Aegis Rim - Hollywood should take a note, or a few hundred on how to tell a story from this masterpiece and one of the best narratives I have ever encountered in all of fiction.

The Legend of Zelda: Age of Calamity - A worthy Zelda Title in its own right. No breaking weapons! Very interesting implications for BotW 2 if the events remain Canon.

Xenoblade Definitive Edition - QoL and UI overhaul make all prior editions obsolete and make an amazing game even more amazing.

Cyberpunk 2077 - Yeah I made a mistake and got hyped. Shit happens.

Monster Hunter Rise - Holy crap this game is good. I am still at Hunter Rank 3 lol.
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Generally a laid back gamer so no regrets like that.

But right now I think I would have loved jumping into Destiny 1 at launch. But there were so many negative reviews surrounding it (including mine) that there was no way.


I wish I was part of the Doom community when it launched back in 93. It wasn't until 97 when I bought my first pc, I was sick with envy looking in from the outside.


Were you one of the fortunate people who bought a copy from the GameStop Bill Gates was hosting at?

I think about these old school MMORPGs too and what it must have been like back in the day. Everquest, Asheron’s Call, Ultima Online and so on. One I wanted to experience was Shadowbane but it went offline before I had the chance.

No, but I carried the pre-order card for Halo 2 around in my car for months. It came out the day I had a final in law school due in a class taught by a federal judge and thanks to that game I got a B.

I pre-ordered the second tier Halo 3 edition, but when I got to Best buy that morning they had extra legendary editions with the helmet so I bought one of those instead. That helmet is in my office.
Generally a laid back gamer so no regrets like that.

But right now I think I would have loved jumping into Destiny 1 at launch. But there were so many negative reviews surrounding it (including mine) that there was no way.
You had a review about a game you never played at that time lol?
I wish I was part of the Doom community when it launched back in 93. It wasn't until 97 when I bought my first pc, I was sick with envy looking in from the outside.
Must have been some good times back then, especially with the LAN parties. Quake took it to another level though.

No, but I carried the pre-order card for Halo 2 around in my car for months. It came out the day I had a final in law school due in a class taught by a federal judge and thanks to that game I got a B.

I pre-ordered the second tier Halo 3 edition, but when I got to Best buy that morning they had extra legendary editions with the helmet so I bought one of those instead. That helmet is in my office.
That entertaining B is worth more than a boring and mundane A.
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