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[DF] The New PlayStation 5 CFI-1100 Review - Featuring Gamers Nexus!


Millions? I really think you're over estimating the amount of people who give a shit about a middling difference in thermals between two ps5 versions. But I get where you're coming from I guess.

It's not just that video though. There are others that are not even console related.

Guy has no fucking clue outside of marketing knowledge and when asked or confronted does not take the L or at least humility to say he doesn't know. He's also not the only youtuber out there that does this type of shit.


SO what I said in austin evans thread basically about getting real world data from actual users helps them get better information on thermals, what internals are doing in terms of voltage/ fan speed ect.
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Couple things after watching the both video...

1. I like the new backplate design which allows cooler (within margin) memory temp.
2. I was under impression of NMB was better fan than Nidec due to noise level - but now I'm conflicted with temp difference - and wanting to see what fan that I have on my PS5.

It really doesn't make any differences, I guess - but it's one of those things that when you make choice, you want the best one possible on all fronts - like when I buy different things or parts for my computer or whatnot. Geeky habbit, indeed.


Phone reception is more important to me than human rights
Its sad that this thread and video will have less views that the other one. Less people will be informed from this than was misinformed by the other clickbait video.
Oh, even if they didnt view this thread...those folks know. They have noting to be outraged or concerned for anymore, so they wont show up.

But...you still see some have doubts even now..lol.

Some say dont use this video to bash anyone or use it because it fits your narrative...but its actual testing and results, more in depth. That its proven to be a big ass nothing is bad?

So the advice is to use a biased video about exhaust temps....that has been proven by these 2....in the past.....to not be reliable?

My advice is to use better, more in depth analysis, not use what I 'feel' is better.

Even now...last thread when we said just wait for internal tests...some bought up the ram....now that the ram has been addressed..... its time to focus on the SoC...

It never fails.
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Couple things after watching the both video...

1. I like the new backplate design which allows cooler (within margin) memory temp.
2. I was under impression of NMB was better fan than Nidec due to noise level - but now I'm conflicted with temp difference - and wanting to see what fan that I have on my PS5.

It really doesn't make any differences, I guess - but it's one of those things that when you make choice, you want the best one possible on all fronts - like when I buy different things or parts for my computer or whatnot. Geeky habbit, indeed.

Don't know about noise levels but Nidec makes this annoying rattling sound. Annoying as fuck. Replaced it with an NMB Fan and in the menus you can't hear it.

Nidec ist complete trash compared to the NMB. Trust me.


Don't know about noise levels but Nidec makes this annoying rattling sound. Annoying as fuck. Replaced it with an NMB Fan and in the menus you can't hear it.

Nidec ist complete trash compared to the NMB. Trust me.

Yeah - that's what I heard of too. Fortunately I don't mind my PS5's noise level at all - that it's pretty quiet... so I think I won't bother with finding out for my own peace of mind. LOL... ;)


Flashless at the Golden Globes
Once again, some ppl need to have several seats. Seriously.

Stop it. Get some help.

DF and Gamers Nexus teaming up for this is amazing.
Austin's methods were wrong, but he conclusions werent. The PS5 SOC runs 4 degrees hotter and thats due to the smaller heatsink. Austin Evans found that the PS5 exhaust was 4 degrees hotter. Is the console going to have issues running games? Clearly not as Richard's tests show, but we arent talking about game performance. Everyone here has been burned by bad PS4 Pro cooling solutions and a 4 degree difference might not be an issue today but in 2-3 or 5 years from now?

My PS4 Pro was silent compared to my PS4 when I first got it. In less than 2 years it was louder than a jet engine. The heatsink here is clearly doing a worse job at cooling the SOC and thats more or less in line with what Austin was trying to say.

Pedro Motta

Gold Member
Austin's methods were wrong, but he conclusions werent. The PS5 SOC runs 4 degrees hotter and thats due to the smaller heatsink. Austin Evans found that the PS5 exhaust was 4 degrees hotter. Is the console going to have issues running games? Clearly not as Richard's tests show, but we arent talking about game performance. Everyone here has been burned by bad PS4 Pro cooling solutions and a 4 degree difference might not be an issue today but in 2-3 or 5 years from now?

My PS4 Pro was silent compared to my PS4 when I first got it. In less than 2 years it was louder than a jet engine. The heatsink here is clearly doing a worse job at cooling the SOC and thats more or less in line with what Austin was trying to say.

Nothing justifies what this moron is doing here. He's plain wrong.


Phone reception is more important to me than human rights
Austin's methods were wrong, but he conclusions werent. The PS5 SOC runs 4 degrees hotter and thats due to the smaller heatsink. Austin Evans found that the PS5 exhaust was 4 degrees hotter. Is the console going to have issues running games? Clearly not as Richard's tests show, but we arent talking about game performance. Everyone here has been burned by bad PS4 Pro cooling solutions and a 4 degree difference might not be an issue today but in 2-3 or 5 years from now?

My PS4 Pro was silent compared to my PS4 when I first got it. In less than 2 years it was louder than a jet engine. The heatsink here is clearly doing a worse job at cooling the SOC and thats more or less in line with what Austin was trying to say.
"The new PS5 is worse"

Thats the title of his video.

Everything about Austin's video was for clicks and just plain wrong. He tore the PS5 down, and still got what he saw wrong.

He clearly went off 'smaller + more heat = Sony dun goofed" And sorry....I group him in with other folks I see on Youtube, Twitter that ...have a fav brand....

When it comes to ppl like that, I instantly doubt what their intentions are.
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Nothing justifies what this moron is doing here. He's plain wrong.

Why does he mock the revision using a totally fake picture for the thumbnail of his video? That shit pisses me off. Like it wasn't obvious enough he's an Xbox mouthpiece and does this to stir shit and get views, but on top of all the asinine "testing" and "analysis" he also puts this ridiculous picture for the video. Did anyone call him out on that? Not that he would acknowledge it, it's clear he's simply trolling and having his fun while making a nice buck. And then he has the audacity to comment on GN's video and say "people have too much time to waste" (paraphrasing)...fuck that stupid douchbag good-for-nothing bum.


Identifies as young
SOC Mid_Back 2021: 71.7 -> WORSE
SOC Mid_Back 2020: 67.9

Mem1 Top 2021: 74.8. -> BETTER
Mem1 Top 2020: 78.0

Mem4 Top 2021: 82.4. -> BETTER
Mem4 Top 2020: 86.3

Mem3 Bottom 2021: 87.4. ->WORSE
Mem3 Bottom 2020: 86.9

VRM MOSFET 2021: 67.4. -> BETTER
VRM MOSFET 2020: 73.0

HOUSE: Room temperature. -> BETTER
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Md Ray

One thing that stood out from GN's analysis to me is that Sony has set the console's fan speed to operate around just ~18% of its max RPM and aren't allowing it to go beyond that at the moment. Logic would suggest that they'd allow the fan to freely ramp up to 100% speed, or at least close to it, in case some savage completely blocked the airflow to the console making the SoC and memory modules reach their Tj max. I get that from an acoustics perspective, it makes sense to not allow it to run at its max speed because it'd probably make the PS5 another jet engine. It seems they've determined that running the fan at ~20% max speed under the heaviest of current gaming workloads is good enough for now, and they'd rather let the console shut down than increase the fan speed if it got very hot. (y)

This makes sense why we're seeing reports of it being quiet (or having the same noise level whether the system is under 100W or 200W+ load), even when running graphically challenging games.
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One thing that stood out from GN's analysis to me is that Sony has set the console's fan speed to operate around just ~18% of its max RPM and aren't allowing it to go beyond that at the moment. Logic would suggest that they'd allow the fan to freely ramp up to 100% speed, or at least close to it, in case some savage completely blocked the airflow to the console making the SoC and memory modules reach their Tj max. I get that from an acoustics perspective, it makes sense to not allow it to run at its max speed because it'd probably make the PS5 another jet engine. It seems they've determined that running the fan at ~20% max speed under the heaviest of current gaming workloads is good enough for now, and they'd rather let the console shut down than increase the fan speed if it got very hot. (y)

This makes sense why we're seeing reports of it being quiet (or having the same noise level whether the system is under 100W or 200W+ load), even when running graphically challenging games.
Airflow is linear to rotation but cubic to power required. Could be amperage or voltage issue?


Can’t Git Gud
All I see "the memory is hot! oh no it is too hot and will break!" Who fkn cares?! It is designed to run like that. Nothing overheats.

While I agree with the basic gist of what he's saying, using terms like "over-engineered" and Xbox team "realising" they had cooling overhead just reeks of stubborn ignorance.

Including additional cooling over-capacity as a design margin is NOT "over-engineering". It's prudent and very much standard engineering practice.

The thermodynamic principles and correlations used in the design are only ever going to be accurate to within +/- 10% at best and will increase their deviation from real-world performance as the system ages; due to surface fouling effects increasing resistances to heat transfer.

Not including design margin is actually poor design.

And so MS never "realised" anything about the overheads of their cooling system design. The cooling system was never the limitation for the XB1 clock bump. The limitation was the minimum clock-speed versus voltage threshold of the chips coming off the production line, which ended up exceeding their expectations. So they could bump the clocks for a minimal increase in power consumption and still remain within the cooling system design limits their own designers defined.

Airflow is linear to rotation but cubic to power required. Could be amperage or voltage issue?

Assuming the fan and motor assembly come as an integrated unit, I highly doubt it. The rotational limit will be defined by the motor, which will HAVE to be supplied with 100% of its power rating at the minimum.
While I agree with the basic gist of what he's saying, using terms like "over-engineered" and Xbox team "realising" they had cooling overhead just reeks of stubborn ignorance.

Including additional cooling over-capacity as a design margin is NOT "over-engineering". It's prudent and very much standard engineering practice.

The thermodynamic principles and correlations used in the design are only ever going to be accurate to within +/- 10% at best and will increase their deviation from real-world performance as the system ages; due to surface fouling effects increasing resistances to heat transfer.

Not including design margin is actually poor design.

And so MS never "realised" anything about the overheads of their cooling system design. The cooling system was never the limitation for the XB1 clock bump. The limitation was the minimum clock-speed versus voltage threshold of the chips coming off the production line, which ended up exceeding their expectations. So they could bump the clocks for a minimal increase in power consumption and still remain within the cooling system design limits their own designers defined.

Assuming the fan and motor assembly come as an integrated unit, I highly doubt it. The rotational limit will be defined by the motor, which will HAVE to be supplied with 100% of its power rating at the minimum.
Why does it need 100% of it's power at a minimum?

Outside of power it's quite a meaty fan that would be very loud at full rpm and the intake might not be designed with full rpm in mind.
Why does it need 100% of it's power at a minimum?

Outside of power it's quite a meaty fan that would be very loud at full rpm and the intake might not be designed with full rpm in mind.

I didn't say it did. I said that the power delivery system limit needs to be able to provide a minimum of 100% of the motor power (because there will be some power losses in the power supply to the fan motor).

Even if the intakes aren't designed for full fan RPMs (they'll take the flow for sure, it'll only increase noise), your suggestion that current/voltage might be limiting the fan speed is still very unlikely, as the VFD driving the fan must be rated for a power greater than the fan motor power rating.
Austin's methods were wrong, but he conclusions werent. The PS5 SOC runs 4 degrees hotter and thats due to the smaller heatsink. Austin Evans found that the PS5 exhaust was 4 degrees hotter. Is the console going to have issues running games? Clearly not as Richard's tests show, but we arent talking about game performance. Everyone here has been burned by bad PS4 Pro cooling solutions and a 4 degree difference might not be an issue today but in 2-3 or 5 years from now?

My PS4 Pro was silent compared to my PS4 when I first got it. In less than 2 years it was louder than a jet engine. The heatsink here is clearly doing a worse job at cooling the SOC and thats more or less in line with what Austin was trying to say.
Very reasonable and rational response. The reaction to Austin's video was completely crazy. People accusing him of trying to take out Sony and some people going so far to dox him and threaten his life was totally insane. Austin still had the first video out showing the differences between the systems and for that reason alone his video was pretty interesting even if you disagreed with his conclusion that the new system was 'worse'. If the goal for the new cooler was to keep the SOC cooler than older system's cooler, hilariously Austin was right even as Steve pointed out it could be for the wrong reason. Of course both GN and DF have been attacked in the past for their videos too so no one is safe out there whether they are presenting an opinion or scientific analysis. If people are going to trust DF and GN now I hope they will do so even when they reach results they don't agree with. As usual both GN and DF did outstanding work and have very informative videos.

Great Hair

They will move on to the next FUD... FOR THE BRAAANNNND!!!

We need an update!


Austin's methods were wrong, but he conclusions werent. The PS5 SOC runs 4 degrees hotter and thats due to the smaller heatsink. Austin Evans found that the PS5 exhaust was 4 degrees hotter. Is the console going to have issues running games? Clearly not as Richard's tests show, but we arent talking about game performance. Everyone here has been burned by bad PS4 Pro cooling solutions and a 4 degree difference might not be an issue today but in 2-3 or 5 years from now?

My PS4 Pro was silent compared to my PS4 when I first got it. In less than 2 years it was louder than a jet engine. The heatsink here is clearly doing a worse job at cooling the SOC and thats more or less in line with what Austin was trying to say.
When they paired the older model with different cooling fan, SOC temperature went up to 72c.

This shows heatsink isn't that big of a differentiator. With slight modification of rpm of fans depending on model of fan, they would probably cover the difference if it really exist in first place. SoC temperature measurement according to the reviewer himself had the most variance due to testing environment. So +-5% doesn't really prove anything.

Austin entire testing process was wrong and his conclusion was even worse. In a compact environment, air flow is as much important as the heat sink themselves. Plus 67c to 71c isnt even worth discussing considering these are not recorded from sensors on die.


Identifies as young
There seems to be some revisionist nonsense going on here. Austin Evans clearly stated the new PS5 is "worse". Gamer Nexus and DF have said there isn't enough difference in either one to make that call. Austin speculated about the SoC being hotter and his guess was correct. But obviously there was a lot more to it than his cursory glance. Other components are actually cooler than they were before. So those who questioned Evan's methods were right to do so. Those of us who said wait for GN for more reliable results......well, this is why.

Time to put this one to bed. The new PS5 is NOT worse than the launch model.
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Very reasonable and rational response. The reaction to Austin's video was completely crazy. People accusing him of trying to take out Sony and some people going so far to dox him and threaten his life was totally insane. Austin still had the first video out showing the differences between the systems and for that reason alone his video was pretty interesting even if you disagreed with his conclusion that the new system was 'worse'. If the goal for the new cooler was to keep the SOC cooler than older system's cooler, hilariously Austin was right even as Steve pointed out it could be for the wrong reason. Of course both GN and DF have been attacked in the past for their videos too so no one is safe out there whether they are presenting an opinion or scientific analysis. If people are going to trust DF and GN now I hope they will do so even when they reach results they don't agree with. As usual both GN and DF did outstanding work and have very informative videos.
After the week you have had, and the bullshit you tried to spread + with the "Some people on this forums are doxing Evans fiasco, you should hang your head in shame.

You have caused division with your blatant trolling and to top it off you tried to twist and blame other people.

I don't care about infractions or if I receive a ban for this, but you sir are full of shit.

I can not believe you get away with it all the time, everyone knows what you're doing.
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After the week you have had, and the bullshit you tried to spread + with the "Some people on this forums are doxing Evans fiasco, you should hang your head in shame.

You have caused division with your blatant trolling and to top it off you tried to twist and blame other people.

I don't care about infractions or if I receive a ban for this, you sir are full of shit.

I can not believe you get away with it all the time, everyone knows what your doing.
Animated GIF

Md Ray

Airflow is linear to rotation but cubic to power required. Could be amperage or voltage issue?
I think they've deliberately kept the fan speed as low as possible to keep the noise level down. Sony have explicitly mentioned that they'll be collecting data on the PS5's thermal performance to tweak the fan speed via future firmware updates if need be.

My guess is that when future games start to hammer both the GPU, plus the CPU with heavy AVX2 instructions usage which is expected to increase power consumption and heat output on the CPU side, maybe then we'll see Sony allowing the fan speed to ramp up a little more.


This is going to sound weird but I cared more about those Dolphins than the people that got eaten in the movie.
tbh jaws the movie is one of the greatest movies ever made, jaws 3 is one of the worse.

I remember watching jaws it in a cinema in South Africa when it came out, they gave us these green and red glasses to wear, it was meant to be in 3d, it was terrible.
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Should that worry anyone?

That's the important question that the collaboration answered.

it shouldn't but that was also never the topic of what i said and he quoted. I said there is no way this heatsink will run the APU cooler or even at the same temp as the original one because that would literally defy the laws of physics, and in the end I was correct.

the memory modules run cooler because now they didn't botch the contact points like they did in the original, so that's nice. if the contact points on the original cold plate weren't so shitty the ram would have run cooler on the original as well, at that point we would maybe have had a tangible difference that could result in differences in hot weather, but as it stands, the difference is negligible, which the original heat-cam video also suggested.
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Find me two APUs in any configuration that run exactly the same temp all the time and I'll be impressed.

they literally changed out the heatsinks of each console to test how they run with them switched for the other one... and the results were more or less identical, confirming the new heatsink is worse.

the reason the RAM modules run cooler is of course because the points of contact have been improved. that still doesn't mean the heatsink is better, it's still worse, and if they only improved contact points without changing the heatsink, every part of the system would run cooler using the old heatsink, because the old heatsink is objectively better
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it shouldn't but that was also never the topic of what i said and he quoted. I said there is no way this heatsink will run the APU cooler or even at the same temp as the original one because that would literally defy the laws of physics, and in the end I was correct.

the memory modules run cooler because now they didn't botch the contact points like they did in the original, so that's nice. if the contact points on the original cold plate weren't so shitty the ram would have run cooler on the original as well, at that point we would maybe have had a tangible difference that could result in differences in hot weather, but as it stands, the difference is negligible, which the original heat-cam video also suggested.

I agree that there shouldn't be any worry of overheating or thermal throttling with this new console.

Not saying it isn't hotter in some parts but it's nothing to worry about. Only idiots try to claim there would be serious issues with this new model after this testing was done.

Just means I don't have to worry about the new model when I get it.


I agree that there shouldn't be any worry of overheating or thermal throttling with this new console.

Not saying it isn't hotter in some parts but it's nothing to worry about. Only idiots try to claim there would be serious issues with this new model after this testing was done.

Just means I don't have to worry about the new model when I get it.

I bet there would have been a big issue if they didn't improve the RAM contact tho. that was already really high in the original, and without the new plate that gives full contact these modules would have run really damn hot. so these tests were a good way to show that there is no need to be concerned about that.
I bet there would have been a big issue if they didn't improve the RAM contact tho. that was already really high in the original, and without the new plate that gives full contact these modules would have run really damn hot. so these tests were a good way to show that there is no need to be concerned about that.

Isn't that more important than the smaller heatsink?

Overall it seems like the new model is an improvement due to eliminating the concerns with the memory. While the APU is hotter it's still well within tolerances.

Seems like it's more of an upgrade than just " the new PS5 is worse".
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