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Ubisoft and Guerilla devs are salty over Elden Ring reviews

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Literally the main selling point for Horizon 2 is how amazing the game looks. And outside of Twitter and green rats, I don't believe Horizon was actually dinged for grass issues in professional reviews.
That makes no sense lol. People love the gameplay. Fighting robot Dinos is awesome. Please at least be honest.


Because Souls kind of games are like a religion to some gamers. I watched my friend play some ER and it pretty much us dark souls open world. A great game but not the revolution some people say it is.
Not a revolution but a unification of all the best aspects of an open world and definitely a new beacon developers should follow.
-The world is large AND dense AND has lots of verticality.
-All content you find, and you're always finding them thanks to the world being dense, is meaningful in one way or another and helps you progress.
-You'll always be stumbling onto new bosses, dungeons, new enemies, new items, new npcs or even entire new areas by just walking around. And its always something new and unprecedented. Just the other day i just randomly stumbled into a whole underground area the game never even hinted me about existing, and this was far from the only instance where something like this happened.
-No obvious markers. Map and markers are precise enough to get your bearings and give you a general idea of where to go and what to do, but also vague enough to not spoil any surprises.
-On top of it all, the core mechanics are great, and the game allows you multiple approachs to combat.


Identifies as young
Both Horizon 2 and Witcher 3 have rave reviews... that's not really the point. People are wondering why Elden Ring gets a pass for worse graphics and tech issues and reviews better than a game like Horizon. My answer is Elden Ring provides something different and a view of how open world games can be without check lists, intrusive UI and handholding. It's a breath of fresh air away from the Ubisoft design mentality and the gaming industry is eating it up, warts and all.

Saying design choices to not have any "hand holding" makes up for the technical problems doesn't make sense to me, but I'll agree to disagree on this.


Breath of the wild had performance issues , no quest design with even less direction and hand holding than Elden Ring and scored really high.

I'll play both of them before any ass creed and horizon.. They might be good but Zelda and Elden Ring are just far more appealing to me.


Sounds like someone wants extra 'points' for their inclusivity measures. Meta-score disparaties might just have profound consequences on future implementation. I can understand that logic from devs point of view.. I don't know if venting on twitter will do any good though..
I don't know why some people have a hard time being critical on a game they like.
I would love nothing more than for From to go even further and make even better games with bolder ideas, do what they did with DeSo and create a new trend.

I feel like you could copy / past half the ER UI screens and it would be all interchangeable with past Souls games, like the level ups screen and the mechanic behind it have not changed for over a freaking decade / over the span of six games / four IP's. This is true for a lot of mechanics in the game, too man for my taste.


Moderated wildly

The pc version is far from unplayable. I’ve got like 8 friends on steam all clocking in over 60 hours. I am at 80 hours. There is stutter when loading in new areas and randomly while playing. That is it for issues.

that Reddit post is completely wrong. I’m maxed out at 4k and its practically locked 60fps outside the stutters that happen for one or two seconds then stop.
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Those idiots are questioning an opinion of a graphics coder at Nixxes...of all Devs? A studio that has again and again performed minor miracles in porting games to lesser hardware than their original target machine.
Yeah... NO.
They are questioning a dev that whined about "MUH METASCOREH! Muh user experience overlooked!" pretty much implying that they thought the games they worked on deserved better.

They fucking don't, their games are overall markedly inferior to the very one they are bitching about (and they WERE bitching about it, backpedaling notwithstanding) no matter how nicely they paved the way in for the casual players.


Represent(ative) of bad opinions
Again, the only reason elden ring scored so high is because it was mostly reviewed by rabid From fans who jerk off to everything the studio does and have the ability to ignore the PS3 era graphics and outdated ass combat.

Most people who play the game who aren’t obsessed with From think it’s just another open world game with cool art.

It’s the most overrated game of all time. Devs have a right to call it out
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When you’re a developer I guess it’s really easy to pick up on things and provide criticisms on them. That being said, this is all testament to just how good Elden Ring is. The sheer awe that exploration and fierce combat can leave you in makes me completely forget about any of the technical hiccups.

It’s going to be very difficult to go back to traditional open world games after this and you can bet your life that the majority of western developers will try to mimic this in a few years.


but their comments are true? doesnt matter how much you love the game doesnt change the fact that theyre not making it up, the game ux is very outdated just like the engine itself.
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Gold Member
Maybe if they crunched more there game would be better and getting the numbers there so jel about. Get to work soy boys.


Yeah... NO.
They are questioning a dev that whined about "MUH METASCOREH! Muh user experience overlooked!" pretty much implying that they thought the games they worked on deserved better.

They fucking don't, their games are overall markedly inferior to the very one they are bitching about (and they WERE bitching about it, backpedaling notwithstanding) no matter how nicely they paved the way in for the casual players.
Oh My God Reaction GIF by 9Now


The game exploration is top notch. I lost the count of how many times i said WOWWW when i find another area/zone. Is the fisrt time a open world do this to me. The more close level desing in legacy dungeons is fucking awesome too.

The way you try random jumps and hit walls to try find secret areas still remanis unmatched (cause the game is full of it).

The shining items dots oddly placed to lure your atention.

There is no other game that has this things so well implemented.
I have absolutely NO issue with performance in PS4pro. That being said the game engine shows a lot os stiches on the presentation, non of them detractin from the experience.
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but their comments are true? doesnt matter how much you love the game doesnt change the fact that theyre not making it up, the game ux is very outdated just like the engine itself.
worse is the "modern" UI in ubisoft games lmao..come on man...are you playing the game? the UI is non intrusive and easy as shit to use and understand. what is it with you people defending sony games that make you completely blind.

i mean some of the comments here...nobody is saying the game is revolutionary but it is def a new standard for how open world games should be done....yes, including horizon forbidden west.
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Well I love Elden ring but the quest system is trash. It needed to be like breath of the wild, where they give you the quest to remind you, the npc gives you the details but you need to figure out the location and how to do it yourself.
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worse is the "modern" UI in ubisoft games lmao..come on man...are you playing the game? the UI is non intrusive and easy as shit to use and understand. what is it with you people defending sony games that make you completely blind.

i mean some of the comments here...nobody is saying the game is revolutionary but it is def a new standard for how open world games should be done....yes, including horizon forbidden west.
Agreed. And, If any UI worth critize is the original Horizon and those UGLY item desing


I mean, what a hell is that.


Well I love Elden ring but the quest system is trash. It needed to be like breath of the wild, where they give you the quest to remind you, the npc gives you the details but you need to figure out the location and how to do it yourself.
I don't even think they need a questlog, but for fuck's sake they could at least be a bit more forgiving about getting things in the correct order for some of these quest chains.


Gold Member
I like Elden Ring’s design because you can approach things while you get to them or discover them. It’s a giant journey. In a way you are a hero discovering this world versus the game telling you where the next big event is at.

The reason I have issues with the salty developers is because you have to follow the yellow brick road. You have to queue up your set quests, you’re guided to their resolution, and you aren’t given the ability to be someone other than their set MC. I think Horizon is great, but I think it has that same setup open worlds get.

That whole Wizard of Oz feeling plagued most open world games and I think that guy is just too salty to admit it.
It's funny to see this dynamic play out.

Elden Ring clearly shows that lots of people hate the lack of quest logs and map markers, etc. It also shows that lots of people like having the open-ended/cryptic nature of the game..

I think it's getting beyond ridiculous though with people acting like Elden Ring is flawed at its core because it does something different. Like WTF, there's no shortage of games that have the features that whiners are clamoring over. And yes, they're whiners.

I don't understand how to play Civilization games, but I'd never even think to demand that they retool the gameplay to accommodate for my lack of skills. It's just so dumb, if you don't like Elden Ring, just move on to something else. It's not From Software's responsibility to cater to everything someone may want, and the critiques aren't valid cause they're judging the game on what they want it to be, not what it actually is.

It's like some of these people expect the game to tell them to go explore. It's a massive open world and you get a horse like 30 minutes into the game. Just go explore and stop acting like you have to follow the trail of the grace points, you don't. I don't even bother with looking at where the grace points are pointing to. It's irrelevant to me.
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The Skull

I think Specifically they are talking about how a game like Elden Ring with almost unplayable on PC and issues on Console gets close to a perfect score. Yet Games like Forbidden West doesn't get any merrit for quality of life improvements. Solid performance on all Playstation consoles, only minimal bugs, and instant loading on a map thats almost twice the size of elden Ring.
Unplayable is pure hyperbole bull and the map isn't twice the size at all. Criticize Elden Ring to your hearts content but don't resort to making things up.

John Wick


If devs want a more non-toxic online environment, they should start with themselves.

Elden Ring has performance issues but even with flaws it's more fun to play than any Assassin's Creed game ever made.

The last comment from the Guerilla dev, proves he likes games that guides him - "holds his hand".

To each their own, but dissing a better game than any of those studios ever made is just pathetic.
I bet you could find discussion like this about every game by developers.


Finally got to play some Elden Ring yesterday, haven't been able to play due to current events.
Found an NPC offering a quest to clear his castle/keep somewhere in the south. No waypoints or quest tracker or anything. Had to ride around dodging scary bears and whatnot till I found it, completed the quest (I think), returned to the guy and got a sweet knife as reward.

Way more satisfying than collecting 10 immaculate turds.


Well its pretty simple that ER is a superb game with alot of things to do (builds, armors, skills, etc)freedom to explore the open world and rich content, while it still has soul mechanics, something that some gamers avoid.

While people can argue that it has issues on performance, players are still enjoying the game for what it is, a master piece. Gameplay reigns above everything, performance will be fixed eventually its just a matter of time.
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Represent(ative) of bad opinions
Well its pretty simple that ER is a superb game with alot of things to do (builds, armors, skills, etc)freedom to explore the open world and rich content, while it still has soul mechanics, something that some gamers avoid.

While people can argue that it has issues on performance, players are still enjoying the game for what it is, a master piece. Gameplay reigns above everything, performance will be fixed eventually its just a matter of time.
what makes the gameplay a masterpiece? its more souls .. what is masterful about the combat, the moment to moment gameplay? no one can explain this - ever.


It's repetitive and lacks depth. It's not bad but it's not very fun mechanically compared to a souls game.
Sure. That's why on the OT the main complaint for some people is that systems are too deep now.

You've been clearly nowhere near the game, like 100% of the shitters here, yet still feed the need to express your imaginary concern. Wonder why.

Buggy Loop

The pc version is far from unplayable. I’ve got like 8 friends on steam all clocking in over 60 hours. I am at 80 hours. There is stutter when loading in new areas and randomly while playing. That is it for issues.

that Reddit post is completely wrong. I’m maxed out at 4k and its practically locked 60fps outside the stutters that happen for one or two seconds then stop.

953k concurrent players are playing on "unplayable" Elden ring PC, how can it be??

what makes the gameplay a masterpiece? its more souls .. what is masterful about the combat, the moment to moment gameplay? no one can explain this - ever.

It doesn't take players for braindead slugs with waypoints, yellow/white paint places where you can jump/climb, it doesn't try to fucking whisper into your ears every goddamn minute something that should interest the player to do or spoon feed you the story, for one.

The map design is above everything else that has been done in videogame industry. Simple as that. The sense of exploration is unmatched. All curiosity ends with a nice unique item or skill that can transform or give alternative means of playing the game. As for the core combat? There could be discussions on hitbox porn and so on, but more notably, it let the players PLAY the game. Not an Hollywood movie or constant chatter. It gives enough pieces of the puzzle that you can make up your mind on the story. It's just you, the player, doing stuffs. A lost art apparently. It's more akin to Bioshock in that aspect than any modern AAA games. The combat feels weighty and different weapons totally change the feeling of it. How many games where combat is completely hollow or an afterthought? Target enemy glowing weak points for tons of damage!

Bullshit on "no one can explain this - ever", you probably never listened or trolled back.

That makes no sense lol. People love the gameplay. Fighting robot Dinos is awesome. Please at least be honest.

Robot dinos is definitely one of the developers' dying kid's last wishes of something cool. It's straight out of 90's Beast war level of cool.

Seriously? Robots that can't even fucking pick up on you from the foliage? (sensors?? what are those!) Humans able to get hit by some 2 story high robot mass of metal clawing on them? Why are robots even around in those fields? There's no goal here, just "something cool".

Anyway, I won't link here but, Jim Sterling had a nice video on open world games today (and because of Elden ring). The old open world recipe is hopefully gone sometime in the next 5 years.


It's funny to see this dynamic play out.

Elden Ring clearly shows that lots of people hate the lack of quest logs and map markers, etc. It also shows that lots of people like having the open-ended/cryptic nature of the game..

I think it's getting beyond ridiculous though with people acting like Elden Ring is flawed at its core because it does something different. Like WTF, there's no shortage of games that have the features that whiners are clamoring over. And yes, they're whiners.

I don't understand how to play Civilization games, but I'd never even think to demand that they retool the gameplay to accommodate for my lack of skills. It's just so dumb, if you don't like Elden Ring, just move on to something else. It's not From Software's responsibility to cater to everything someone may want, and the critiques aren't valid cause they're judging the game on what they want it to be, not what it actually is.

It's like some of these people expect the game to tell them to go explore. It's a massive open world and you get a horse like 30 minutes into the game. Just go explore and stop acting like you have to follow the trail of the grace points, you don't. I don't even bother with looking at where the grace points are pointing to. It's irrelevant to me.
The thing is, a lot of people, especially among a more casual audience, are almost too dense/oblivious about systems in games and how they effect the "user experience" to realize that "Elden Ring makes exploration feel magical and special, you truly feel like you are on an adventure" AND "Elden Ring doesn't go out of its way to alleviate ANY inconvenience for the player and it's very sparse with its handholding" are not two incidental sentiments that happen in the same game out of chance.
In fact the former is for a good part a direct consequence of the latter.


Elden Member
I mean, I'd love a Horizon game with alot of ER's gameplay design choices. That would be great, and likely way better than ER to me because I hate it's art style, lack of any real story and overal janky graphics.

Its sad we can't just get one perfect game.

Often it feels like you either excel at graphics, gameplay, story or art direction, but you can only choose 2 of those things as a developer (or in ER's case, only 1).
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953k concurrent players are playing on "unplayable" Elden ring PC, how can it be??

It doesn't take players for braindead slugs with waypoints, yellow/white paint places where you can jump/climb, it doesn't try to fucking whisper into your ears every goddamn minute something that should interest the player to do or spoon feed you the story, for one.

The map design is above everything else that has been done in videogame industry. Simple as that. The sense of exploration is unmatched. All curiosity ends with a nice unique item or skill that can transform or give alternative means of playing the game. As for the core combat? There could be discussions on hitbox porn and so on, but more notably, it let the players PLAY the game. Not an Hollywood movie or constant chatter. It gives enough pieces of the puzzle that you can make up your mind on the story. It's just you, the player, doing stuffs. A lost art apparently. It's more akin to Bioshock in that aspect than any modern AAA games. The combat feels weighty and different weapons totally change the feeling of it. How many games where combat is completely hollow or an afterthought? Target enemy glowing weak points for tons of damage!

Bullshit on "no one can explain this - ever", you probably never listened or trolled back.

Robot dinos is definitely one of the developers' dying kid's last wishes of something cool. It's straight out of 90's Beast war level of cool.

Seriously? Robots that can't even fucking pick up on you from the foliage? (sensors?? what are those!) Humans able to get hit by some 2 story high robot mass of metal clawing on them? Why are robots even around in those fields? There's no goal here, just "something cool".

Anyway, I won't link here but, Jim Sterling had a nice video on open world games today (and because of Elden ring). The old open world recipe is hopefully gone sometime in the next 5 years.
In ER you can hug enemies from behind while in crouch and they don’t react, I do this all the time to make sure the backstabbing is going to land… if we’re nitpicking stupid stuff I can do it on ER too. Everything is static, the world is dead, the camera is wonky, horse combat is one of the worse things I played in my life, nothing reacts to you, there are tons of pallette swaps.
Some bosses are unbalanced and utterly badly designed. The arenas have cheap pitfalls where you can die from rolling lmao.
See, I can do it too!
It’s like some of you want to actively hate the other games. ER have LOTS and I mean LOTS of flaws. I can make an enormous list of them.
Fortunately I’m playing both games and can appreciate them for what they are and don’t have to sound like a petulant child shitting on one to make the other look better.
And what is the bolded? Edgy dead world, from the 2000s cool. laughable post.
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Lacks depth lmao.
I mean, I've ignored most weapons, traps, Aloy advice on what to do and just shot the shit out of the Dinos and won every time. The systems they've built up, while cool, all seem optional. Note that I'm only 30 or so hours in so they could ramp up the scenarios or difficulty soon.
Again, the only reason elden ring scored so high is because it was mostly reviewed by rabid From fans who jerk off to everything the studio does and have the ability to ignore the PS3 era graphics and outdated ass combat.

Most people who play the game who aren’t obsessed with From think it’s just another open world game with cool art.

It’s the most overrated game of all time. Devs have a right to call it out

Are you a Horizon FW developer by any chance?


In Horizon you can approach enemies any way you want. Games are not supposed to have one set way to win.
True, I'm just getting the feeling that not a lot of stuff matters in this game. Which I guess is a good thing because the way you upgrade weapons is dumb. I honestly can't believe that upgrade system and their solution to climbing made it past alpha stage.


Again, the only reason elden ring scored so high is because it was mostly reviewed by rabid From fans who jerk off to everything the studio does and have the ability to ignore the PS3 era graphics and outdated ass combat.

Most people who play the game who aren’t obsessed with From think it’s just another open world game with cool art.


As much as I have enjoyed quite a few Ubisoft-style games, ER is just on a totally different level. I’m playing on XSX and yes I see frame drops, but they don’t affect my enjoyment of it and as a game it is so much more interesting so I’m willing to forgive that. After all, gameplay is king.


Represent(ative) of bad opinions
It doesn't take players for braindead slugs with waypoints, yellow/white paint places where you can jump/climb, it doesn't try to fucking whisper into your ears every goddamn minute something that should interest the player to do or spoon feed you the story, for one.

The map design is above everything else that has been done in videogame industry. Simple as that. The sense of exploration is unmatched. All curiosity ends with a nice unique item or skill that can transform or give alternative means of playing the game. As for the core combat? There could be discussions on hitbox porn and so on, but more notably, it let the players PLAY the game. Not an Hollywood movie or constant chatter. It gives enough pieces of the puzzle that you can make up your mind on the story. It's just you, the player, doing stuffs. A lost art apparently. It's more akin to Bioshock in that aspect than any modern AAA games. The combat feels weighty and different weapons totally change the feeling of it. How many games where combat is completely hollow or an afterthought? Target enemy glowing weak points for tons of damage!

Bullshit on "no one can explain this - ever", you probably never listened or trolled back.
Im talking about core combat.

You can turn off markers and crap like that in Horizon.

Seems to me like everyone confuses "good open world design" with "good gameplay". The open world design being free of hand-holding has nothing to do with the actual core combat. Which seems to be the most overrated thing in gaming history. Its hella outdated.

You cant just glance over the non-existent hit reactions in an action SLASHER game like this. It automatically makes the combat feel like an afterthought. This game has by far the worst enemy hit reaction of any AAA game i've ever seen. Ever.

I mean seriously, what in gods hell is this?

Just unacceptable. The combat looks atrocious. Sword goes right through the giants foot due to terrible clipping, no scars left on his feet after 1000 hits from a sword. No visible damage at all. He doesn't react to a single blow. You just hit his feet over and over and he falls. Kills all sense of immersion and intensity. Y'all are confusing cool enemy design with good combat. This is good core gameplay?

As if "Hit feet until he falls" is any better than "Hit weak spots until he falls". It's the same shit, and Souls fans act like its some unique gamebreaking combat.

A game like this needs better attention to detail when it comes to combat - It shouldn't be ignored.
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There's a big bias towards Elden Ring, that's for sure.

Seen some reviews praising the game without getting into half of it and calling out the serious performance issues. But it seems this game gets a free pass ala Sony and Nintendo exclusives.

I keep saying it, this industry is really (REALLY) biased towards the Japanese gaming industry.
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