Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Attack of the Fanboy 10/10
Scorn is a special experience for anybody looking to have their expectations subverted for what a good horror game can be. It is a gory, surreal, provocative dive into difficult or even taboo topics, and is wonderfully crafted, and near perfectly optimized. The game’s themes and visuals are challenging and extremely mature, but executed with great subtlety. The game is a technical marvel and concise as any horror game should be, so as to not overstay its welcome.
PC Gamer - 8/10
Checkpoint woes and a short runtime couldn't keep this body horror sci-fi game from burrowing into my skull.
GamingNexus - 9/10
Full of body horror and psychotically twisted imagery, players will have a variety of reactions to Scorn, but they are unlikely to be bored. While the game's world building and puzzle design are top-notch, the combat and a punitive checkpoint system may turn some players off. Regardless, the big swing by developer Ebb Software definitely pays off. There are no other games on the market quite like Scorn.
Eurogamer - Unbadged (3/5)
In Scorn, a game of wonderfully horrible atmosphere and smart, hands-off puzzling is undermined by some dodgy checkpoints and wonky combat.
Guardian - 4/5
An evocative work of art but the things the game evokes are so unpleasant players might need to ration the lengths of their sessions
Xboxera - 4/10
I have enjoyed some action-adventure horror games out there. Limited ammo and health reserves can be a great tool for upping the tension and a great story helps make it worth seeing things through. Scorn has none of that. It is bland, boring, plays poorly, and excels in no areas.
Twinfinite - 4/5
Overall, I would very highly recommend Scorn to fans of both horror and puzzle games. It definitely stands out in both genres as unique, and its challenges will keep you thinking constantly. It is also a game worth checking out if you are a fan of the Alien series or anything biopunk. The art alone was enough for me to immediately wishlist it. While the lack of dialogue did at times feel upsetting, possibly because I myself am a writer at heart, it definitely did add to the creepiness of the atmosphere. With more dialogue, it is very likely that my immersion would have been broken, or at the least, paused. If you think that you have the guts to be surrounded by guts, grab Scorn now on PC or Xbox.
Gamespot - 4/10
Scorn's frustrating combat, unbalanced puzzles, and unforgiving checkpoints make it an infuriating slog through an otherwise intriguing setting.
PressStart - 7.5/10
Scorn successfully leverages an intense atmosphere with striking artistic direction to offer a horror journey like no other. While combat can get in the way of an otherwise strong offering, and the story takes a back seat to everything else, Scorn is a unique horror experience and a great debut.
Gamerant - 1/5
Finishing Scorn does not leave players with a sense of satisfaction; it's not scary and it's not fun. Most will be glad that it's over, and at least it's mercifully short. It only takes about five hours to beat Scorn, and our playthrough ended with us earning 11 out of 12 of the game's achievements. Scorn gives players absolutely no reason to return to it, and quite frankly, it doesn't offer much reason to play it even once.
PCgamer - 8/10
Scorn, in a word, rocks. It meaningfully uses its high-end art and rendering resources. Instead of 200 gigabytes of battle royale maps or the most realistic simulation of Ronald Reagan's jowls the world has ever seen, Scorn presents something more deliberately, artistically upsetting: a truly alien world, one that by turns surprised, sickened, and genuinely moved me. I'm hopeful its checkpoint pain can be alleviated with a patch, and it's a type of game I'd only like to see more of.
Gaming Instinct - 10/10
There is really not much to complain when it comes to Scorn. My only real gripe is that the adventure is over a bit too soon. If you are decent at solving puzzles and good at figuring stuff out quickly then you can get through this horror of a journey in roughly four to six hours with five most likely being the average length that it would take to beat the game. However, what you are going to experience in these four to six hour is nothing but pure quality, out of this world atmosphere, a ton of disturbing and gross moments
Currently: 73
Scorn Reviews
Scorn is an atmospheric first person horror adventure game set in a nightmarish universe of odd forms and somber tapestry. It is designed around an idea of "being thrown into the world". Isolated and lost inside this dream-like world you will explore different interconnected regions in a...
Currently: 71

Scorn Reviews
Scorn is rated 'Fair' after being reviewed by 95 critics, with an overall average score of 68. It's ranked in the bottom 37% of games and recommended by 40% of critics.

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