Music you like that's inspired by videogames


Reverse groomer.
Not music FROM videogames per se, but music you've heard from other artists that were inspired by videogames, such as chiptune, covers, original music, et cetera. Stuff that you hear and KNOW was inspired by a game but isn't in any.

An easy one would be a buttload of chiptune. I love a lot of what's made by Fearofdark, Jake Kaufman (you probably know him from the Shantae games), Kulor, Coda, and Stinkbug. All of these artists manage to make amazing chiptune that really harkens back to the 20th century and old 80s/90s videogames. I never grew up in that time, but i grew up on the video games from then, and DAMN it feels good to listen to this stuff.

There's also remixes. Anyone who's into Touhou would know about PLENTY of Touhou remixes thanks to the insane popularity of it in Japan. Some of these songs are just straight bangers even if you have no idea bout their source material

Music from videogames is always great but we have to appreciate the fanworks that people create about them, too


Reverse groomer.
here's some more stuff

You might be asking how these relate to video games? The title of the album these 3 tracks come from "SUPER DREAM ZONE" isn't just there because it looked cool.
All of the songs in the album are heavily inspired by video games & anime, especially JRPGs, in the themes of the songs and the overall style of them. The title is a reference to old video game names, yknow like Super Mario World, Kirby Dream Land, etc

SUPER REACTOR X for example sounds like the title screen of a new adventure game, the start of a new journey. The opening really conveys that with the beautiful 'lighting up' sort of sound that you hear, feels like the game is sort of turning on. The switches between different dance genres feel like the demo playing in the background, showing you the all the unique locations and fights you'll encounter in the game. 2:02 to the end in that song is just pure badassery

Crunchy Crown Coaster sounds like the starting area/first world, using samples from quite a few games like Sonic 3 and Knuckles and Paper Mario. The fast paced sections feel like the battles you encounter in the grasslands, while the slow paced sections feel like you sort of meandering around the open world, finding equipment, talking to NPCs. It quite reminds me a lot of Petal Meadows from Paper Mario TTYD... just that it's speedcore.

Vicious Heroism sounds like a bossfight, you stacking up against a crazy, gigantic adversary. Possibly holding the first of the many macguffins you're supposed to collect throughout the game, or they're the the final enemy you face in a dungeon, either way both of you aren't coming out of this alive. The fast paced kicks and guitar really make it sound like a do or die situation. It's like your flight or fight response in musical form, lol. The section at 2:30 feels like the battle is hitting its climax, maybe the protagonist started to go maximum overdrive after a moment of weakness. it's all or nothing, now

honestly i feel like the whole album is excellent, i love all the crazy styles and songs that the composer (Kobaryo) comes up with, but of course you have to be into fast paced speedcore and hardcore dance music (and also ofc be into video games) to appreciate it. It's a genre that not all people are going to be into & that's totally fine.

... yknow, i probably should have just put this in the main post.
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Reverse groomer.

This group gives me Silent hill vibes/music of that era

ive heard of that guy, i saw some of his albums on Bandcamp
honestly im not too into his type of music... perfer a bit more fast paced upbeat stuff myself
though, i dont know what compelled you to say silent hill. The ambiance is there, a bit but not enough to truly feel creepy like in Silent Hill. maybe it's just me?
Iv heard of that guy, i saw some of his albums on Bandcamp
honestly im not too into his type of music... perfer a bit more fast paced upbeat stuff myself
though, I dont know what compelled you to say silent hill. The ambiance is there, a bit but not enough to truly feel creepy like in Silent Hill. maybe it's just me?
I was not the only one. I commented on one of the videos and someone replied saying the same thing. (I tried to find it but maybe the video was taken down)

In the case of that video the song at 26:57 the begging is straight-up Sielnt hill.


Reverse groomer.
I was listening to one the best video game soundtrack ever made: Ridge Racer Type 4. And some recommended this:

for a moment i thought it was the other way around and this inspired Ridge Racer Type 4... but nope, this album came out in 2021
It's amazing to see that people are still making this type of music


Reverse groomer.
Vicious Heroism sounds like a bossfight, you stacking up against a crazy, gigantic adversary. Possibly holding the first of the many macguffins you're supposed to collect throughout the game, or they're the the final enemy you face in a dungeon, either way both of you aren't coming out of this alive. The fast paced kicks and guitar really make it sound like a do or die situation. It's like your flight or fight response in musical form, lol. The section at 2:30 feels like the battle is hitting its climax, maybe the protagonist started to go maximum overdrive after a moment of weakness. it's all or nothing, now
Vicious Heroism in particular reminds me of another EDM song created by Camellia, called "FINAL BLENDERMAN APPEARED"
If vicious heroism was a boss then FINAL BLENDERMAN APPEARED is the final boss, everything that track does FBA turns up to 11. it makes doom eternal sound like kids music.
it's Chiptune, dance music, metal all blended together in this intense ghost pepper soup of a song

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here's some more stuff

You might be asking how these relate to video games? The title of the album these 3 tracks come from "SUPER DREAM ZONE" isn't just there because it looked cool.
All of the songs in the album are heavily inspired by video games & anime, especially JRPGs, in the themes of the songs and the overall style of them. The title is a reference to old video game names, yknow like Super Mario World, Kirby Dream Land, etc

SUPER REACTOR X for example sounds like the title screen of a new adventure game, the start of a new journey. The opening really conveys that with the beautiful 'lighting up' sort of sound that you hear, feels like the game is sort of turning on. The switches between different dance genres feel like the demo playing in the background, showing you the all the unique locations and fights you'll encounter in the game. 2:02 to the end in that song is just pure badassery

Crunchy Crown Coaster sounds like the starting area/first world, using samples from quite a few games like Sonic 3 and Knuckles and Paper Mario. The fast paced sections feel like the battles you encounter in the grasslands, while the slow paced sections feel like you sort of meandering around the open world, finding equipment, talking to NPCs. It quite reminds me a lot of Petal Meadows from Paper Mario TTYD... just that it's speedcore.

Vicious Heroism sounds like a bossfight, you stacking up against a crazy, gigantic adversary. Possibly holding the first of the many macguffins you're supposed to collect throughout the game, or they're the the final enemy you face in a dungeon, either way both of you aren't coming out of this alive. The fast paced kicks and guitar really make it sound like a do or die situation. It's like your flight or fight response in musical form, lol. The section at 2:30 feels like the battle is hitting its climax, maybe the protagonist started to go maximum overdrive after a moment of weakness. it's all or nothing, now

honestly i feel like the whole album is excellent, i love all the crazy styles and songs that the composer (Kobaryo) comes up with, but of course you have to be into fast paced speedcore and hardcore dance music (and also ofc be into video games) to appreciate it. It's a genre that not all people are going to be into & that's totally fine.

... yknow, i probably should have just put this in the main post.

This sounds interesting...? :pie_thinking: Is it a full length album or just some standalone songs?


Reverse groomer.
oh cool it's even on spotify and has a physical CD release
btw, would you recommend some others like it? I'm rather fond of its particular aesthetic
i think Kobaryo has done other music like this but i can't be super sure on that as this is the only album i've truly purchased and listened to from them. That being said Bandcamp's recommended section (bottom of the page) has some nice recommendations if you're into the genre, specifically

Ok there's this
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i think Kobaryo has done other music like this but i can't be super sure on that as this is the only album i've truly purchased and listened to from them. That being said Bandcamp's recommended section (bottom of the page) has some nice recommendations if you're into the genre, specifically
Nice, I think it's time for me to finally get into Bandcamp. :messenger_smiling_with_eyes:

Kagey K

Not necessarily what you are asking but I'm going to see Chuck Ragan in April. He did all the music for The Flame and the Flood. Used to be hard punk, but now is Alternative Country.


Mitch Murder. Surprised nobody has mentioned him yet.

He's remade a few game songs, here are the ones I can remember off the top of my head:

Lost Patrol (granted I'd never heard of this game, out in 1990 on the Amiga)


F-Zero (Mute City)


Street Fighter 2 (Guile's Theme)


Personally I think the Mute City one is so good they could use it in an F Zero remake. (I thought the GX Mute City theme was dogshit)


Reverse groomer.
Mitch Murder. Surprised nobody has mentioned him yet.

He's remade a few game songs, here are the ones I can remember off the top of my head:

Lost Patrol (granted I'd never heard of this game, out in 1990 on the Amiga)


F-Zero (Mute City)


Street Fighter 2 (Guile's Theme)


Personally I think the Mute City one is so good they could use it in an F Zero remake. (I thought the GX Mute City theme was dogshit)

that mute city remix sounds like a genesis version


Reverse groomer.
The Holophonics have some very cool ska covers for both Banjo Kazooie and Donkey Kong.

Have a listen:

They have two albums full of those. Also, some random covers:

ok that chrono trigger cover is fucking great, holy crap

i dont know where you found this but you gotta keep digging, this is some grade A stuff
That armored armadillo cover could honestly be in a remake of Megaman X and it would work so well
This shit is why ska is and will always be legendary


Reverse groomer.

the song is literally about playing co op RPGs with your friends at night. it's fucking hilarious (and catchy as hell)


I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
ok that chrono trigger cover is fucking great, holy crap

i dont know where you found this but you gotta keep digging, this is some grade A stuff
That armored armadillo cover could honestly be in a remake of Megaman X and it would work so well
This shit is why ska is and will always be legendary
I found it thanks to a stoner friend lol.

I'll let you know if I find more shit like that my man. In the meantime, check out this dude:



Reverse groomer.

This song is pretty much a giant Sega tribute to the whole 'blast processing' ad campaign Sega had in the 90s to compete with Nintendo. The funk levels here are over 9000. Not to mention this song is one of the first of its kind, we get a lot of Sega remixes/tribute songs these days but back in 2012 it wasn't that common. If you know about 'Geometry Dash' this song should be VERY familiar to you
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