Videogame complaints that never made sense to you


Pokemon extremists. A hard line stance that every critter must return going forward, forever, is completely disregarding reality itself. It's a factual impossibility to put an infinite number of Pokemon into a game.
If you aren't afraid of what the game industry is becoming then you aren't paying attention. They want you to own nothing, to stop playing a game when they stop supporting it and then repurchase the same game a few years later at full price.

I don't think I have ever heard that specific complaint in regards to open world games. Usually people complain about large but empty worlds.

Don't fear the wave. Embrace the wave.
You mentioned longevity as a pro for GAAS and now you don’t care about it?

What I meant was longevity of player engagement as a result of expanding content, updates, improvements, etc. A singleplayer game with no online component is done as soon as you learn the programmed AI patterns and exploits and everything else that is baked into the game. Maybe it will still be around 35 years from now, but it will still be the same game it always was.


What I meant was longevity of player engagement as a result of expanding content, updates, improvements, etc. A singleplayer game with no online component is done as soon as you learn the programmed AI patterns and exploits and everything else that is baked into the game. Maybe it will still be around 35 years from now, but it will still be the same game it always was.
Are you serious, people are still playing the original Super Mario Bros. Now that's what I call longevity.
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Pokemon extremists. A hard line stance that every critter must return going forward, forever, is completely disregarding reality itself. It's a factual impossibility to put an infinite number of Pokemon into a game.

Good thing they aren't infinite then.

If fan games can do it, I'm sure gamefreak would manage.
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Ever play a Mario Kart game and watch your item go right through the racer you shot it at? Ever see a racer you knock out recover much quicker than you could in the same situation? Sometimes games do cheat.

A game cheating is like a RPG Dungeon Master cheating. It is impossible since the rules are made by them and there is no right or wrong. Perhaps the devs made a wrong decision in game design but it isn't cheating.

Games bend the rules against and in favor of the player all the time. The purpose is to make the experience more interesting -even if they fail at that.

KOF bosses are famous for breaking many rules the players need to abide.

Doom 2016 tricks the player to think he has lower health than he actually have to make the survival more satisfying.

Hit percentage in many turn based strategy games are higher than the game display since most people are not good in understanding true random numbers.

That said, I get angry with blue shells also, heh.
I've never understood the "immersion breaking" complaint that everyone is always going on about. You're sitting on a couch/chair, staring at a screen while holding a controller. How immersed can you be?


A game cheating is like a RPG Dungeon Master cheating. It is impossible since the rules are made by them and there is no right or wrong. Perhaps the devs made a wrong decision in game design but it isn't cheating.

Games bend the rules against and in favor of the player all the time. The purpose is to make the experience more interesting -even if they fail at that.

KOF bosses are famous for breaking many rules the players need to abide.

Doom 2016 tricks the player to think he has lower health than he actually have to make the survival more satisfying.

Hit percentage in many turn based strategy games are higher than the game display since most people are not good in understanding true random numbers.

That said, I get angry with blue shells also, heh.

A game cheats if the AI doesn't play by the same rules as the player has to.
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"I can only use asymmetric sticks"

As if your brain knows the difference in the very slight difference in angle/position when you are playing. This is pure fanboy drivel.
This one has some truth to it though. Muscle memory is a thing but it can be overcome with some practice.
I don't get people why complain about GAAS and "always online". Games that are living, breathing and constantly evolving are interesting and have longevity and dynamic feedback. I'm not even bothered by MTX.

Because of paywalls.


I have never been able to notice the difference between 30 and 60 fps, even in side by side videos, unless you slow it down 4x. I almost think that people are making it up.

I don't care if its 15, 50, or 1500, I have never been able to see/count individual frames while playing, nor have I ever thought to myself that more frames per second will somehow affect what I am doing onscreen.

Framerates, resolutions and other technical stuff. Mostly I simply don't... see it? If the artstyle is pretty than all the rest can be damned. And quite frankly, I don't really see a difference between something like 30 and 60 fps. I'm sure it's important in some genres, but not in anything I play.

A lot of Xbox 360/PS3 games still look absolutely beautiful to me. Something like Tales of Vesperia, Eternal Sonata, Blue Dragon or Valkyria Chronicles could easily pass as a current gen game to me. Hell, even something like Mario Galaxy or Mario Sunshine is a looker to this day.

A choppy framerate can screw up the play experience, especially with FPS.
epresentation of both w
The main one that doesn't make sense to me is with people criticizing Uncharted/Nathan Drake who is supposedly a serial killer because he ends up killing a lot of people along the way.
  1. He does not go looking for treasure because he likes to kill. He just ends up in situations where if he doesn't shoot first, he will get killed.
  2. He's not just killing random people! He's not hunting people! lol
  3. He was being chased by/competing with essentially pirates in the first game, some rogue army group in the second.....not exactly the type who wouldn't kill him. You can fault him for going after treasure and all but it's not like killing is his number one goal.
Some of the things that also bother me you have covered pretty much.
Well i'm glad that somebody used logic to explain why drake kills so many ppl..They want him dead!


Hold onto your panties
If you aren't afraid of what the game industry is becoming then you aren't paying attention. They want you to own nothing, to stop playing a game when they stop supporting it and then repurchase the same game a few years later at full price.

I don't think I have ever heard that specific complaint in regards to open world games. Usually people complain about large but empty worlds.
There was a discussion in a different thread about some of the previous and current gen games in regard to play time. Many pointed out games like MGSV for spanning beyond a desired 7-10 hours. Maybe not as common as what you mentioned, though. More dislike large empty worlds. I kinda like that though. I don't understand the complaint though to follow the theme of the OP. It's mainly because I started taking during the 3rd gen and it was mostly RPGs that had large open worlds then. People like myself wanted bigger game worlds for what we were paying. So, when those large open world games started getting better, people weren't happy if it changed something from a previous game. #Phonepunk# #Phonepunk# pointed out in the best way why a game like MGSV works better than me.

Mhmmm 2077

It is.

Consoles will update game when suspended.


PC needs Game updates, Window update + reboots, new video drivers, Steam updates, Epic store updates, EA updates, Ubisoft updates, special SW for chat and voice, etc.
Riiiight. Because consoles don't need OS updates + reboots, special kind of headset to even have voice chat AND hear the game (at least that was the case with PS3, idk about other consoles) and generally updating/downloading is/was slower than on a PC, but alright, it's updated, let's go play together... sec, let me just buy my online play subscription, so I can play that shooter game I paid online, for with a controller on top of that.

edit: Steam has voice chat integrated and/or no need for all these clients as GOG Galaxy 2.0 can scan and add all your games.
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Mass Shift

Character customization.

If you don't want to customize.... Don't. But please don't begrudge those who in enjoy it.

If you do like customizing and the features are made available to do so.......Indulge. But it's not necessary to throw a fit if every game doesn't deep customize for you. It's okay to enjoy the developers vision as it was intended.
Kind of all of them seem senseless to me. Ultimately you either consider it a commercial entertainment product which after all you buy at your own risk thus should inform yourself to make a decision based on that information whether you buy it or not. Or you see games as a form of artistic expression which you spend money on, knowing that the piece of art wants certain things to transport and for that being able to it is made in certain way by those who would be considered artists then. You may like or dislike it after the examination of it, the question is whether critisicm in any way would make sense to it.

At some point both viewpoints would intertwine in one way or another (why this makes art and culture nothing less than just another good and a way of social control is another debate) which would only double down on the point that in the end it will be a decision made by the person who consumes it and whether that decision was a good one or not. I wonder if a decision is good when lots of complaints are following said decison.


On topic. I don't know why people hated the grind in vanilla WoW so much. Back in the day it was a great social facilitator, it gave the middle levels bulk and it gave end game gear, or really any gear, a real sense of worth.

Also, this isn't very original but i don't understand what people have against Witcher 3 combat. I guess it's their oblique invitation for someone to request their Dark Souls resume, hanging their digital dicks out there, but i found the combat in Witcher 3 to be various and fun - and plenty challenging in its way. I guess most of these people didn't remember that there are multiple weapon attack speeds, for one thing, and mobs can be manipulated in various ways to make them vulnerable etc.

And in rebellious spirit i wanna say i don't understand why all you incels are so threatened by woman characters without fucking stepford wife personalities? Cheering on duke Nukem then getting pissed at a complex woman who buffs herself up to kill the man who sentenced the entire human race to death? You guys need to just jerk off to some hateful porn every time you wanna reassert your manhood to the ether.


. Please note that I've refrained from including the usual stupid videogame complaints made by SJWs
This is garbage. Keep it on the politics forum.


Free flow is ok-ish with numerous enemies but pretty shitty for boss battles (yes they are spectacular but from a gameplay point of view they are piss-poor)

also a game that choose for you what punch or kick or move by just pressing a button is not exactly what many people want from a combat system, it's not qte but it looks and sometimes feel likes something that was make to make the average player more good than it actually is with not much skill involved)

also, most the majority of games who use free flow are piss easy cakewalk even on the harder difficulty for people with good skill (not talking about champions, just good enough skills and experience)

spiderman, sleeping dogs, mordor saga, tsushima, some batmans games, etc. it's not always just the combat who makes these games easy but it's a pretty alarming constant...

but a shitload of people love this combat system, so i'm not gonna talk about it more than this, there are worse combat systems out there for sure.

I mean, frankly, the combat systems in stuff like sekiro or dmc 5 or monster hunter are vastly superior to any free flow combat system ever made, at least for skilled people.

I like freeflow combat because it's fun. Sure it may not be much of a challenge when compared to the likes of From Software games like Sekiro, but I enjoy it for what it is and it makes you feel like the badass the character you're playing as is supposed to be. And I like that it's not needlessly complicated like some other combat systems in games.

Back to Sekiro. Now that game has a great combat system and I'd enjoy it more if it wasn't hard as hell. Not every game has to be that challenging.

Minimaps remove player agency.
Why bother exploring when you can just look at the corner of the screen and see what's ahead. Even more so if it shows markers.

You stop paying attention to the beautiful world the developers crafted to just "play the minimap" instead.

If you can't move about in a massive open world without it, then it's a badly designed world "cough" Witcher 3 "cough".

Again, what's the problem? I can appreciate the beauty of a game's world and have a minimap on the side of the screen. And player agency? Why go about roaming about looking for stuff to do when a game can direct you where to go? I'm not a big fan of wandering about aimlessly in an open world looking for objectives to pursue. I'm here to play a game, not take in the scenery of some virtual world.

See above.
Makes exploration meaningless.
If you're just gonna dump hundreds of markers on the map, showing the player all the things you can do in it.
Why should anyone bother to explore if there's nothing to discover.
See also: literally any Ubisoft open world game.

Like I said, I'm here to play a game, not take in the scenery. I see nothing wrong with games showing you all the stuff you can do on a map and letting you tackle them as you see fit. At least it cuts down on the time you'd waste needlessly exploring a map.

But some games are great at making exploration fun. The recent Ghost of Tsushima had those birds and the Traveler's outfit guide you to hidden secrets you otherwise wouldn't have stumbled upon normally.

It's not as interactive as full blown gameplay nor as engaging as a cutscene.
It's the worst of both worlds.

I love Human Revolution and Mankind Divided but the slow walking segment at the begining of both games drive me up the fucking wall. Either give me the info through gameplay or through a cutscene.
This half-assed shit is annoying and needs to die. Especially when you die and have to repeat it. And unlike a cutscene, you can't skip it.

It the illusion of control.
At least the Half-Life tram sequence was tematically and mechanically cosistent.

Well, I can agree on that at least. Having to play through a dialogue scene once again before a mission can get irritating. Grand Theft Auto 4 was notorious for this. Thankfully Rockstar improved the checkpoint system with their subsequent titles.

Those who complain about third person because they believe first person is more immersive (not counting VR, of course). Early Silent Hill games and Bloodborne immersed me just as much if not more so than any first person game I've played. Immersion comes down to atmosphere and storytelling more than anything.

If anything, I've always felt a weird disconnect to first person. The main argument for it is that the perspective makes you feel like you're looking through your own eyes, but that's not true in my experience. If anything, it takes me out of it because of how much it doesn't line up with normal FOV and movement. Limbs never look right, head bouncing always comes off as weirdly rhythmic and exact, and there is no way to simulate peripherals.

The exception to this is of course VR, which uses your own head movement and somewhat brings peripherals in (peripherals come more into play when you're actually turning your head and looking around)..

I agree with this. I've never taken to first person and I always gravitate to third person games.

Though the upcoming Cyberpunk 2077 will be a bit of a bother for me since it's only in first person. But I think the game will be worth it.


PS5 controller have to recharged every 8-10 hours

It's a hassle to have to find the cable and connect it to the controller to charge it

If you have a >8 hours gaming session and to lazy to connect a cable, maybe it's just a complain of concern trolls


John Carmack was correct when he compared games to porn.
The story is expected to be there, but it's not that important.

People like games for many different reasons, one of them is stories. Carmack was way of the mark here, games have advanced so much from the simplistic days of Doom to the point that stories and characters are actually just as important as the gameplay.

Carmack was making the engine for a game where you put a gun to a 2D sprite in first person and it went boom. Of course he wasn't going to think it was important for that game.
Honestly the inclusion of the SWJ things, and then going as far to complain about it publicly. If you don't agree with a character decision, don't buy the game. The dinosaur furry thing.. volcano high or whatever. Is that game for me? No. I'm not going to buy it. That doesn't mean it isn't right for someone else.


Backtracking in MGS1.

Never had any problem with it, despite the fact that I played it hundreds of times.
Played it a few months ago. I wish there was a downvote option. The much lesser backtracking for the sniper gun for Wolf's fight in Twin Snakes alone makes that a better game


Again, what's the problem? I can appreciate the beauty of a game's world and have a minimap on the side of the screen. And player agency? Why go about roaming about looking for stuff to do when a game can direct you where to go? I'm not a big fan of wandering about aimlessly in an open world looking for objectives to pursue. I'm here to play a game, not take in the scenery of some virtual world.
It's not just about admiring the view.
It's about using the world itself to guide you. A sign post telling you what's ahead, a certain rock formation described by an NPC that you later find, ruins in the distance showing you that something of interest is here. All without needing a minimap.

This is how you marry the landscape with gameplay. Make it part of the exploration.
This is why Breath of the Wild is perfectly playable in Pro mode. In fact, it's the best way to play it. This also works for Deus Ex: Human Revolution and Mankind Divided.

If it weren't for Geralt's Witcher sense (see also Batman Arkham and Ghosts of Tsushima) and the minimap, moving through the world becomes an excersice in frustration.


People like games for many different reasons, one of them is stories. Carmack was way of the mark here, games have advanced so much from the simplistic days of Doom to the point that stories and characters are actually just as important as the gameplay.

Carmack was making the engine for a game where you put a gun to a 2D sprite in first person and it went boom. Of course he wasn't going to think it was important for that game.
A game with god-like gameplay can survive a shit story.
A game with shit gameplay will be a shit game even if the story was writen by Dostoyevsky himself.

I'll stand by my assertion that story is the least important aspect of a game. And that dismissing titles for that reason is stupid.


Gold Member
'Getting tired of Open Worlds.', while waiting for BOTW2.
This. I never can understand the complaint for open world games. I couldnt give a rats arse if the world is full of junk, it's massive, who cares!

For me it was always the natural progression for games..


Any moron who shits on:

Doom 3

Dead Space 3

Metroid Other M

Mario 3D World



to name a few. These people don't know what the fuck they're talking about.


We've all had various complaints related to videogames. Inconsistent frame rates, microtransactions, fiddly controls, etc, etc.

But what are videogame complaints that never made sense to you? What some people would find annoying your reaction would be like, "That's it? What's the big deal?"

Here are some of mine. Please note that I've refrained from including the usual stupid videogame complaints made by SJWs (lack of reprensentation, misogynist portrayal of women, cultural appropriation, etc, etc.), as they deserve a separate topic.


User Interface (UI) (various games) - Why do people always complain about UI's? Especially in open world games? Apparently having a health bar or a miinimap on some part of the screen ruin the immersion into the world. It's a fucking videogame. You're not playing a movie, and the stuff onscreen is supposed to aid the player, especially minimaps, which I find invaluable in navigating huge open worlds.

It's gotten to a point where people were giving praise to the recent Ghost of Tsushima for not having a minimap and instead using the wind to guide you. While I love that game to bits, if it had a minimap I wouldn't have complained.


Points of Interest (open world games) - So opening up a game world's map and seeing all those question marks is enough to make people groan. Why? Much of that stuff is optional anyway and as long as it's not tied to the game's progression you can choose to ignore it. I remember finishing the The Witcher 3's main story without having to finish most of the POIs in Skellige.

Freeflow Combat (Batman Arkham series and others) - Apparently some gamers feel that Rocksteady's freeflow combat system that they made for the Batman games is like a QTE event where you only need only to press a button to win. Well I fucking hate QTEs and the I love freeflow combat. Anyone who's played the Batman Arkham games know it's much more complex than it looks and I love how it makes you feel like the badass that Batman is supposed to be.

But the complaints aren't just limited to the Arkham games. Various other titles such as Assassin's Creed, Shadow of Mordor and Insomiac's Spider-Man have copied or taken inspiration from the freeflow combat owing to the success Rocksteady has had. Some gamers believe this is ruining combat for other games. I say, what's so wrong about other games aping one of the better combat systems I've seen in videogames?


Detective vision (Batman Arkham series and others) - Another gameplay feature by Rocksteady that's apparently ruining gaming. People say it ruins stealth gameplay because you can see the enemies hunting you. They also say it ruins exploration because it highlights the clues you've been searching for in the game area. Well I say that anything that makes stealth gameplay less of a chore like it was in the old Splinter Cell games is a welcome addition. As is with exploration. It would driven me batty to look for clues in The Witcher 3 without Geralt's witcher senses.


Walking ang talking sections (various games) - Why do people complain about sections where your character walks and talks with another NPC? If the game's relaying information to the player whilst also exploring the area, how is that a bad thing? None of the games I've played had particularly long sections of this to be irritating to me.

Those are my examples. What videogame complaints do you think are overblown GAF?
Gotta agree with all the points listed. They all sound awful to me. Great summary OP.


I cry about SonyGaf from my chair in Redmond, WA
It is.

Consoles will update game when suspended.


PC needs Game updates, Window update + reboots, new video drivers, Steam updates, Epic store updates, EA updates, Ubisoft updates, special SW for chat and voice, etc.

Sorry, but even a mentally retarded brain dead monkey won't find that complicated.

That's like saying console gaming is complicated because you have to download updates.

My computer does all that automatically while I play. Can't get any more easier than that.

When I boot up my pc plays whatever I wants. If I start a game it either starts or updates (like console)
When I shut down my computer it install updates while shutting down.
If that's complicated, then how do you manage to complete your day with daily tasks like go to work etc?

Don't make yourself more stupid than you are. This is not complicated, and you know it.

My gf that has no understanding with all this does this. The only thing she is capable of is starting the games.

You say you aren't even capable of that?

Don't mean do disrespect you, but this is the most shitty 99 argument in the world by people which last game they booted up was doom on Windows 95. Times changed.
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>"Game is good, but too long"

A good game cannot be too long. If you truly enjoy something, you don't want it to be over.


Sorry, but even a mentally retarded brain dead monkey won't find that complicated.

That's like saying console gaming is complicated because you have to download updates.

My computer does all that automatically while I play. Can't get any more easier than that.

When I boot up my pc plays whatever I wants. If I start a game it either starts or updates (like console)
When I shut down my computer it install updates while shutting down.
If that's complicated, then how do you manage to complete your day with daily tasks like go to work etc?

Don't make yourself more stupid than you are. This is not complicated, and you know it.

My gf that has no understanding with all this does this. The only thing she is capable of is starting the games.

You say you aren't even capable of that?

Don't mean do disrespect you, but this is the most shitty 99 argument in the world by people which last game they booted up was doom on Windows 95. Times changed.

You must have have one of those magical PCs that "just work".

I guess the endless pages of bug fixes, technical issues, etc that exist on the Steam forums, online, etc, aren't really real, but figments of our imaginations.

I have a pretty solid gaming PC and I love it when it works, but when it doesn't I wanna fuckin' kill somebody.

PC games can be glitchy as fucking hell.

Fucking bullshit false advertising to claim otherwise.

That pc gaming in 2020 is more complicated than console gaming.
Ah, so this comment is what got this party started.

You're adorable. And delusional.

In what fucking world is PC gaming NOT significantly more complicated than console gaming?!?!?! Just knowing WHAT to buy ALONE is more complicated, let alone hooking it up, setting it up, etc.

Straight up delusion man.
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When people complain about games being too long, or having too much content. I just dont get it, surely its better for the content to be there than not?, especially if its a good game.
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Valkaria chronicles 4 " it hasn't changed much since the 1st one".

Except that it has a brand new story, brand new units, brand new stages etc. Also what other game does gameplay like VC.

Our industry demomises originality.
You can create a new 2D mario game for all time but if you create a brand new original game and make a sequel that doesn't change enough... They will pan you for it.

I've seen a few say it about Ori and the will of the wisps as well.

Here's how it works:

Game 1: amazing
Game 2: good but more of the same
Game 3: went in a total wrong direction
Game 4: it's good they went back to their roots.


I cry about SonyGaf from my chair in Redmond, WA
You must have have one of those magical PCs that "just work".

I guess the endless pages of bug fixes, technical issues, etc that exist on the Steam forums, online, etc, aren't really real, but figments of our imaginations.

I have a pretty solid gaming PC and I love it when it works, but when it doesn't I wanna fuckin' kill somebody.

PC games can be glitchy as fucking hell.

Fucking bullshit false advertising to claim otherwise.

Ah, so this comment is what got this party started.

You're adorable. And delusional.

In what fucking world is PC gaming NOT significantly more complicated than console gaming?!?!?! Just knowing WHAT to buy ALONE is more complicated, let alone hooking it up, setting it up, etc.

Straight up delusion man.

People with these problems use amd. They choose the problems then selves.

That's like buying an xbox and complain about you can't play god of war.

And yes, I don't try to download torrent stuff and watch xxxtranny porn on my pc so it never gets fucked up.

It's not called magic. It's called common sense. Yeah, I know it's so rare so it's categorised as a super power these days.
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When people complain about A.I.

I just need cannon fodder. It actually bothers me when they hide behind cover and dodge your bullets. I just wanna smash.


A game with god-like gameplay can survive a shit story.
A game with shit gameplay will be a shit game even if the story was writen by Dostoyevsky himself.

I'll stand by my assertion that story is the least important aspect of a game. And that dismissing titles for that reason is stupid.

You are taking things to extremes, and making your point wrong in the procrss. Of course, if a game is unpleasant to experience then that isn't good even if it has a good story. However, middling gameplay with great characters and story will elevate that game into something more, into something that will stay in people's minds.

Quoting Carmack, who was being an ass when he said it and was working on a simple fps, was you just being edgy.


People with these problems use amd. They choose the problems then selves.

That's like buying an xbox and complain about you can play god of war.

And yes, I don't try to download torrent stuff and watch xxxtranny porn on my pc so it never gets fucked up.

It's not called magic. It's called common sense. Yeah, I know it's so rare so it's categorised as a super power these days.

Yeah, when a game doesn't work on PC cuz reasons, going into the .ini files and changing shit around in there and troubleshooting up the ass is total common sense.

I bet my grandma could be a PC gamer, it's so easy.
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I can agree with some complaints about minimaps. Usually you are staring on the minimap half of the game time while navigating the world. I prefer other solutions for navigating, like compass with mission objectives, like Fallout 3/4. Speaking of Witcher 3, I've found a mod which marks objectives on your screen with a tiny * while using witcher senses. This allowed me to remove minimap altogether and the game became much more immersive to me.


Gold Member
I like freeflow combat because it's fun. Sure it may not be much of a challenge when compared to the likes of From Software games like Sekiro, but I enjoy it for what it is and it makes you feel like the badass the character you're playing as is supposed to be. And I like that it's not needlessly complicated like some other combat systems in games.

Back to Sekiro. Now that game has a great combat system and I'd enjoy it more if it wasn't hard as hell. Not every game has to be that challenging.

Again, what's the problem? I can appreciate the beauty of a game's world and have a minimap on the side of the screen. And player agency? Why go about roaming about looking for stuff to do when a game can direct you where to go? I'm not a big fan of wandering about aimlessly in an open world looking for objectives to pursue. I'm here to play a game, not take in the scenery of some virtual world.

Like I said, I'm here to play a game, not take in the scenery. I see nothing wrong with games showing you all the stuff you can do on a map and letting you tackle them as you see fit. At least it cuts down on the time you'd waste needlessly exploring a map.

But some games are great at making exploration fun. The recent Ghost of Tsushima had those birds and the Traveler's outfit guide you to hidden secrets you otherwise wouldn't have stumbled upon normally.

Well, I can agree on that at least. Having to play through a dialogue scene once again before a mission can get irritating. Grand Theft Auto 4 was notorious for this. Thankfully Rockstar improved the checkpoint system with their subsequent titles.

I agree with this. I've never taken to first person and I always gravitate to third person games.

Though the upcoming Cyberpunk 2077 will be a bit of a bother for me since it's only in first person. But I think the game will be worth it.
The relation between hard and good is not always on point, monster hunter or gow or even the darksiders saga are not that difficult most of the times and they both have a better combat system compared to free flow, and you feel as badass as any batman game in these games.
And honestly, even souls game are not that difficult, it's just a matter of having the correct mindset.
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Yeah, when a game doesn't work on PC cuz reasons, going into the .ini files and changing shit around in there and troubleshooting up the ass is total common sense.

I bet my grandma could be a PC gamer, it's so easy.
I had a labtop that could easily run anything pre 2013 at high settings/60fps.

Bought FEAR 1 from GOG and booooooooy 5 minutes into the game it would suddnly slow to a crawl for no apparent reason, search forums and YouTube for an easy fix any noob could get and i didn't find something that made sense to me or instructed me step by step how to do it, my laptop died midway through 2019 and i was done, PC gaming is great for those who know it's shit, but for me i just want to plug and play and occasionaly update the game, nowadays i just use the wife's macbook for surfing and what not and with smartphones i doubt I'll ever buy a desktop or a laptop anytime soon.
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I cry about SonyGaf from my chair in Redmond, WA
Yeah, when a game doesn't work on PC cuz reasons, going into the .ini files and changing shit around in there and troubleshooting up the ass is total common sense.

I bet my grandma could be a PC gamer, it's so easy.

Oh, the 90's. I don't miss those times. Thankfully they are over.


"It's a walking sim" has to be one of my pet peeve statements. Sometimes I just want to have a more chill experience where I'm immersed in an environment


Grinding. It’s basically a mechanic of rpgs and you don’t always have to do it, but it gives you options as to how easy or hard you want the experience to be.
In a lot of games you do kind of have to do it though, and it has stopped me from playing quite a few RPGs. I personally don't enjoy having to trudge through boring encounters and environments just to boost my stats. The encounters I've had while going from point A to B should be enough. Was playing Dark Cloud and was enjoying the story and rebuilding the towns but then got to a boss fight that I was severely under-leveled for. Haven't returned to it since.


weapons that break in breath of the wild it makes the game better you whiny little c*nts

Disagree. I'm not against weapon durability, but the way BOTW did it, weapons were SO unrealistically fragile, that it was immersion breaking.

It's jarring and unexpected when a wooden club or stick shatters after just a few swings. They went overboard with this.
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