Some foods for thought. I don't play multiplayer games very frequently, but i don't really have anything against the idea of MP in particular.
So i've compiled some of the things that usually put me off from them, and want to see if more people agree.
So, would you play them more if none of these were an issue?
>Forced internet/server connection
This is a particularly off putting aspect as i feel like i'm not in control of my own product.
"Oh, but you need to be connected to the internet to..." that is a BALD FACED LIE and a notion people need to throw in the trash already. There are tons MP games from the 90s and early 2000s, as well as some modern ones, that can be still be played just fine even if any official server is down and forgotten. Through LANs, private servers, or even just you alone strolling around the map or whatever.
>Excess of limited time events
I HATE games that force me to manage my time around them. I like playing at my pace. I want to be able to drop a game and pick it up again 1 month from now without 'missing out' on anything, or at the very least nothing of significance.
Lunar festival? Fuck off. Some chinese new year event? Shove it in your ass. Unless, of course, you let me access those at my discretion even after they're over.
>Stores with games attached
Its a feeling some games give off, especially f2p ones. That your "game" isn't really a game but an app store designed to make you buy skins, dlcs, emojis and so on. I can forgive a game thats looking to have a constant revenue stream and thus constantly making new skins or whatever. What i can't forgive is designing all your menus - worse yet, the game itself - around selling you that stuff.
>No single player component. At all.
Sometimes i want to just chill or learn the ropes at my own pace. I'm not asking for lenghty campaigns using the game's mechanics, or anything like that. Whatever happend to bots? Some AI to play with or against? Anything to at least let me learn the ways of the game without having to worry about the game's manners or culture or any other bullshit like that. I don't want to get into a match only to be team killed because apparently i wasn't supposed to stray too far off from the squad while i was barely learning the controls.
Naturally i'm not extremely rigid on all of those, but having at least one of them (especially the first 2) makes me far less likely to get a certain game.
On the other hand, i'm more than happy to engage with Multiplayer games - or more commonly Single Player games with Multiplayer components - as long as they don't come with the crap listed above and that i have friends to play it with.
So, yay or nay? Also paging
because i want to see chaos.
So i've compiled some of the things that usually put me off from them, and want to see if more people agree.
So, would you play them more if none of these were an issue?
>Forced internet/server connection
This is a particularly off putting aspect as i feel like i'm not in control of my own product.
"Oh, but you need to be connected to the internet to..." that is a BALD FACED LIE and a notion people need to throw in the trash already. There are tons MP games from the 90s and early 2000s, as well as some modern ones, that can be still be played just fine even if any official server is down and forgotten. Through LANs, private servers, or even just you alone strolling around the map or whatever.
>Excess of limited time events
I HATE games that force me to manage my time around them. I like playing at my pace. I want to be able to drop a game and pick it up again 1 month from now without 'missing out' on anything, or at the very least nothing of significance.
Lunar festival? Fuck off. Some chinese new year event? Shove it in your ass. Unless, of course, you let me access those at my discretion even after they're over.
>Stores with games attached
Its a feeling some games give off, especially f2p ones. That your "game" isn't really a game but an app store designed to make you buy skins, dlcs, emojis and so on. I can forgive a game thats looking to have a constant revenue stream and thus constantly making new skins or whatever. What i can't forgive is designing all your menus - worse yet, the game itself - around selling you that stuff.
>No single player component. At all.
Sometimes i want to just chill or learn the ropes at my own pace. I'm not asking for lenghty campaigns using the game's mechanics, or anything like that. Whatever happend to bots? Some AI to play with or against? Anything to at least let me learn the ways of the game without having to worry about the game's manners or culture or any other bullshit like that. I don't want to get into a match only to be team killed because apparently i wasn't supposed to stray too far off from the squad while i was barely learning the controls.
Naturally i'm not extremely rigid on all of those, but having at least one of them (especially the first 2) makes me far less likely to get a certain game.
On the other hand, i'm more than happy to engage with Multiplayer games - or more commonly Single Player games with Multiplayer components - as long as they don't come with the crap listed above and that i have friends to play it with.
So, yay or nay? Also paging

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