Gold Member

Caught during a risky break-in, you become indentured to a greedy TriOptimum executive. After six months in a healing coma, you awaken to discover the surgeons are missing, the station is in disrepair, and the once-prime corporate facility now teems with mindless cyborgs, robots, and mutated beings, all programmed to serve a ruthless A.I.: SHODAN. There's scarcely time to think before it unleashes the first terror...

The full release of System Shock is available for Windows, PlayStation, Linux, Apple Devices and Xbox One. The Windows version is available on Steam, Epic Games Humble, and GOG (DRM-free).
The upcoming remake is currently arriving as a Windows PC exclusive. However, Nightdive Studios plans to release it on console platforms, including PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and other PC platforms like Linux and MacOS. Developers have not yet confirmed a release window for the console versions.
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