Separately, board member Catz privately told Chapek he was making a huge mistake releasing the animated movie “Strange World,” which featured an openly gay character. Catz, who was on former President Donald Trump’s transition team, told him the movie was too polarizing and not up to Disney’s quality standards. She warned a poor performance wouldn’t play well with the board.
Catz declined to comment.
But Chapek and other Disney studio executives knew they’d have to release the movie. The last thing Disney needed was to anger the LGBTQ community again.
Disney released the movie on Nov. 23, 2022. It was a giant flop, losing Disney about $200 million.

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Unfuckingbelievable! This type of BS is exactly why the stock keeps dropping. They don't seem to understand who their audience is and where they get their money, hint, it's not the LGBT community. Until they get back on track providing the type of family movies without their not so secret agenda, their stock is just going to continue to tank. Are they all really that out of touch?