I liked that they used one of the few games without object-based motion blur to show how choppy 30fps is

all modern Insomniac games look much more smooth at 30fps due to their beautiful OBMB implementations and have really low input lag due to how they sync the frames and process input.
As soon as I 100%d Ratchet and Spiderman 2 in fidelity mode I started a new game/NG+ in performance mode I was like "cool looks so smooth and feels better, looks blurry af though" and turned them both off.
The whole "75% of players choose performance mode" is mired in most people having such old TVs they don't even have game modes or no ALLM to auto switch to Game mode for them at worst and at best entry level TVs with trash contrast/HDR that don't show the increase in sharpness that fantastic or even great TVs do. Also probably they are sitting 2.5-3.5m from a 50/55" TV or worse situation which is another culprit.
I used to play my PS1 on a 15" Sony CRT at a distance of less than 1m. Otherwise I couldn't see shit/read the text and its not like those games had a lot of detail in them. Modern games have so much detail in them, the reason so many say resolution isn't important and upscaling is the same as native is because they aren't viewing on a screen big enough for the distance they are viewing from.
Every day I sell people (read: middle aged couples for the most part) a 65, 75 or 85" TV with super high contrast/brightness that they will sit even closer to than I recommend and they come back and tell me they can't believe how sharp the image is and how much of a difference 4K and HDR makes to their enjoyment of films and TV shows. These are 40-50 year old wives we're talking about, before they left the shop all they cared about was the colour of the stand, size of the bezel or thickness of the TV and even they come back and tell me they can see a massive difference.