I don't quite get the utility of that...
I don't quite get the utility of that...
I don't quite get the utility of that...
Well you can put your other gear in one bag
Other gear won't require inventory space, gear sets are independent from the backpacks.
On this note I wonder how many gear sets we will end up getting at launch.
What I don't understand is individually color coding each slot (as opposed to multiple bags) and showing each slot with a very small dot. Maybe it makes using items easier, but I'm not sure how.
Do I have to do leve quests until I hit level 10, because right now I don't know where to get main story quests from.
Have you not played other MMO's ?
Other gear won't require inventory space, gear sets are independent from the backpacks.
No I mean the other gear other than the one you are wearing, like your whm, drg, war gear.
On top of gear sets... I see another possible issue, say we have an item that is used on more then 1 class, if the mannequin system acts as a separate inventory mechanism for each mannequin, then technically you would need 2 of that item or be forced to take the item off a mannequin set so you can equip it on a different set.
Wasn't inventory space a big sink in WoW?
Perhaps that's how gearsets will be unlocked - get a new class, get the option to buy a gearset for it.
The last few GC quests are nasty fights.Are the later 'main scenario' or GC quests a bit less... stand around, watch plot happen to NPCs while your character looks on gormlessly? I've only done the first few but it's getting a bit old.
After hooking my PC up to my 5.1 (using Multich audio) receiver yesterday I discovered that FF XIV's sound is pretty damn amazing. I started over in Gridania and the forest sounds practically envelope me. And the rain storm thunder and lightning feels like it's right in the room with me.Wow! That, and I am having more fun on my TV than on my small monitor. I had restarted several times in Ul'dah and had gotten pretty bored every time. The lush greenery of Gridania is pretty gorgeous and relaxing on the nerves. It's an aesthetic preference, but I feel more inclined to play because of it.
I also noticed today that I have Legacy status. I had no idea I even qualified.
Are there any programs like Altana Viewer for FFXIV?
I don't understand how it's possible to sell anything in the Marketwards. My inventory is full and so is my retainers. It's like a game of chance... if you can't get your retainer in Uldah, no one will buy your junk. Uldah is always full. Gah... Any tips?
People can search other cities from one city, and even buy items from anywhere in Eorzea. After the market updates, just place your retainer anywhere, and your sells will be worldwide.
Did they mention anything about changing up this retainer system for 2.0 because ugh, it's still no good.
God dammit, Shouta... you better not be playing with those impostors in that other server...
Did they mention anything about changing up this retainer system for 2.0 because ugh, it's still no good.
Is anyone considering jumping ship for Guild Wars 2?
Yeah this is my plan as well.Not jump ship but maybe play GW2 until 2.0 comes.
Is anyone considering jumping ship for Guild Wars 2?
Not jump ship but maybe play GW2 until 2.0 comes.
Did they mention anything about changing up this retainer system for 2.0 because ugh, it's still no good.
Well, that's one more 1.x goal done.
Now to finish up the Grand Company stuff, if possible...
Im jealous!
I just got the head piece. Still a ways off from the full thing but im getting there.
I got 3 pt invites today but they all wanted me to have Steel Cyclone. Im moving that up my list.
Steel Cyclone is the tits man. Soon as that ability fires off, I know I can start healing without grabbing aggro. I think it's a pretty good indicator for DD to start their role also.
Top of the list is still the storylines. Im at "Futures Perfect" in the main line and "Deus Ex Machina" in the GC line. Going to try and clear both tonight but that all depends on difficulty, etc. I think we can pull off Futures Perfect but I dont know too much about Deus Ex Machina yet. We'll see.
Are you on Sargatanas? I need to do Deus Ex Machina, but i'm having no luck finding a party for it.
Yes, Im on Sargatanas.
Probably going to try and do it tonight around 8:00pm EST. Im WAR and my sister is WHM so we were going to try duoing it but if youre going to be on around then, youre more than welcome to tag along. I dont know how difficult this thing is so I have no idea if we will succeed but we are going anyways.
Whats your name in game?
I tried it solo, and you definately can't solo it. Three might be ok though. I'm Electromagnetic Postman. I'm on GMT, but i'll make sure i'm on around then.
3 is max for Deus Ex.
As for Futures perfect, you can solo it, in fact you can only bring one other player to join you in the 'fight'. (hint it can be soloed on a Disciple of the Land or Even Hand with the right preparation of the nature of the fight).
I think it's 4 for Deus Ex. It says 3 party mambers can accompany you.
And yeah, Futures Perfect is pretty easy to solo.