Is there a missable weapon in Leon 1?I keep seeing ammo for a gun I don't have at the cemetary. 12 gauge? My gut says I might have missed something at the guns shop.
I'm liking Chris's campaign MUCH MUCH better than Leon's so far. Already it feels far more polished and the enemy hit reactions seem much better. Then again I assume this is because the enemies are basically ripped straight from RE4/5.
The first thing I bought was Item Drop Increase because I felt like I was always running out of stuff. I have Melee 1 and Defense 1 with it right now, and they all seem to be working well for the moment.What skills have you guys been using? I've now completed two of each campaign, and I've barely purchased any skills. I now have 65000 points, and I'd like to use them on something worthwhile. I have Defense level 1, J'avo Killer Lv. 1, Zombie Killer Lv. 1, and Item Drop Increase. Is there anything I really should be using?
Seriously? It's an awesome touch. I love that kind of stuff.who the fuck approved tripping
fire them
How much are you playing the game?But yeah. For new players, we're not kidding around-- follow the suggested order. It makes the game much more enjoyable. Again I'm not against freedom, but because of how stale Leon's story gets and how military gung-ho Chris' first couple of chapters are, adding in some Jake and Sherry to the mix makes for a more enjoyable and engaging experience. It actually feels like something is happening in the story now.
What skills have you guys been using? I've now completed two of each campaign, and I've barely purchased any skills. I now have 65000 points, and I'd like to use them on something worthwhile. I have Defense level 1, J'avo Killer Lv. 1, Zombie Killer Lv. 1, and Item Drop Increase. Is there anything I really should be using?
Seriously? It's an awesome touch. I love that kind of stuff.
So I've seen this complaint before, but I'm most of the way through Chris's second chapter and I'm constantly out of ammo. Why, in the campaign that is designed to look like and play like a conventional cover-based shooter, am I always without bullets? It wasn't a problem even once that I can recall in the Leon campaign.
What am I doing wrong? I'm using melee as much as I ever did, which is whenever it's possible.
Yes, it is an awesome touch. I really enjoy little details like that.Oh come on. It's not an "awesome" touch. It is a paramount example of how focus on attention to detail can actually be dilutive. Does anyone think, "Man, that is cool but it would be super cool if he sucked at it!" when Solid Snake tiptoes over bodies? I like that there are extra animations and I think it's neat someone wasted time on that but it does not enhance the gameplay experience in any way.
I could see it working if:
a) the game wasn't so dark
b) the FOV wasn't so narrow
Since it is both of those, you mostly trip over things you can't even see.
Yes, it is an awesome touch. I really enjoy little details like that.
If it were causing me to die or giving me problems I might feel frustrated with it, but it hasn't so I'm not.
Because you're using bullets THAT much more and most of your guns are automatics, so they burn through ammo. I did Chris' chapters online with a friend and we were BOTH always running low on ammo.
I wish it wasn't so easy to disconnect from people when playing as. I know it's because they technically don't know I'm there (in the case of Jake Chapter 4), but I'd like to be able to help someone all throughout their segment.Ada![]()
I still think he looks like a cross between Colton Haynes and Mariska Hargitay.
Uhh, that's kind of up to the player, isn't it? It's not that difficult to see the bodies lying around.Wouldn't it be an even cooler extra detail if, like a real person, the character only tripped on each body once, and then gained additional situational awareness as to avoid doing it 7 times in a row as you run back and forth?
Oh come on. It's not an "awesome" touch. It is a paramount example of how focus on attention to detail can actually be dilutive. Does anyone think, "Man, that is cool but it would be super cool if he sucked at it!" when Solid Snake tiptoes over bodies? I like that there are extra animations and I think it's neat someone wasted time on that but it does not enhance the gameplay experience in any way.
When you put it like that, it kind of makes sense for the characters to not be able to see shit either, lol.Since it is both of those, you mostly trip over things you can't even see.
Yeah, I totally see it!Juuust a bit.
Normally bodies you trip over are alive, aren't they? It's a touch for you to focus on it, isnt it?(havent played leon campaign yet)
Uhh, that's kind of up to the player, isn't it? It's not that difficult to see the bodies lying around.
Are you guys actually having trouble with that?! I mean, seriously?
Uhh, that's kind of up to the player, isn't it? It's not that difficult to see the bodies lying around.
Normally bodies you trip over are alive, aren't they? It's a touch for you to focus on it, isnt it?(havent played leon campaign yet)
Exactly. So I don't see the problem.I already posted above that it didn't turn out to be a problem like it was in the demo.
I swear it hasn't been a problem for me at all.Yes, it is difficult to see the bodies lying around.
Piers reminds me of:
Juuust a bit.
Well WHATEVER enjoy your tripping for now since I doubt Spark Unlimited will put it in Resident Evil 7
Dude, no need to get pissed off over it.Well WHATEVER enjoy your tripping for now since I doubt Spark Unlimited will put it in Resident Evil 7
So, just for the record, you can only really quit the game after you've seen the typewriter flash in the corner of the screen, correct?
who the fuck approved tripping
fire them
Dude, no need to get pissed off over it.
Well WHATEVER enjoy your tripping for now since I doubt Spark Unlimited will put it in Resident Evil 7
Its just annoying, imo. I'm barely moving walking by and I trip and react as if I was running full speed. Sometimes I walk around but I clip over its hand and I go flying forward. It was interesting and novel the first few times but is now annoying.Yes, it is an awesome touch. I really enjoy little details like that.
If it were causing me to die or giving me problems I might feel frustrated with it, but it hasn't so I'm not.
Ha ha, fair enough. You should not joke about Spark Unlimited, though, as it just might happen. *shudder*I don't understand how I'm pissed about if you miss such an obvious joke. I think the tripping means a whole lot more to you![]()
Thoughts on Chris chapter by chapter:
Chapter 2: Demo section I have done a ton of times so I was a bit bored. The large area with the two giant monsters I felt was not constructed well. Took me a while to really get a good feel of what I should be doing. The mansion looking area after was cool and I was glad to get away from all the gunfights.
Can someone give me advice on Ada's Chapter 4boss fight against Carla? I'm at the part before the shit ton of nitrogen tanks and her face blocks the way. No matter what I do, I can't clear her face away. Even if I destroy both eyes and then proceed to lay in to the face with everything I have, I still can't get rid of it.
No joke: I spent like 20 mins in this section because I lost track ofReally poor telegraphing on the part of the developers.Finn and didn't know how to kill the second monster.
Can someone give me advice on Ada's Chapter 4boss fight against Carla? I'm at the part before the shit ton of nitrogen tanks and her face blocks the way. No matter what I do, I can't clear her face away. Even if I destroy both eyes and then proceed to lay in to the face with everything I have, I still can't get rid of it.
the game/people tell you to enter a secret tunnel. it shows they can get killed by running into power lines. There's also a chain gun on one of the side streets. I found it to be fairly easy. However, I've found difficulty in some areas others found to be easy and vice versa.
Just finished Leon chapter 3. Glad I'm going in order. GOD did that level drag on. Ugh. ...I wish it was way more like the first chapter. =(