Can't we just leave the TouchArcade bs over there? :[
Any opinions from people who bought NFS or Borderlands? I've seen the reviews for the latter but I'm more interested in GAF opinions
Can't we just leave the TouchArcade bs over there? :[
Any opinions from people who bought NFS or Borderlands? I've seen the reviews for the latter but I'm more interested in GAF opinions
If you read back a little bit you'll see feedback from people here on both. And the impression I got about both games is "dont buy until there's a sale".
Eli of Touch Arcade posted this in response to the score IGN gave Borderlands Legends:
Fight!But seriously. TA making fun of another site for giving out high scores is... ironic? (Speaking of comments, don't read any of the other comments on that page
I didn't see anyone talking about playing Borderlands Legends other than GDJustin and I didn't see many people mentioning NFS outside of the graphics, but this thread does move pretty fast!
I'd link you to it, but I dont remember which page it was on. Someone from NZ said he paid the money for Borderlands and advised everyone else to stay away. Regarding NFS, the opinion I read was that it looked nice, controlled great, but the gameplay itself was boring.
Spectral Souls is free right now. It's SRPG quite like FF: Tactics.
Spider: The Secret of Bryce Manor is currently FREE :
Eli of Touch Arcade posted this in response to the score IGN gave Borderlands Legends:
Bucking fought!Heyo,
Our new iOS space shooter ARC Squadron is out tonight and it's only $0.99 for the first 24hrs (down from $4.99), check it out.. happy to answer questions. We are proud of it!
Reviewers are comparing it to an iOS Star Fox.
Our new iOS space shooter ARC Squadron is out tonight and it's only $0.99 for the first 24hrs (down from $4.99), check it out.. happy to answer questions. We are proud of it!
Reviewers are comparing it to an iOS Star Fox.
Our new iOS space shooter ARC Squadron is out tonight and it's only $0.99 for the first 24hrs (down from $4.99), check it out.. happy to answer questions. We are proud of it!
Reviewers are comparing it to an iOS Star Fox.
Our new iOS space shooter ARC Squadron is out tonight and it's only $0.99 for the first 24hrs (down from $4.99), check it out.. happy to answer questions. We are proud of it!
Reviewers are comparing it to an iOS Star Fox.
edit: Here's the demo link for those on the fence:
is your nick purpusefully meant to look like "ifuckingidiot"?
Our new iOS space shooter ARC Squadron is out tonight and it's only $0.99 for the first 24hrs (down from $4.99), check it out.. happy to answer questions. We are proud of it!
Reviewers are comparing it to an iOS Star Fox.
edit: Here's the demo link for those on the fence:
umm, basically. it's transposed. i'm very clever.
repeating the DEMO link since I edited it in after being quoted, for those on the fence.
also if you beautiful people who already bought give it a good review I'll be your BFF
where in an article/page do you place the source credits usually? For those big scoops I mean. Or is there an automatic source field at the end?I focus on IGN and don't really read other sites, beyond browsing headlines to make sure I'm not missing any big scoops.
Thanks for the link. Downloading the demo right now, but I can't play it until my Mini arrives Friday. I watched a video of it on youtube though. Looks cool. Does it control with the gyro or with virtual controls on glass?
awesome!Your game is the very first iOS game I have ever purchased.
It's primarily swipe based. It will make a lot more sense when you play. Some people drag the ship around the screen, but you can swipe anywhere for movement - I tend to use the bottom center of the screen as my swipe zone, flicking the plane back and forth with gestures. There's no gyro, we tried it and didn't find it very compelling (hard to see what you're shooting at with the screen tilted)
Thanks for the explanation. Will run fine on the Mini/iPad 2?
Spider: The Secret of Bryce Manor is currently FREE :
Bought ARC Squadron. Thanks for the 99cent intro sale.
Looking forward to iPod Touch 5 support so I can actually play it.)
Mother of god. Thank you. I downloaded this within seconds of seeing the word "FREE" and I'm completely in love. Absolutely lives up to the mountainous praise that's been heaped upon it. Between this, Letterpress and Punch Quest, I'm in iOS heaven right now.
ARC Squadron is awesome! Just beat the second stuff.
Two things:
Dungeon Story
Has anyone played the Last Express on the iPad yet? I'm getting my iPad on Friday and I loved the game when it originally released.
Our new iOS space shooter ARC Squadron is out tonight and it's only $0.99 for the first 24hrs (down from $4.99), check it out.. happy to answer questions. We are proud of it!
Reviewers are comparing it to an iOS Star Fox.
edit: Here's the demo link for those on the fence:
doesn't work on ipod touch? Itunes says the app requires a digital compass?
Looking to pick up Lunar Silver Star story. Anyone with any experience with the Lunar games know how this one sits? Was the only one game, or is it a series.
ARC Squadron is good stuff.
Two things:
Dungeon Story is not free in Australia, yet seems to be free everywhere else. If I dig 100000000000000, Dungeon Raid and the Zoo Keepers, is it worth a buck?
That space game, the one that kinda looked like the Gameloft space game, except it was only a few hundred meg and, well, better... what was it called? I can't find it in this thread anymore, even though I commented on itAnd is it still on sale?
PS. Definitely getting ARC Squadron. Looks dope. Would I be right in thinking it's also a little similar to Space Harrier?
iPad or phone?
does arc squadron have cloud backup?