You can parry Barbas? Didn't know that.
With the Mission 14 boss you canuse the followup punch to the Angel Lift to knock him down.
I mentioned it in my review nobody read
You can parry Barbas? Didn't know that.
With the Mission 14 boss you canuse the followup punch to the Angel Lift to knock him down.
I'm also kind of surprised Namco never ended up bringing any Ninja Gaiden to PC
I really need another action game to play. Son of Sparda in DmC is fucking terrible and is souring my positive experience with it. Why are these Japanese publishers so adverse to putting their stuff on Steam? Do they not see the money????
Why does that surprise you?
posted a video of DmC downsampled from 2440 x 1440 p ( click original )or something like that. I'm gonna do a whole playthrough with this resolution and post it on youtube
Video where?
Because like I said before, they've ported those games all over the place, and Namco seems to stepping up their PC releases as well. Shame it hasn't happened yet.
I love playing in 2880x1620, but the Steam UI is SOOOOOO small. I can't read any of it in game.![]()
I've never even tried BPM. Good suggestion, I'll check it out next time I launch the game.Wouldn't big picture mode fix that? At the least you could manually set the font size in the .ini. That is what I did before BP mode.
Because like I said before, they've ported those games all over the place, and Namco seems to stepping up their PC releases as well. Shame it hasn't happened yet.
It is getting better. Dark Souls petition actually worked. Capcom has gotten way better about releasing more timely and quality ports--Dead Rising, Resident Evil 4, 5 and Raccoon City, DmC etc. Konami announced Castlevania: LOS 2 and Metal Gear Vengeance.
Well Metal Gear was confirmed than taken away. Right now its just back on the table.
Konami really does need to get in on some PC action though. He'll they didn't even bother bringing downpour but we got homecoming on PC seriously wth
I'm not convinced the petition was why we got a PC port for Dark Souls.
Either way, I am just glad it happened even bare bones (it was at least pretty stable and bug free). It is probably my favorite game in years. And now DS2 day and date.I'm not convinced the petition was why we got a PC port for Dark Souls.
sweet tips
Reak talk, Snake Eyes destroys everything in this game. Just charge that shit and wait for someone to get close enough.
Butcher: charge that shit.
Chainsaw man: charge that shit.
Dreamrunner: wait for the ninja to hop out of his portal and let him taste the fist.
Snake Eye is the F,F,Y attack for Eryx, right?
You... You can charge that?
Those enemy tips just reminded me of how frustrating it is when you want to prioritize an enemy but Dante keeps using auto-target moves on the wrong enemy.
Occasionally nothing, they flat out don't register with auto targeting .Speaking of, does anyone else have an issue with Dante occasionally not targeting demon shards? I'm literally standing right next to those things and Dante will shoot the wall next to it. Feels bad, man.
There is no perfect charge in the Eryx moves, right?
Can't say for sure but there's an "Awesome" version of the jump up hold down O/B. Don't know how to trigger that, it just randomly pops up on your style meter.There is no perfect charge in the Eryx moves, right?
Just started Chapter 6. This is a fun fucking game.
Chapter 5 (the one with the cameras; ( I think that is 5) is fucking awesome. I don't know who said the platforming in this game was bad or unintersting because platformers are one of my favorite genres and that level had some of the best platforming in any game I've played in years. I wouldn't mind a lot more of the platforming. The double jump+glide feels awesome and you can even use your perry to get a bit of extra kick up at the end. it's fun just to do on it's own. And the two claws: pull to you and pull yourself to it are fantastic mechanic. It's especially great when they start mixing all this stuff together although I fear they probably toned it to try to appease the cry babies who weren't going to be happy no matter how the game turned out.
ezekial45 is gonna have to give up the throne
Haha best platforming in years....
The platforming in this game puts me right to sleep. On my second walkthrough dropping a jump or hook was causing me to get lower rank for time and its frustrating every time. Mostly because the platforming isn't a matter of skill but rather you just following on screen instructions. If you don't follow it exactly you either run into a glitch or you fall and get reset back like 15 seconds which adds up rather quickly over the course of a mission.
The platforming isn't just a way to give you pause from the action but rather it feels like platforming is a good 30-40% of the game. One mission is essentially 100% platforming.
I didn't know about that Tyrant shotgun tip, very useful.
I agree with this, but I liked the platforming in PoP and I sort of like it in DmC, too. It's not great, but on the first playthrough it's not offensive.Is rock off another word for masturbating?
Most of us here have played platforming games too and the platforming in this game is comparable to PoP 2008. Its easy mode and automatic with minimal risk involvement. The mechanics presented in the first 5 missions are essentially the same throughout the game as far as platforming goes, only the locales change.
My biggest gripe with the platforming is that I didn't always find it clear whether or not a grapple was in range or if you had to air dash first. Game had an annoying tendency of not letting you latch on should you attempt to grapple before dashing, despite not really losing much altitude and the whip having insane reach sometimes.