The problem here is not that there's been a "bad review", the problem is that people focus on Metacritic too much.
There's always 'professionals' that are very bad at their jobs, like this GameSpot review seems to show, but it's just another badly writte, lacking review. They came before and will continue to come for whatever reasons.
The game is lauded as an excellent game, getting great reviews all over the place, so why get hung up because there's one 6.5?? It should make no difference in purchase decisions.
There's always 'professionals' that are very bad at their jobs, like this GameSpot review seems to show, but it's just another badly writte, lacking review. They came before and will continue to come for whatever reasons.
The game is lauded as an excellent game, getting great reviews all over the place, so why get hung up because there's one 6.5?? It should make no difference in purchase decisions.