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LEGO City Undercover |OT| This city has no ports


Available in the European eShop now. I've decided to go digital on Lego City, those 20% less load times tempted me. I've also made enough room to download the game to flash memory by moving some stuff to external HDD. Wonder if that helps as well. Will report, but I don't expect any significant difference. I've tried the Monster Hunter demo both from flash and from HDD and didn't see any difference. Loading areas was pretty fast in both cases.

The download timer is now about 7h and I'm going to sleep now, wish me luck! :-D


I can't believe hard I've been laughing at this game and I've only played the first chapter. If this keeps up this could easily be one of my favorite games on the system.


Neo Member
Hmmm, was really looking forward to playing this tonight but so far it has been 24 hours and it's only 78% done. Sloooowwwwww.


Holy crap! Today's real megaton is that more than two people can have the same first name.
Loving this game so far.

By the way, ONM's website now has the full 90% review up.


LEGO City: Undercover will not change the world. It doesn't smash through any technical boundaries and probably won't win any awards for excellence. That said, I have a warm feeling in my tummy whenever I think about it and I can't wait to jump back in and lose a few more hours to it. It's massively addictive and TT Games has managed to capture the very essence of what a LEGO videogame should be. The time of the linear LEGO videogame is over. The LEGO 'linear film licence X' is dead. Long live LEGO City: Undercover.


Hum, the download doesn't go too smoothly after all. The console turned off automatically overnight although having been told not to. Had to restart twice this morning, too. Probably it does that when it has (albeit temporary) problems connecting to the Internet. Too bad I lost most of the night because of that. It didn't get far before the first shutdown.

Fortunately one very large chunk could be downloaded in the morning hours. But now during daytime the servers are significantly slower with more people downloading their release day copy. Currently I'm at 90% with a bit more then one hour to go it tells me.


I heard that you guys in the states have problems to receive a physical copy of the game. Same here in Europe: I live in a very big city and all shops I went to today had only two copys. And they wont receive more until the end of next week.

Seriously Nintendo, what the fuck is wrong with you? This is so annoying …


I went to Saturn yesterday to buy an eShop card and one retail copy was sitting right in front of me there. It was the only one, though. I was tempted to get this one instead of downloading. Amazon also has it in stock (BTW apparently the basic Wii U has been dropped to 200€ there, don't know if only temporarily). I will go to the city today, will check there as well.

My download has finished in the meantime, it is currently installing (~0,75h total).


PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 Xbone PS4 PS4
Picked this up today.

Graphics are okayish. Nothing mind blowing. Some low rez textures that I was not expecting considering the memory available in WiiU.
Framerate is a bit iffy from time to time but I appreciate the vsync. I hate screen tearing.

Enjoying the game so far.


I'm in Chapter 7, and I lost
the boat I was driving. I got distracted and went into the tunnel under the city, hopped out to a platform to find some Super Bricks, and the boat was gone. I found a hovercraft boat elsewhere and started on my path... then I tried to jump into another boat on the way and got eaten by a shark.

I had to quit, but I did a lot of motoring around the city looking around, and I'm having a hell of a time finding another boat in a convenient spot.

Anywhere I can go to solve this problem quickly?


I've just asked a guy on Miiverse who got the German version early. I hope he answers. Same would hold for the Spanish version, I presume. What I know is that there is a German dub definitely, but I'm eager to know if the English soundtrack with subtitles can be used instead. Currently all points to the German dub to be quite inferior. I've watched one trailer and it already had two blatant problems.

First, it dumped one joke altogether:
"Stop! Or I'll... keep running after you!" → "Ich bin heute in Topform!" ("I'm in top form today!")

Then they translated a term literally which is just wrong:
"crime wave" → "Welle der Kriminalität"
This term doesn't even exist in German. Correct would be "Verbrechenswelle".

I feel with you. Game translations can be painful when not getting the needed attention they deserve. I hope I can set the English voices or I'd have to try importing a UK version or something.

UPDATE: He said yes!! Apparently you can select multiple languages! :-D ♪♪

Yes, you can, in the main screen (but you have to restart the game for it to work). It isn't even hidden in an "option" menu, it is right under "new game" and "load game".

I'm in Chapter 7, and I lost
the boat I was driving. I got distracted and went into the tunnel under the city, hopped out to a platform to find some Super Bricks, and the boat was gone. I found a hovercraft boat elsewhere and started on my path... then I tried to jump into another boat on the way and got eaten by a shark.

I had to quit, but I did a lot of motoring around the city looking around, and I'm having a hell of a time finding another boat in a convenient spot.

Anywhere I can go to solve this problem quickly?

I did exactly the same thing, and I just went back to the place where I found the boat in the first place to find it back.


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And it comes with a card with a stupid 16 digit pin# that has both numbers and letters and the number 1 (one) could be a capital I (eye) or 0 (zero) could be O (oh).

How depressingly dumb.

It keeps saying the pin code is rejected.


Had to force me away from the game. Funny and addicting. Great to see that the areas are so large. Oh and I might've been unfair about that missing 'keep running after you' joke in the German translation. Chase also said 'I'm on a roll' at a different point. Yeah, technically it's far from a masterpiece, but it has a great amount of detail and beautiful design.


And it comes with a card with a stupid 16 digit pin# that has both numbers and letters and the number 1 (one) could be a capital I (eye) or 0 (zero) could be O (oh).

How depressingly dumb.

It keeps saying the pin code is rejected.

If this is a European code, the O is far "fatter" than the 0 on the cards now, and the 1 and the I are distinguishable.


got this today with luigi mansion 2

im waiting for my wii u power pak for triple battery life before i play this game
I'm in Chapter 7, and I lost
the boat I was driving. I got distracted and went into the tunnel under the city, hopped out to a platform to find some Super Bricks, and the boat was gone. I found a hovercraft boat elsewhere and started on my path... then I tried to jump into another boat on the way and got eaten by a shark.

I had to quit, but I did a lot of motoring around the city looking around, and I'm having a hell of a time finding another boat in a convenient spot.

Anywhere I can go to solve this problem quickly?

Hory shit, I had the same problem. Found a boat in the open sea to board :)


The Birthday Skeleton
Finished installing and played through the 1st chapter, now in the 2nd one. I had a smile on my face the whole time. This game is great, so much fun. But I am addicted to collecting everything. Or at list trying. I can't help it.


So, about the loading times. I have it all in flash memory but some of the loading screens are still long. Max was 1min so far. But most are much shorter. How does it compare?

I also checked for availability today. Really no problem. Saturn had most, about 20 copies. A toy shop had 3 and Gamestop 2, but they probably have more. They also had a demo station running LCU and a Nintendo PR girl showing it to the people. Some girls seemingly enjoyed it. I also saw that they're apparently selling basic sets for 300€. What are they thinking, lol.


The Birthday Skeleton
After 3 more hours played I can say that I love this game. So much fun, it's like playing into a policier parody. Great script and nice gameplay. I had to stop because I need to go tomorrow to work, otherwise I would probably play it until late into the night. This game is getting a 5 star review on eshop from me.


Amazing game, there is a lot of fun stuff to do. Hopefully they'll have enough new ideas to make a sequel or another LEGO City based game in a couple of years :)
Finished up the story, just a absolute fun game to play, I loved every chapters mission, one thing I wouldve liked is pinning the side stuff on the map, theres just way too much, that combined with not mapping it just makes it real tough to want to do everything, I can see it both ways though as they want you to explore, you will run into just about everything either way just running around, great game, give it 9/10 and will keep playing.

Finished at around 25 hrs and 33% completion.


this is my first lego game, and I love it. There is really much to do and also tons of collectables. Have the licensed Lego games also such a variety in gameplay?

Willy Wanka

my god this avatar owns
Picked this up today.

Graphics are okayish. Nothing mind blowing. Some low rez textures that I was not expecting considering the memory available in WiiU.
Framerate is a bit iffy from time to time but I appreciate the vsync. I hate screen tearing.

Enjoying the game so far.

I got my copy today and this sums up my thoughts too. I'm also finding some of the load times to be a bit of a minor annoyance. It's made me laugh a few times though and I'll certainly be putting a good few hours into it over the weekend.


I pre-ordered from Zavvi (UK retailer that takes ages to deliver anything...) assuming that its release weekend wouldn't coincide with one where I happen to actually be at my parents where my Wii U is. Of course, this did happen, and it will probably arrive the day I leave to go back to London >_> At this point I'd be inclined to take my Wii U to London with me, which would be cool because I don't have any other consoles up there or a TV... I just didn't have anything to play on it until Lego City. Effort though.

Never played a Lego game before other than demos, but I'm in it for the humour and proof of concept for Gamepad stuff.


Picked this up today. It's basically Dad Jokes: The Game™

Honey is an idiot.

Love it.

Yep, +1

Played it for most of the morning and I'm loving it. Haven't played a Lego game since Lego Batman and Lego Star Wars but this one works so well (aside from loading which is slightly slow but not that bad)
Is there no way to turn off the never-ending, redundant "press y to break apart brick messages" along with all the other useless help information. Really annoying.
I am sooooooo glad I gave this game another chance. It just made me laugh the HARDEST I have laughed in a long time. The Starsky and Hutch parody
where the guy jumps on the car to slide across to get to the passenger side, but gets stuck halfway and wiggles his legs LOL


With people outside of this thread still laughing at this game, and almost everyone in here loving it, I wish there was a way to get the word out on GAF that this is actually really great.

I was thinking about making a thread about the games credits and Nintendo's heavy involvement in the game but I'm not sure if that alone is thread worthy.
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