Kori-Maru, a staff member from the Sega fansite SegaBITS is going to be doing a long-play of Sakura Taisen for the Dreamcast. This was inspired by the recent NiGHTS campaign (that contributed to the HD remaster/PS2 upmake we got from Sega recently) and from a SomethingAwful member named "SpiritArmor" who is in the middle of a similar project for the PS2 Version of Sakura Taisen 1 - subtitled "In Hot Blood".
This is part of the Kiss Me Sweet project, which is designed to spread awareness of the Sakura Wars franchise in order to convince Sega and/or other publishers like NIS America (who published Sakura Wars: So Long My Love, the fifth title in the series, in North America) to localize and distribute the previous four main Sakura Wars entries outside of Japan.
For those who don't know about the Sakura Wars franchise, it was once of Sega's most prominent and profitable franchises in Japan until recently. Here's an excerpt from his explanatory post on the SegaBITS forums to get you started:
Sakura Wars is a dramatic adventure game created by Ouji Hiroi along with Kosuke Fujishima (character designer), and Satoru Akahori (character background). The games were also produced and directed by former SEGA employee, Noriyoshi Ohba, who was known for producing our favorite SEGA classic franchises such as Shinobi, Streets of Rage, Clockwork Knight, Skies of Arcadia, and Blood Will Tell within SEGA AM7/Overworks. The game was released for the Sega Saturn on September 27, 1996 and sold out on the first day becoming very successful in Japan later spawning several sequels, stage plays, animes, merchandise, and a freakin cafe (which closed in 2008 unfortunately)
Wondering about the gameplay? In Sakura Wars 1 you are Ichiro Ohgami, a recently assigned leader of the Flower Division of the Teikoku Kagekidan, or Imperial Assault Force. The world of Sakura Wars is a steampunk alternate reality of our own, and in the first two Sakura Wars games, you are set in Japan (3 and 4 are set in Paris with a new team, and 5 is set in New York with another new team, though you do not play as Ichiro Ohgami in the fifth entry). You are the only guy in this unit of women, however you all possess spiritual powers that help you defeat demons using steam-powered mecha.
The story within each individual game is divided into chapters, and throughout each chapter you as Ichiro Ohgami accomplish various tasks to move the story along. But a key element of what you're doing is building relationships with your unit by talking to them. As such, Sakura Wars games are a strategy/dating-sim/visual novel hybrid. A little more from Kori-Maru on the gameplay of the series:
Sakura Wars is a mixture of a simulated dating sim and strategy. The series actually has good storytelling (2 & 3 are my favs). The dating sim portion (LIPS ~ Live Interaction Picture System) is where you talk to the members of your team in order to gain (or lose) trust points from them. Think of it as a static version of Binary Domain. Depending on how your team member trusts you will reflect during battle mode. Battle mode is the strategy part of the game. The first two games focus on a grid system turn based gameplay similar to Shining Force while later games focus in a free movement with a limited bar gauge called ARMS (Active and Real-time Machine System)
Sakura Wars is generally meant to pretty light-hearted. It has this...how to say, 90's battle-anime optimism (Flame of Recca / Rurouni Kenshin, without the fighting or plot emphasis), it's not cynical at all. You as Ichiro Ohgami are supposed to be a generally well-meaning and upstanding guy (well...depending on the choices you make) surrounded by the colorful, sometimes absurd personalities in the unit.
Each Saturday Kori-Maru (the player) will upload a new chapter of the game, and the videos can be up to 30-40 minutes each depending on the chapters' proceedings (though they won't always approach that length.) The videos will also have English subtitles on them. The videos have Japanese voice work, and chapters will be spread into parts. Each chapter, I'm assuming will have anywhere from 3-4 parts, or videos, each.
This LP is for people unfamiliar with Sakura Wars and for those who know of the series or have already played a title (or all of them!) Give the first few videos a try if you are new! Indeed, Sakura Wars has led to a cafe, several OVA's, a TV series, and all sorts of merchandise in Japan. The franchise is being generously featured in the upcoming triple cross-over 3DS title "Project X Zone", where two of the six playable Sega teams are Sakura Wars teams.
Enjoy, and partake in the Anime's rendition of Geki! Teikoku Kagekidan!, the theme of the Imperial Assault Force of Tokyo! (Alternatively, check out the Sakura Wars 2nd OVA set openings, either of here or here, if your name is XiaNaphryz or you like good animation) And excuse my entry level Photoshopping.
Essential Links:
-Kori-Maru's Explanatory post on "The Great War of Cherry Blossoms":http://segabits.com/forums/index.php?topic=2457.0
-Trailer for The Great War of Cherry Blossoms project (latter half stays the same): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WHVCmJHE8Tk
-2nd Trailer for the Sakura Wars Localization Project, courtesy of Snatcher:http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=Jo0mBDkmii0
-Kiss Me Sweet - Sakura Wars localization support Facebook group link: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Kiss-Me-Sweet-The-Sakura-Wars-Localization-Project/382878205094476
-and Twitter!: @swkissmesweet
-Sakura Wars Localization Project on Operation Rainfall
---Part 1 - Series Overview
---Part 2 - Sakura Wars I, The Teikoku Kagekidan - Hanagumi/Imperial Assault Force - Flower Division profiles, and the world of Sakura Wars
---Part 3 - Sakura Wars II, new recruits and characters
---Part 4 - Sakura Wars III, The Paris Kagekidan - Hanagumi/Paris Assault Force - Flower Division profiles
---Part 5 - Sakura Wars IV
---Part 6 - Sakura Wars V, Sakura Wars V Episode 0, and the New York Hoshigumi/New York Combat Revue - Star Division profiles
---XSEED Letter Writing Campaign
-Sakura Taisen X Coca-Cola Advertisement webpage
Snatcher's playthrough of Hanagumi Taisen Columns, Sakura's Path
-The most hype thing ever: Sakura Wars TV OP
-The most hype thing ever: Akio Suyama, the voice actor for Ichiro Ohgami, singing both the Sakura Wars 1-2 and 3-4 Openings
Links to video chapters (will post when each one is uploaded)
Chapter 1 ~ Teito - The Flowery Assault Group
-Part 1 - Enter Ohgami Ichiro (watch out for some VA audio hiccups at 14:14 and later on when Yoneda talks again)
-Part 2 - Ohgami's Conflict
-Part 3 - Battle: Tutorial, Satan and the Kuronosukai
-Part 4 - It's okay, Iris doesn't drink
Chapter 2 ~ The Enemy's Name is Kuronosukai
-Part 1 - Introducing Ri Kohran!
-Part 2 - "I think I should be able to have some sweet dreams tonight"
-Part 3- Prelude to Battle Scenario 2
-Part 4 - Battle: Kasen armada
-Part 5 - A sad day for the Kuronosukai, great day for Ohgami
Chapter 3 ~ I am not Fit to be Captain!?
-Part 1 - "I've just met a girl named Maria..."...er, Kanna
-Part 2 - Prelude to Tsukiji / Maria and The War
-Part 3 - Battle: We've got you now Setsuna...or what have you!
-Part 4 - The trippiest, most reality-warping segment yet
-Part 5 - Prelude to Maria / The Fire-eating bird
-Part 6 - Battle: The Maria Reclamation Effort
-Part 7 - Ohgami's Sacrifice
-Part 8 - Boss: Jade Setsuna
-Part 9 - What's with this lovey-dovey atmosphere?
Chapter 4 ~ Rampage! Rampage! Great Big Rampage!
-Part 1 - Ratsetsu plans to avenge his brother's death/Cleaning up with Sakura/A Crazy Date with Iris
-Part 2 - Iris is NOT a child!
-Part 3 - Iris's Dream/Iris takes the Kobu for a ride!
-Part 4 - Boss Battle ~ Talk some damn sense into Iris/Rasetsu's Revenge
-Part 5 - End
Chapter 5 ~ Bloom into Flowers! By the Maidens' Obstinacy!
-Part 1 - Tenkai's really mad about his minions deaths/Kanna vs. Sumire, place ya bets ladies and gentleman/Assigned to the abandon mansion with those two, oh boy.....
-Part 2 - Enter the spiritual mansion/Unlike Knuckles, Kanna ain't afraid of no ghost!/ZOINKS! A s-s-s-s-snake(Kanna's Fear)/ZOINKS A s-s-s-s-spider!(Sumire's Fear)/Following the enemy/Kagekidan in a half-shell lol
-Part 3 - Battle Miroku's Crimson Army!
-Part 4 - End Kanna & Sumire gets along while I'm dying from poison/Miroku finds the Imperial Theater/Next Episode Preview (Sakura's episode)
Chapter 6 ~ Teito's Great Collapse!?
-Part 1 - The enemies plans/Let's party hardy/Sakura's fear
-Part 2 - Sakura tells Ohgami of her childhood/The team's in trouble/Comforting Sakura and preparing for battle!
-Part 3 Boss Battle - HAJA KENSEI! OKA RANBU!
-Part 4 End - Demonic spell in Teito?!/Sakura has a stroke and falls lol
Chapter 7 ~ Decisive Battle - The Limit of Life!
-Part 1~ Please wake up Sakura!, We must defend Teito!
-Part 2~ Imperial Assault Force surrounded, Sakura to the rescue
-Part 3~ Sakura is ok, Sakura's Dream, the Anti Kouma Squad
-Part 4 Boss Battle~ Tenkai's Home Base, 100 too early, Spirit Bomb? Ohgami's a Super Sayain?!
-Part 5 End ~ Victory Pose!...... Agreed *hic*
Chapter 8 ~ A Date in Days of Peace
-Part 1 - Happy New Year!
-Part 2 - (Battle) Aoi Satan's new friends
-Part 3 - The Koubu take a beating
-Part 4 - A new strategy?
-Part 5 - work it Harder, make it Better, do it Faster, makes us Stronger
-Part 6 - (Battle) VS Inoshishi ; Debut of the Shinbu
-Part 7 - Flower Division's Ambivalence
Chapter 9 ~ The Final Weapon Revealed
Chapter 10 ~ The Final Judgement
(note for mods: I intend to check up on this thread regularly and will update it for each new "episode" that is released from "The Great War of Cherry Blossoms." Basically I'd like to handle it like a "continuous event" type of thread. I myself am not affiliated with KissMeSweet but enjoy Sakura Wars and decided to create this thread as there is no dedicated OT for the franchise or any thread for a Sakura Wars title or subject related to the franchise in recent history. If for some reason what I'm doing violates the ToS or other GAF rules or you have reservations about what I'm doing please post or send me a PM and I'll get on it if you don't already decide to lock the thread. I'd actually be totally happy with this being a catch-all Sakura Wars thread if it gets lively enough.)