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Sakura Wars English Playthrough Project: "The Great War of Cherry Blossoms"

Chapter 1 has arrived! Or rather, Chapter 1-1. Perhaps there is more to upload of Chapter 1? I have to step out of the house for a bit, so I'll watch and post in a little while. The audio feed is focused on the right speaker, so heads up.

Chapter 1-1

42 minutes ? For some reason , i wasn't expecting that much .


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
Watched the video, love the work they're doing. To bad this is just a subtitled video and not an actual patch. That would be AMAZING!


I updated the OP with the links for all four parts of Chapter 1. Happy watching! It contains the battle phase. I cheated and looked at the end of Part 3; the player uses their surekill attacks! Sweet.

I've always loved how Sakura says "Haja Kensei - Ouka Houshiiiiiinnnn!" The VA for her is so good. It amazes me that the voice actors were apparently found by Sega employees scouting live music performances.

I'll watch and edit soon.

edit: DAMN. I just want to point again that I love the Sakura Wars games' music. The map battle music was so good. It even evoked a sort of nostalgia. I never played a Breath of Fire game, but a while ago I listened to the battle music for BoF3, and I immediately recalled a sort of sound of JRPG's past. A je ne sais quoi I struggle to articulate. The battle music here did just that for me too. They better keep on making Sakura Wars games, even if it's been a few years.

Anyway, that battle was basic enough. The map was small, and you don't take a lot of damage form the Wakiji, or demons. I didn't pay enough attention to actually figure it out on my first view, but I wondered intermittently who was specialized for particular battle roles. My own sort of speculation:

Sakura seems to have critical hits often (edit: perhaps this is a function of her good relationship with Ohgami in this playthrough?)
Maria is long-ranged
Sumire's naginata have a range of two squares, she seems to do good damage with regular attacks except her surekill attack wasn't that strong at all
Ohgami seems the most balanced

Speaking of characters, of the Teikoku Kagekidan my favorite is Sakura. It's sort of a vanilla choice (though maybe not so much as choosing Ohgami) but the girl is kind of bonkers too. It's funny, because on the one hand she's a Yamato Nadeshiko, highly polite, generally composed, and ethical. Okay, a "proper lady." To amp it up, she wants to perform in the plays too. Hey, why not? But then, Sakura's a dreamer. I like characters (and people) who dream, I just couldn't help but laugh a little when she described the the light she wanted to bring to Ginza. She's also got a mischievous streak, but besides that she is so principled that
in the anime she risks her life twice in the course of the first dozen episodes or so for her team. IIRC it was when Kohran gets trapped while they're training in the island and when that witch-lady takes over the tower and Sakura and Sumire double-team her to kill her.
She gets points for being earnest, and she's a hell of a team player too.

-Sumire is the ojou and I like her a lot, just not as much as Sakura. I'd probably put her second. I tend to think ojou characters are a lot of fun.
-Iris is funny at times though usually in bizarre ways,
except for when she goes crazy in the anime
, and she's generally delicate emotionally and physically. At the end of Part 4, the only thing to say in response to Iris claiming Ohgami is "....oh, shit!" She gets points for having one of the most hilariously magnificent dub voices in the OVA's ever.
-The same applies for Maria, who had a similarly amazing dub voice in the OVA's. She comes across as immaculately steely at first but it turns into coolness later on.
-Ohgami is funny when he's a major idiot. I personally picture him as a goofball, though he definitely takes himself seriously more often than not. The most memorable moments I have of him always come at his expense, like when Erica greets him on his bed. Poor guy.

That was a great Round One, can't wait for what's next!


I've always loved how Sakura says "Haja Kensei - Ouka Houshiiiiiinnnn!" The VA for her is so good.

It's Chisa Yokoyama, of course the voice work will be good. ;P

But yeah, Sega definitely made sure they got good veteran seiyuu for the voice work.


I wanna play this sooo bad. I absolutely love Turn-based strategy games, and also remember watching the anime as a kid.



Please excuse my absence and this thread's inactivity. However, there was an update for Chapter 2 of the game posted last Saturday. I will update the OP, but the impressions!:

you kinda don't want to read this if you haven't seen the Chapter 2 videos, so if you haven't, stop by the OP!

-I like the "theme" music that accompanies Kohran. It's upbeat, in the most subdued way possible. Kohran herself is eh. She's pretty spunky. When she invites Ohgami to her room for "fun" I'm inclined to think she was oblivious to the interpretation Ohgami made. On the note of the game, I've heard some people talk about Hanafuda when I was growing up but I know fuck all about how to play it--I can only surmise it has to do something with how the card designs relate to each other.

-Sumire is hilarious and I like listening to her, even when she's being a bitch. She's relatively well-mannered (not particularly so, she doesn't hide how amazing she thinks she is) but her personality is much more colorful next to her peers. Her calling Sakura's performance plebeian was funny, but of course her going for the kill against Sakura was not cool. Actually being around her would probably be a roller coaster. Her constant screams in the swimming minigame were unbearably annoying.

-Speaking of the swimming minigame, the introduction where the chibi Ohgami sprite tore off his outfit to reveal his trunks was...weird as hell, though not in an offensive way. For all of his buffoonery, I guess Ohgami is a secure guy!

-Kohran referred to the East as the "Orient." Doesn't anybody even say that anymore? I thought that was exclusive to the 60's, tops. Though, there is a bank where I live called the Bank of the Orient, with a couple branches IIRC on my island. This is a small thing that represents how culturally unaware I suppose I may be of Japan. You frequently see people thanking each other in the game and quite a few pieces of dialogue devoted to manners. It doesn't rub me the wrong way, but it's definitely novel for me. I consider myself a moderately polite person most of the time, but I wouldn't naturally go that far.

-The player's pushing the envelope every so often, which is fun! He checked out Sumire's swimsuit (and she reacted positively!) and sometimes he just doesn't make a move. He tried to take off Kohran's glasses too. >=)

-That battle was interesting. Looks like Kohran is one of the stronger team members, and Sumire doesn't seem to be all that great. I almost wish the war of attrition scenario played out and you had to fight that one demon (forgot the name of the ones in this scenario) that take little damage. It's probably possible, but for the fact that you have to kill the other one before it reaches the Teito Tower.

-"I'm sure I'll be having nice dreams tonight." Har har har. =P Sakura's reactions make this funnier.


Sorry about the double posting, but the for the people who subbed this thread and anyone else interested, Chapter 3 videos are posted up! And it looks like quite a bountiful yield too--multiple battle sections! Check the OP!

I'll update with my thoughts later, alongside my dopey subsection titles.

edit: Episode 3!

- France doesn't have a rainy season? Don't they have usually overcast or gloomy weather? Perhaps I'm extrapolating on what I hear of Great Britain. France has a ton of beaches, and is a much larger country. Anyway, summer is the worst season, Iris has failed me.

-That Cinderella conversation about illusory magic with Sumire in Part 1 shows how badass she is...minus the part where she probably wants to be an omnipotent goddess or whatever.

-Ohgami is hilariously inoffensive. I should hate him for this, but this game is just so funny. It doesn't feel as manipulative or pandering.

-You could tell the Kanna introduction scene was coming from a mile away, but it certainly fit. I think it would've been fun if they turned the Parrying thing into a minigame, too. I would be interested in trying out that dish she made...I generally hate things that are too spicy, but I'm down for a try still yet. She seemed boring at first but her honesty about who she is and what she said about the way she sees herself was refreshing. She goes in for the kill too, damn-saying she "likes" Ohgami, and what that means...is up to the player!

-Part 4 was amazing. First time this has ever happened for me watching this. It was really trippy, and I had no idea what was going on during Kanna conversation with Ohgami. It was garbled...it must have been the effects of the medicine.

-The last two minutes of the second battle, when the music disappears, wow. This game deserves some credit, I didn't think it'd go for something that suspenseful. It certainly didn't have to, but it made the experience sweeter. Forgot to comment on Kanna - clearly close-ranged, high damage, and good mobility. The surekill is comparatively awful, but looking at Sumire's surekill again the range is FABULOUS. As befitting such a queenly goddess character.

-Props to the pacing of the last battle too. As much as I'm for increasing the difficulty of the battles or adding some spice in general, I feel like the game creators knew that the visual novel aspects take precedence, so the last battle wasn't so long as to wear you out and delay giving you the obvious proper conclusion to the story.

-Ohhhhh lord. The Iris chapter is next. And it sounds like they're going to go for a story similar to the one I know about in the anime,
where Iris loses her shit, and she also has a birthday meal that she reacts poorly to because she wants Western food or summat and the Flower Division don't know that
. I find it interesting that Iris calls Ohgami onii-chan/big brother and koebitai/boyfriend/lover/whatever at the same time. Weird shit. I guess in Iris' mind, both terms are affectionate, though lots of anime add little sisters who like their older brothers (the way they do so, is up to the director and what he or she is shooting for, harem/"wincest" or regular sibling love.) I guess she likes Ohgami's protectiveness? Besides the other women not going for calling a potential love interest/comrade their older brother as a term of endearment, the other women are generally headstrong or independent-minded, so they're less interested in a "protector."


Our hero Kori-Maru has returned, with Chapter 4! Check the OP!

In additional news, we've got some nice tidbits about KissMeSweet:

In breaking news the Kiss Me Sweet page has reached over 250 likes and is now eligible to join Operation Rainfall's campaign hub. However, I still encourage supporters to continue to support of the campaign by following the Facebook and Twitter pages. I am currently planning phase 2!

edit: update with some notes!

-This was a very interesting episode, though not in the dramatic sense like Maria's had been. Think back to the first chapter in Part 2 or 3 or so where Sakura asked Ohgami to accept the Flower Troupe. Not only was it a tall order at the time, because Ohgami didn't take Troupe seriously, but Sakura was asking for both acceptance on both a functioning work comrade level and on an interpersonal level. The guts it takes to point blank ask someone to accept you, not to mention the sheer absurdity of the request, is admirable. It's part of the reason why I like Sakura, even though Sumire is still gdlk. I say all of that though, because Ayame talked about Iris' "youthfulness" being a great trait about her. This just goes beyond her message about Iris not needing to rush growing up (sometimes people just try too hard to act older and such) but accepting Iris in all of her wackiness. To be super open about yourself upon first meeting is generally awkward, but just imagine being told to accept Iris with all of her powers and crushing on older dudes and such. That's wasn't the case here, but it's an interesting thought.

-The minigame was ridiculous. I actually thought he was going to mess it up earlier than he did, because he seemed to barely miss the narrow openings at times (during the latter section of his run.) I wonder if there's a benefit to reaching a particular length, or if there's an end at all. By the way, props to the player for not immediately going to Iris' room that morning.

-It takes a certain delicacy to handle Iris as a character and her date here. I don't know if the writers were worried about how to tastefully depict a 10-year old being interested in the player (this game is pretty tasteful, IMO). If I were Ohgami, I don't think I would've gone through with it, certainly not at first. And that's even if I knew that she is, as I understand it, emotionally and psychologically delicate. She may have been traumatized. In any case, I would probably feel a certain amount of indignation: as in, do I really have to do pretend to date her for the sake of the unit? I could see myself possibly going along with it after some mental back-and-forth, and once I've committed to the deed I'd make it as happy as I could, but I might hold onto that sense of bitterness. Perhaps for longer than I should, if it should even be there at all. I must be a horrible and selfish person. =P

-The issue of how to address Iris after the incident is interesting. I sort of agree with Maria, but that's only in the purest, superficial sense. Iris did technically cause the accident, but it was neither deliberate nor the result of negligence. So in that sense I agree with Maria's wanting to caution Iris, but not necessarily discipline her.

-I love that Kanna, Kohran, and Sumire were trying to spy in on Ohgami, Maria, and Yoneda's conversation with Iris. And of course, I loved that Sumire was chosen to enter the lion's den shortly later. Gotta love that "oh-ho-ho-ho!" noblewoman's laugh in battle too. Sumire awsum.

-But back to the date itself, it was...surprisingly fun. It felt creepy at one moment, with the hand holding exchange (I am sure as hell NOT doing that,) but it felt genuinely fun on the whole. I guess that's the player/Ohgami's good nature at work.

-Sumire, Sakura, and Iris are great when it comes to Ohgami's dating prospects. They get super jealous and it's hilarious. They don't even bother hiding it.

-Iris is a monster in battle. I still don't exactly understand what the hell it is she's doing when she attacks enemies (haato powaa?) but whatever it is the range is absurd, better than Kohran's attacks and the damage seems to be better, though she did get battle bonuses for this chapter. She can teleport through walls too. May just be the best, will check out the surekill later, I suppose. The Iris-rescue segment of the mission was short, which is good. This isn't the sort of thing that should be dragged on. The kiss on the forehead...Ohgami never ceases to be willing to take on for the team I suppose. Though the question of whether or not that was his intention...is maybe left to the player.

-Speaking of the battle, having knowledge of how the battle plays out sure helps, doesn't it! The guard certainly came in handy. I was surprised he just went and chose Sakura, and then Rasetsu pulls his stunt. And of course, Ohgami works his magic...Honestly, I would play the same way. I treat it as a massive mistake to lose party members in battles, except for something like Tales where exigencies are just so absurd in late-game or especially difficult boss fights/difficulty spike moments. In Tales, death is routine, characters can get wiped out absurdly quickly. If I lost a character in battle here I would probably reset, unless I've reset too many times. Then I would just say "screw it" and beat the mission.


Episode 5 - the Hanagumi cat fight - is now available for watching! Check the OP!

Also, I'd like to make two announcements:

-Operation Rainfall has picked up the KissMeSweet project, after receiving a set amount of likes on its facebook page! A new phase of the KissMeSweet campaign is in the works, so keep your eyes peeled. Congrats guys.

-If you are a regular viewer or are interested in showing a small token of support to the Sakura Wars series, consider posting in this thread on the official Sega forums. It's questionable the amount of support it will show to Sega itself, but as a token of support it is a nice gesture of goodwill. Registration is free and instant, the only downside being you can't choose a custom avatar until you reach 50 posts.

I will edit with my thoughts later. Someone's been getting creative with the episode part subtitles...

edit with my thoughts later:

-I love Satan as a villain and I like how he's being handled in the games. The otherwise "main" villain or leader just seems to ramble on and on, you get tired of listening to him. But Satan's behaviors exude pure malice, that grin of his showing corruption to the core. Everyone here is evil but we want to think Satan is a whole other ballgame compared to the rest.

-Ayame called Ohgami "Ohgami-kun". Only Kohran is that casual and she has a different way of referencing him. I love how the game plays up this ambiguous flirtation thing from her to him.

-The Mansion segment. So, I see you're given the option of tending to the woman who gets hurt. I imagine choosing to do so gives you backstory and battle bonuses, while the opposite does not give you the battle bonuses and backstory. Nice that they let you have that choice, takes a bit of guts. I wish they didn't both have some sort of creature as their childhood fear, but as much as it felt kind of hokey, the game wants it to make sense that Sumire and Kanna have such a bond, so that's partially why it was portrayed as it was. Part of their bond is rooted in that same sense of parental abandonment. There's a mutual understanding; of course the other of the pair don't know that there are parental issues, but in my experience similarities have a funny way of showing up in relationships that otherwise don't seem to make any sense. Even the people who seem to have nothing in common on the surface definitely have something in common on an unconscious level, if it's not curiosity of the other person that brings them together. Consider it just my psychologizing.

-"I never wanted beautiful presents...only for my mother and father to be there." Sumire I knew you were a goddess. What the hell kind of big ass spider web do you have to run into to cause such horror, though.

-Shit! Looking for the key would've taken me a good ten minutes. I would've gone through every room in the mansion. How pedantic of me.

-I'm glad that the battle was positioned as it was: separating the two teams. In due team I would figure that we might see team members absent altogether, but we shall see. As usual, Sakura-san is protected by Ohgami, because Ohgami has chosen her as his waifu. But of course, it made tactical sense! And I applaud the introduction of destructible obstacles on the field. Good call on not saying anything when Kanna and Sumire got into it again. =P But of course, compliments in battle! It seems Ohgami had his Wheaties that morning. Either that or he was tired of putting up with shit after that day.

-It's a nice touch that the battle mugshots contained Ohgami, Sumire, and Kanna's civilian outfits.

-No offense to the translator, but sometimes the translations are super bizarre and incomprehensible. One instance was when Sumire had just been saved, and then there's Kohran first move in battle. Perhaps the sentences given are gibberish?

-Another thing about the battle: it was quite long! Which is good, and exactly the sort of thing I'm looking for. There's a great core here, like in the limit of your actions, but I wonder what would happen if you tried to implement things like time/turn bonuses in these long battles...

-I don't entirely buy the best friends dynamic between Sumire and Kanna, it would seem to me be rivalry of great mutual respect. It remains to be seen, I suppose.

-It occurred to me while Ohgami was sucking out the poison to assume that he would just spit it out or something. But no, he ingested all of it, apparently. Good going duder. =P Heh heh.

-I don't entirely buy the best friends dynamic between Sumire and Kanna, it would seem to me be rivalry of great mutual respect. It remains to be seen, I suppose.

And finally, more about Sakura in the next Sakura Wars chapter. The most powerful character evar.


Just for anyone who is curious about the continuing adventures of Sakura, Ohgami, and co., our hero has been having space issues on his PC. I will update this thread again once he does upload the next chapter of Sakura Wars.

T'is all, I merely wanted to throw this out there for any regular viewers or subscribers wondering what's up.


I wish they released the first few games, I supported this franchise by buying it in English but would really love to play the prequels. :(


That's the dream for all of us. =\ For the time being, I hope Sega realizes that the earlier Sakura Wars titles should be brought outside of Japan.

Anyway, our hero has valiantly warded off his...burdens! Chapter 6 is now up! Check the OP for the videos.

Expect me to edit with my peanut gallery comments later.
I liked the last Sakura Wars game till
It turned out the lead female just had some sort of really weird split personality disorder...
really kind of ended my enthusaism for the game. I stopped playing it right then and there.


Well, drama can be ham-fisted in Sakura Wars at times, like some of the parts of Diana's chapter whenever it was talking about birds
and that stupid ending where it was decided to screw over Hamlet for the sake of a moral lesson
. I did like her chapter otherwise, thought it was fairly provocative. But I thought the thing you were talking about was pretty bold for a main character of the series, maybe even the genre.


I liked the last Sakura Wars game till
It turned out the lead female just had some sort of really weird split personality disorder...
really kind of ended my enthusaism for the game. I stopped playing it right then and there.

That's pretty tame as Sakura Wars goes.


Good Art™
Love that serie, even if i basicalyl only played the first, second one and the columns.
The mood, the music... It's really something special in videogames!


Since this topic has gotten a handful of replies since last week's chapter, I think I'll just express my commentary in a new post instead of editing an older one.

So, Chapter 6:

-I find it immensely funny that Ohgami expressed his displeasure with having to take another way up to the second floor. I would have expected him to focus more on saying stuff like "oh that's unfortunate" or commenting on how busy stuff is. But he actually complained, which I thought was funny and unexpected from the guy who usually tries to power through the wackiness of his comrades. It came off as ever so slightly passive aggressive, but not in a way that's douche-y, thanks partially to the fact that he didn't dwell on it. The other funny thing is after he complains he says that "guiding the customers is an important job"....yeah that's kinda obvious. Who says stuff like that, unless you're going for the Achievement in Small Talk award? But this niceness buffoonery is partially why I like him, and yes I do understand that such respect is possibly cultural or related to the time period depicted.

-I never really thought about what the motives of the Kuronosukai are. I guess I had just accepted that they were raging anti-social dicks who wanted to kill people who fight for seigi. But no...what they actually want...is to honor Glorious Nippon. They are motivated by nostalgic nationalism. They hate Western scum stuff; they probably don't want Call of Duty and McDonald's, and hate dudebro games.

-Man, Sakura seems written to be into Ohgami. She went looking for him to ask him to go to the salon with her...which is about a minute's worth of walking away from the hallway she was currently in. It's kind of cute honestly, and I feel that as much as I like Sumire, Ohgami and Sakura are better fits for each other.

-I love Maria's comment discouraging underage drinking. It was funny. Sumire is all for getting smashed though, she clearly doesn't care. And I've noticed it before but never commented on it: Kanna's pants are stylish as hell.

-Borscht and pierogis for a party in Japan? Hey, if they're open to that (it's Eastern European IIRC?) more power to them! That minigame was brutal though: it didn't seem to prepare you for how the carrot was going to be cut (Ohgami's hand moves left to right, and you press the buttons at the right time), it appears you had to remember appropriate quantities of for a lot of spices and tomato paste and what not, and I didn't understand the heat mini-game at all. Would love to try it out as it sounds like fun, I'd like to think I'd do decently.

-"The heavens will tear, the earth will be broken, and if this mediocre calamity comes to pass. Teito will be plunged into an eternal hell."

-It seems that lead girls have some sort of superstition tied to past traumas? Or at least, coping methods with past tragedies?

-I like the creepy segments in this game. I loved the mansion segment, and I also liked how you had no idea what you were supposed to do when trapped. There's nothing for hints, and you can't just click everything and get a solution. Of course...you just had to click on stuff multiple times, but the idea is counter to what one might expect when playing "escape" puzzle games.

-I'll never get tired of that battle music. This chapter wasn't so generous with the battle bonuses, though. And Miroku healing 200 HP is just insane. A true war of attrition.

-I don't even understand Japanese and the creed for Ouka Ranbu sounded awesome. It was the acting. Those two are great VA's. And it appears that this dual attack is the Map Attack for Ohgami and Sakura in Project X Zone.

-That's a lot of destruction. How bleak. Can our heroes survive? Yes they can, but find out how next week!


I should've done this sooner, but as those following this thread can probably tell, Chapter 7 has been delayed. It should be up tonight, or maybe tomorrow. The player deviated from the walkthrough he was following, so the translations might be a bit off and he wants to take a look at them.

Anyway, it should be up soon. Sorry for not posting this notice this past weekend.


Chapter 7 has been uploaded! Check the OP for the videos!

I shall edit later with my thoughts. By the way, this is a two-disc game, and we will now be crossing into the second disc.

Also, you may remember that the Sakura Wars Localization Project is now sponsored by Operation Rainfall. One of the Project members recently wrote up an article on Operation Rainfall, providing an overview of the Sakura Wars series. This article speaks generally about the series, talking about its characteristics like the popularity of the series, musical composition, the franchise's history, gameplay structure and other things. I've added it to the OP too, but the link is also here:


Congratulations again guys! Here's to waiting for Part 2 of the series of articles.


Rather than edit my previous post with the Chapter 7 impressions, I'm going to create a new post to notify people that Chapter 8 won't be posted this weekend, for our subbed audience. I'd like to personally venture a guess that it will be uploaded next weekend, but take that for what it is worth.

And then I'll post my Chapter 7 impressions.

-Nice knowing you, Crimson Miroku.

-What's the point of the money ransom? If the Shogunate has that much money, won't everyone just be in abject poverty anyway, and with that much power who needs money to govern? Not too important though...(see my comments on Lord Tenkai later, too, for additional thoughts)

-I felt like I didn't get to know Sakura that well. Maybe it's her personality, maybe it's the way the previous chapters played out with her being out of commission.

-They totally nailed down the bleakness of this chapter in Part 1. Good music, the writing for the characters seemed totally believable. When I first heard Ayame and Yoneda talking throughout Part 1, for some reason I expected them to be hiding something sinister. It would've made for an interesting twist I suppose, but could we really expect that from these two?

-Aoi Satan is totally the real main villain of the game. Lord Tenkai has the ambition, but Aoi Satan has that same ambitious spirit. The difference is Tenkai is short-sighted, and full of bluster. While he was dying, I just thought to myself about how drawn out his moaning was. Satan seems to me interested not in any sort of ideological pursuit (which matters not as far as necessarily being a better written villain, but is important for the purposes of the execution of the story) and were this to be true, Satan is more capable. What would cloud his judgment? He wants power; it's as he says, what does he care if Tenkai dies? The Kouma will still exist, and so will he. It's why I like Satan more as a villain, he doesn't come across as foolish as Tenkai does.

-It should be abundantly clear who the fourth member of the Yoneda-Kazuma-Ayame squad was. Will be interesting to see how that gets fleshed out.

-I thought the exchange between Iris and Sumire was awesome. It's the part where Iris demands that Ohgami lift her up so she can see the energy readings (which doesn't lead to a timed prompt), and Sumire calls her shameless. Iris gets irritated, and Sumire gets irritated with Iris being irritated at her. Lots of bears in this neck of the woods!

-Speaking of Sumire, look at how fucking amazing she is. In the first part she does the whole "guess whose voice it is" game that Sakura pulled in the first chapter. She said she wanted to cheer up Ohgami, and was willing to lend her company. Ojou's don't get anymore godly than this. She isn't a soulless vacuum of ego and hedonism. She is a human being. She is glorious. =P

-Look at how honorable the player is, not peeping on Sakura while she's in the pod. He didn't pull a Shinji Ikari. Instead, he is full of honor.

-On the note of Sakura again, I feel like we didn't see the full meaning of her dream. Sure, we were told where Lord Tenkai was. But..."challenge the one you love if you really love them?..." Let's see where that leads. The Sakura to-the-rescue sequence was pretty transparent but serviceable.

-Again, I love how Sakura was disappointed that she didn't get to spend more time alone with Ohgami.

-The battle segment for this chapter was a lot less brutal than the past one. I'm sure the player is quite thankful for that. I totally agreed with his strategy in the second phase of the Tenkai fight too: get a couple people to wail on Tenkai, and make sure to have the others kill off enemies, using Special moves or attacks from two characters if necessary. That damage can pile up. Poor Maria though. It annoys the hell out of me to lose someone but sometimes you're just like "fuck it." I lost Rosita like...two or three times? The first time was in the Tsugaru-bi fight, it was complete bullshit because he attacked her two or three times in a row. It didn't matter that she was at near full health and had defense on, which I hoped would offset her naturally low defensive stats. Dammit. After that I didn't care as much...though she certainly did because our affinity ranking dropped. =P

-Why didn't Tenkai say it was juunen hayain da yo? Does that not sound extreme enough?

-That ending segment with the Spirit Bombs was really goofy, but whatever. We've never seen that ability before, or anything like it. That being said, it's not too big a deal.

-I like how in the chapter conclusion, you really get a feeling like life goes on. They talk about Ohgami clipping tickets again. I would've been pretty bummed if this were the end of the game...

BUT IT'S NOT! Be sure to keep an eye out for Chapter 8...and the dating segment!
I'm really enjoying these. I have the PC versions of 1-4, would love it if there were translation patches for any of these. cj_iwakura said there would be an announcement regarding the translation patch, but that was like a month ago, and the translation project seems to be dead as far as I can see...hoping for an update soon. :(


There's a lot to watch. Ideal for one of those lazy days.

Anyway, I've not been by the Sega forum for a longer time than is normal for me since I've been all caught up with E3, but some interesting new stuff:

-A user named "Snatcher" has created another trailer of his own for the purposes of promoting the Sakura Wars Localization Project. Check it out here and in the OP!

-Part 2 of the Operation Rainfall Sakura Wars Localization Project articles was posted a while ago! It delves into some descriptions of the genre and world construction of the games, and offers some great art and handy bios for the heroes of the first game. The third part promises to take a look at Sakura Wars 2, subtitled: "Prithee, do not die!"

-Snatcher has also recorded a playthrough of Hanagumi Taisen Columns - a crossover between the Columns game by Sega and Sakura Taisen. This playthrough features Sakura's path. It's pretty animated!

-Sakura Taisen X Coca-Cola promotion in Japan. Crazy stuff, crazy awesome. This more or less seals it, this franchise was...maybe still is though a little less so, immensely popular. It's old, of course.


I'm really enjoying these. I have the PC versions of 1-4, would love it if there were translation patches for any of these. cj_iwakura said there would be an announcement regarding the translation patch, but that was like a month ago, and the translation project seems to be dead as far as I can see...hoping for an update soon. :(

Don't worry. Let's just say someone I was working with on another project is finishing up their burden, and that leaves room for more.

The short of it is was the Russian user who sparked the flame vanished, and we're taking up the torch.


An update for the weekend!

Our hero is taking on a lot:

Another update again. There won't be any chapters this weekend due to a lot on my plate. With school, work, E3, and setting up a launch party for Project X Zone semi-sponsored by my local GameStop! Yep, I'm throwing a launch party with all the games represented in Project X Zone playable for people to be familiar with some of the SEGA characters of the past including Sakura Wars.

Good lord. And good luck to him. I don't know how you represent that many games, but it sounds like fun and I'd stop by if I knew about it.

So, with regards to Sakura Wars Chapter 8: his plans are to upload it next weekend, along with Chapter 9! Use this as an opportunity to catch up on past chapters if you're behind.

And good luck with your project...whatever it is, cj_iwakura.


Neo Member
is the patch your using going to be released to the public? as much as i love what youre doing, id rather play the game my self.


I think I saw Chapter 8 part 2 pop out randomly recently, but what of part 1?

All parts of Episode 8 are now out for viewing! I've updated the OP.

Happy watching everyone! It's been a while so I'm sure it might be difficult for some to get back in to the the swing of events from Chapter 7. However, with Chapter 8's release we can now found out what choices the player made for the date segment. Should be very interesting to see how this plays out!

I didn't add any clever titles to the episodes, so I shall do that later, and update with impressions.
Hi guys, I hate to bump this with something not directly related to the playthrough project, but wanted to ask...does anyone own Sakura Taisen Atsuki Chishio Ni for PS2? It's the PS2 remake of the first game.

I owned two copies. One which I left in the US, and one which I'd bought while I was in Asia. I recently got the urge to replay the game, so I opened up the copy I'd bought in the US and the underside of the disc was COMPLETELY OXIDIZED. Since the copy I'd bought in Asia was still on its way back to me from Japan on a shipment by boat (I recently moved back to the US), I decided to get a replacement copy from NCS. The copy I got was brand-new, sealed, and when I opened it, the underside of the disc was ALSO completely oxidized! Then, I bought yet ANOTHER new copy from Play-Asia...ALSO COMPLETELY OXIDIZED! Finally, my other copy from Japan arrived today in a big shipment of packages, and as soon as I opened the DVD case and looked at it, I realized, it was ALSO completely oxidized.

So that's FOUR copies of the SAME game, all totally ruined, all bought in different places at different times. At first I thought something was damaging my discs, so I opened up my fifty or so other PS2 games, but they are ALL in perfect condition.

The only thing I can assume is that there was some sort of manufacturing error that affected the entire run of this particular game, which means that ALL of the copies of this game are either damaged or on their way to being permanently damaged.

Does ANYone here own a copy of the PS2 remake of Sakura Taisen 1? Would anyone please be willing to check to see if their copies are fine or not?

Thank you in advance!
Whoa, I should check my copy :eek:

Could you please check and then post your results here or message me? I would really like to know, because I just can't believe that four copies of the same game, bought at different shops and at different times, all got damaged the exact same way due to mere coincidence!

Unfortunately, the game isn't even available on the Japanese PSN!


Good luck, Son of Cervantes. That's terrible. It seems very clearly to not be an isolated incident, but it's beyond us to actually explain how it happened. Is it possible to seek compensation; do you need to know Japanese or some other thing to do so?

On to Chapter 8! Quite late, so excuse me for that.


--omedetou gozaimasu!

--WTF @ Sumire's outfit and hair. Hardcore. This is just way too over the top for me; I prefer the "normal" Sumire OTTP-ness. I love the ending to Iris and Ohgami's convo at the start of Part 1.

--Again, Ohgami is an idiot and I love him for it. "I didn't intend for (my compliment) to be flattery..." "it won't do for us to be separated, so let's go hand in hand." And of course, his deer in the headlights response to Ayame's warning about stringing along multiple girls.

-"I'm sorry...I tried to stop everyone..." my ass. :lol. Maria is still awesome.

--"there was a limit to that Tenkai's degree. (he was obsessed with the Tokugawa)" I love Aoi Satan's ambition, and I love the structure of the story so far. It seems the extent of Aoi Satan's ambition is that "he wants to see the world burn" but I still like him. Him and his goofy angry portrait.

--Battle 2 was straightforward in spite of the temporary diversion. Poor Sumire, poor Koubu.

---What the fuck Yoneda. Get off Ohgami's shit. He did all he could (certainly all that he could think of), and if he could've killed himself in the process, he just might have done that. Simmer down dawg. Put them debate skills to use Ohgami-kun.

--I see Aoi Satan can speak bird.

--Was hoping nobody would notice when Kohran came to speak. If "Sorry mam, I'm trying to stick to one lady/(words to that effect)" were an option I probably would've taken it. Anyway I don't think Kohran has to be so worried. Deficit spend away. It is a secret federal institution, right? And then, as for a more powerful weapon, use the Power of Friendship/Believe in Yourself and Teito. Either that or you could do dumb stuff like "hold a bake sale" and build wooden Koubu.

--LOL at Sumire and Iris. Right on. Let's go with the "watch TV" training approach. It expands the mind. To be honest, I might have actually agreed with them. Training beyond what is customary for the unit is likely to only have a marginal psychological benefit, at best. Their previous training sufficed for everything else they killed. It's the Kouma, and stronger weapons will be required to take them on. More power to whoever wants to grind, I suppose.

--I find it astounding that there are people in the world who can eat ANYTHING. Anything edible, of course, but in any case to not have your taste buds or your mind find something offensive is something else.

--Ohgami and Maria love to read! Good stuff.

--WTF at the Ayame/Ohgami conversation in Iris's room. So cryptic. Did she really have to keep hinting at the fact that Iris is going through puberty? That's the impression I was getting. Not that I would've necessarily minded it per se, but if they were going to discuss it why not just be more open, so as to clear doubt/misconceptions and address it properly. Man, Ayame is pretty funny.

-stonewalled by Kohran ='( I thought we were cool

-What have you been up to Sumire? "Just chilling." And then we rag on her for being baller status. How unfortunate. Kneel to your goddess Ohgami.

-Part 6 has some slight lag between audio and video. Still watchable, though.

--Oh dear. Sakura's new surekill, Hyakka Ryoran, was absurdly powerful. It's partially due to the chapter bonuses, but the expanded range itself is amazing. Everyone's got new surekills, from Kanna's Shinkuu Hadouken to Kohran's robot animal summoning. Even Sumire's summoning a flaming phoenix. But none stand up to Sakura's. My guess is her unit was designed to be slightly more mobile and stronger, at the expense of attack range.


Couple of things I'd like to address. Hope everyone's gotten a chance to watch! And if not, hope everyone avoided my spoiler-y comments!

--The Sakura Wars Localization Project over at Operation Rainfall has continued to pen articles. I've updated the OP to reflect everything they've included thus far. Read up!

--They also started an XSEED Letter Writing Campaign. This was in response to an article citing XSEED's interest in bringing more JRPG's to PC. A separate article on OPRainfall explains the spirit they're trying to convey:

Considering our goal is to see localized versions of the PC ports of the first four Sakura Wars games, now is the perfect time for a letter-writing campaign. XSEED is the perfect publisher for Sakura Wars, and if we show them our support, they just might consider localization!

Shoot XSEED an email! They take comments at [email protected]. They also have a twitter, @XSEEDgames. It would be best to both email them and tweet at them, but emails are most important since you can put more information into an email.
In your email, mention some sales figures!
Mention how popular the series is over in Japan! In addition to the five main games, there are 7 “main” spinoffs, a remake of the original game, a number of fan discs, six OVAs, an anime series, a movie, a number of light novels, a manga, and, of course, the live stage shows!
In your email, try to use bullet points as apposed to wordy paragraphs.
And don’t forget to be polite!

Do not cite a certain website ending with "chartz" if talking about sales figures, as they aren't a trustworthy source. Sorry if the word is offensive mods, but since the citing of this website was in the original OPRainfall article post I wanted to make clear what I wanted people to avoid.

I'll look around, but I believe there's an "archive" Media Create sales data tracker for most games. I know I've browsed the website before


It's been a while.

Kori-Maru, the player for The Great War of Cherry Blossoms, plans to finish up the last two chapters very soon. In the meantime, he's streaming some bits of Sakura Wars 1-4 today.

He's already gone through the first two games and is about to start up Sakura Wars 3 as I'm typing this.

Check out the stream here!
Awesome that he's planning on knocking out the last of it soon---was worried that he got knocked out by the whole G+ situation that cropped up awhile back and drove some folks off YT.


On the surface, I don't see why they would target his stuff (it's not being monetized or anything) but I am glad that it's not being taken down.

Quick note - he'll be back in maybe two hours. ~10 PM Eastern Standard Time. If you stop by now, you'll probably treated to the Sakura Taisen 4 opening. There may still be some people to chat with while you wait!


Awesome as always! However, at least on the Vita, when I go to his channel, I don't ever see the playthrough videos listed. Just a few promo vids and commercials. Is this normal?
I meant the whole G+ integration thing where people had to merge accounts, jump through hoops to comment, and all that mess as opposed to the monetization woes.

Same as above on the channel itself never really showing much, I'm on desktop though---your links in the OP are how I've been enjoying the LP.
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