Nah. Nintendo has plenty of cash. They made a profit recently. And they haven't lost nearly as much money as Sony and Microsoft did before. I actually see the Wii U being profitable for them even if it doesn't sell that much.
That's it ladies and gentleman, it can't possibly get any better than this.
They said Fisher Price, freakin' Fisher Price!
I loved the Wii but the Wii U smelled bad to me from the beginning, with its strange expensive controller that no one wants to buy 2 of for local multiplayer.
Even then, the Wii U is a much worse disaster than I expected, both in terms of sales and 3rd party support.
Nintendo needs to pull off a miracle to save this console, a PS3-style revival does not look possible because 3rd parties are not at all onboard.
Nintedo has been showing off the wiiu for three years now. Not many people were interested then and far fewer are interested now. Nintendo needs to pull the plug on wiiU and reevaluate how it handles its 3rd party relationships. WiiU can't be saved and no one will support it unless Nintendo is paying for the development bill. Trying to save it will create a bigger loss than sending it to an early grave.
If Nintendo shows off new Starfox, Zelda, Mario and Blast Corps titles next month in L.A.
Nintendo fan's reactions itt.This writer should be fired. He had no right to out the WiiU's personal sales data like that.
Sending it to an early grave sounds sort-of good in theory, until you realize how it would fuck over the people that have already bought a Wii U. Nintendo most likely does not want to go there, and for good reason.
So few people have bought the system at this point that it won't matter long term. Nintendo can also offer a discount or credit for those that upgrade.
Nintendo fan's reactions itt.
they tryin to be the king but the ace is backkkkk
hahaha @ that gif
holy lord at how good some of that goes together
it is. Reggie Warrington.I think Chappelle is called Reggie in the movie too. lol[IMG][/QUOTE]
I saw this gif in another thread but I had to come into the original thread and say amazing job on this.
At this point, the Wii U is a nintendo system without nintendo games. In the Fall, the Wii-U will be a nintendo system with nintendo games. That's the difference.