This is Carnival of Stupid: Part ∞ after all.Wait. Are people doubting Bruce and thuway?
If they had 4gb games would still be fine but it would have made more headaches to the people who are currently adjusting freebsd for their purposes.
Wait. Are people doubting Bruce and thuway?
Are some of you fucking real now? 4.5-5.5 GB will be plenty going forward. It's like this is the first console cycle some of you have seen or something
This is Carnival of Stupid: Part ∞ after all.
Wait. Are people doubting Bruce and thuway?
What have they said? I haven't seen the posts. :/
What have they said? I haven't seen the posts. :/
Wait. Are people doubting Bruce and thuway?
sub-hd and -30fps can carry anything long.
Yes? And it has held back the industry for far too long.
Devs literally having to cut things like weapon holstering because they had no ram left. Or smaller maps. Gimped textures. Endless loading screens and loading cells. etc etc etc.
That's more than Xbone, no?
What have they said? I haven't seen the posts. :/
Interesting. Where did DF get their information?Yes. I'll back up their source on this one.
PS4 will have amazing games as will Xbox One. Honestly sometimes I think some folk on here are far too concerned what others think about their preferences when the reality is no one gives a shit
There you go everyone.Yes. I'll back up their source on this one.
Yes. I'll back up their source on this one.
Yes. I'll back up their source on this one.
Yes. I'll back up their source on this one.
That's more than Xbone, no?
2GB for the OS seems reasonable.
I missed what they said, quote for convenience?
The number 6 is in your future if you choose it. It might not be today, it might not be tomorrow, but the number 6 is in your future. Do you like 6?
I am seriously out now.
I just got this feeling,
this feeling in my feathers,
that only a Dr. Bird would get,
That it's 6 GB.
justmyopinion mang.
Wait. Are people doubting Bruce and thuway?
Yes. I'll back up their source on this one.
So DDR3 is crappy ram now? Man, this is getting ridiculous, really... I don't say DDR3 is as good as GDDR5 for games but the comparison itself is invalid as it does not translate 1:1 on consoles. Accept this or don't.
Even if it was 4 or 5 it would still out power Microsofts solution.
Interesting. Where did DF get their information?
Yes, but 6 gigs would pretty clearly show that DF is willing to publish anything at this point, wouldn't it? Or at least that they're really stretching for negatives.
I'm sort of more interested in seeing who is wrong in this case than I am in the tech specs, since one more gig of RAM over the xbox is probably not going to make any difference. (It probably won't even be used in multiplats.)
Yes, but 6 gigs would pretty clearly show that DF is willing to publish anything at this point, wouldn't it?
I'm sort of more interested in seeing who is wrong in this case than I am in the tech specs, since one more gig of RAM over the xbox is probably not going to make any difference. (It probably won't even be used in multiplats.)
Do you know which game currently on the PC market uses the most ram right now and if so how much does it use?
Yes. I'll back up their source on this one.
Agreed. 2 GB should be enough to have the OS operate smoothly and have wiggle room for any future updates. 6GB for gaming is great, and I can not wait to see what Naughty Dog is going to do with all that memory.6 for games and 2 os is ok then.
Yes. I'll back up their source on this one.
You, Thuway and Bruce? 6gb it is. I'm cool with that. 2gb for the OS isn't wild.
2 GB for the OS is a lot more reasonable if it's cram packed with always running, rich software. It's still high, but believable. 3 GB for Windows 8 HTPCs that have 2 apps open isn't believable.
People have mentioned this in the thread already but basically they want a bit of overhead for the OS starting out so they don't end up in another PS3-like situation with little to no RAM to add important or popular features. That said, you can also expect the current OS footprint to shrink over time, much as it has with the PS3 as well.
People have mentioned this in the thread already but basically they want a bit of overhead for the OS starting out so they don't end up in another PS3-like situation with little to no RAM to add important or popular features. That said, you can also expect the current OS footprint to shrink over time, much as it has with the PS3 as well.
Cool. 5.5 vs 6 is not a monumental difference, but still a good amount, and some cushion for late cycle games. I can dig it.