Watamote 10
What the hell? They're not even trying to make it funny anymore! It's just her doing sad things and being a sad person but without the comedy sprinkled all over it now. =[
Were they ever? I mean, I don't know if it was just me, but I never personally got more than a chuckle here and there out of any episode. I don't think it was a terrible show, but it was certainly my biggest disappointment this season. Whereas Eccentric Family and C3 were big surprises.
Also, how the fuck am I supposed to keep up with my anime now that GTA V is here? AND I just got Haganai and Michiko & Hatchin on Blu-Ray. Too much entertainment!
Were they ever? I mean, I don't know if it was just me, but I never personally got more than a chuckle here and there out of any episode. I don't think it was a terrible show, but it was certainly my biggest disappointment this season.
I never got more than a chuckle out of any of their jokes either. But at the very least it made the show less sad.
And they thought I was crazy for saying it was a cringefest and that it was basically a feel bad show.
It sucks because I was looking forward to it so much from the early press, and I ended up not enjoying it much at all. It felt like it was trying a little too hard.
Watch something like Doremi and learn to hope again.Well when you watch anime, you're always in for disappointment. I recently relearned this lesson after finishing up oreimo. That was a few hours of my life wasted on an unsatisfying piece of crap.
not only is this untrue but it has nothing to do with exploitative releases that have minimal effort put into them. even when it comes to dumb harem shows fujoshi releases are consistently bottom of the barrel.It seems to be a rule across storytelling mediums that the minority of works will be high quality while the majority will not be able to reach the standards set by the minority.
Watch something like Doremi and learn to hope again.
This discussion about WataMote is really making me feel less inclined to continue on with the show. Oh well, there's other stuff.
I refuse to hope. Never again! My hopes and dreams will just be crushed again! That's all anime has ever done to me. ;-;
not only is this untrue but it has nothing to do with exploitative releases that have minimal effort put into them. even when it comes to dumb harem shows fujoshi releases are consistently bottom of the barrel.
In its 9th week in theaters, Kaze Tachinu has finally been dethroned from the top spot by the highly anticipated/promoted movie version of the Ataru dorama. It made somewhere between the 480 million of Ataru and 3rd place Wolverine's 300 million.
What's surprising is the runaway Anohana train coming in at 5th place on its 3rd week and in an upset, Chuuni movie comes in 9th over Code Geass: Akito at 10th. Chuuni opened in 27 theaters while Geass opened in 36 so its a disappointment for Geass.
The live action Gatchaman movie is a confirmed flop, falling out of the top 10 and looking like it will only make 500 million for its whole run.
No hard numbers for the bottom movies but the speculation is Chuuni probably came in at 40-50 million.
KyoAni has been riding the money train quite a bit lately.
Interesting thing to ask someone like me.
Anyway the way things look, it's more like bushes grow on watermelons
Totally start now.
I wouldn't let other people's opinions dissuade you if you're enjoying it. But if you're not, then your time is probably better spent finding something that you will like.
I mean, I watched the first two episodes and they were all right, but it just sounds like a whole bunch more of what I've watched, which I really can't picture myself enjoying for ten more episodes.
And so the cycle continues.
Did you watch Chuu2 yet? You said you would!
I......don't get it, and I feel bad that I don't.
Is she a bad voice actor? Should I feel violated? Should I be getting an adult? :x
I cannot even begin to understand what points are being made. Really you don't have to go through the trouble of explaining it further. Fujoshi shows are shit. Separately, the average of things is average, not bad.If you still disagree with my first couple points I'd like to know why.
It's a KyoAni movie! You gotta do it! lolI did?I need to stop making these commitments...
This sounds like the worst possible thing ever.
I cannot even begin to understand what points are being made. Really you don't have to go through the trouble of explaining it further. Fujoshi shows are shit. Separately, the average of things is average, not bad.
Tanoshii wa tanoshii da yo~Fun things are fun
I will know it when I see it.Defining what a fujoshi show is kind of a slippery slope.
I'm going to watch an apparently disappointing show because Miyukichi is DA GAWD is what I was getting at.
Defining what a fujoshi show is kind of a slippery slope. I mean, Code Geass and Gundam SEED have some of the biggest female fanbases around and those shows aren't really "fujoshi" shows per se.
Now, if we maybe restrict the definition to say, otome game adaptations then yes, those are all 99% shit. (The 1% is La Corda)
Attack on Titan seems to be pretty big with fujoshi, but then it seems to be big with everybody right now.
What's surprising is the runaway Anohana train coming in at 5th place on its 3rd week and in an upset, Chuuni movie comes in 9th over Code Geass: Akito at 10th. Chuuni opened in 27 theaters while Geass opened in 36 so its a disappointment for Geass.
Accepted? I can't imagine girls talking about watching guys drill each other during a typical office conversation anyway.For some reason, fujoshi are way more accepted in normal society than otaku (and they spend more money) so, really, anything they latch onto basically turns into semi-mainstream success.
For some reason, fujoshi are way more accepted in normal society than otaku (and they spend more money) so, really, anything they latch onto basically turns into semi-mainstream success.
I cannot even begin to understand what points are being made. Really you don't have to go through the trouble of explaining it further. Fujoshi shows are shit. Separately, the average of things is average, not bad.
Watamote 11
Holy crap. It's an episode that doesn't feel like they're trying to make people cut themselves. In fact it was actually... CUTE! I love it when she hangs out with Yu. They just seem like such good friends. And what a way to end the episode. That was just incredibly cute. I hope that girl becomes more important. Did they mention her name?
I completely forgot there was an anime gaf thread. I'll just post my lastest Watamote episode impressions here.
Watamote 11
It's really clear, now more than in previous episodes how much Tomoko craves close contact (her statement about Yuu's hug taking her mind off of her loneliness) and those friendships that everyone around her enjoys.
From the perspective of people without depression or social anxiety simple exchanges of ideas and conversation don't hold any great value. We can see with Tomoko's interactions with the Festival Committee Chairman and Yuu that those simple conversations mean A LOT to her. Just watch her reactions after each exchange. She contemplates how nice it was to communicate and progressively becomes warmer throughout the episode as a result.
Compare this to how she was in the very beginning where she was speaking badly of the students around her. You can also see that she never says such things to people directly because she realizes that she's wrong about them. It's all hot air. It's a way of lashing out at what you see as an unfair situation.
Another potent scene was when Yuu eventually left the school at the end of the day with her friends while waving to Tomoko. There's a reason that that scene was framed the way it was. With Yuu walking into the setting sun with her friends while Tomoko is standing in the doorway with the shadows from the school obscuring her eyes. That's essentially her feelings being visualized directly.
There's more I could say but I'll leave it on this note. With one episode left I really hope that the show leaves on a positive note. If anything perhaps it can serve as some kind of inspiration for people who suffer from depression and social anxiety.
After reading the last few pages it seems that some people find the humour in Watamote to be mean-spirited and I can totally understand why they feel that way. I guess you could say the show is more like a comedy with some depression/social anxiety rather than a show about depression/social anxiety with some comedy. It could be my faulty memory at work, but I don't remember anyone in the show making fun of her for having social anxiety and depression or telling her to "get over it" or anything derogatory like that. Considering that I don't think the show "crossed the line". Her progression at least is reminiscent of someone who has depression and social anxiety and has some small hope that they can become better. Many many failures followed by backtracking into a negative cycle of thoughts until you can break out of it for a moment and realize you need to try again.
It's unfortunate that the show is only 12 episodes as it looks like we're finally getting some real development, hopefully with that momentum continuing into the last episode.
Code Geass: Akito isn't really a full-length movie though, even if it is being shown in theaters. It's about 50-60 minutes per episode so far. I also remember reading an interview where one of the producers claimed their main income source is the disc releases, so presumably whatever they make from the screenings should be a bonus.
In comparison, ANN reports the first episode of Akito debuted at No. 12 last year. I wouldn't know if that means they might have made a little or a lot more money this time.
Accepted? I can't imagine girls talking about watching guys drill each other during a typical office conversation anyway.
Watamote - 11
Is this show trying to imply that fujoshi are somewhat bisexual?
Jokes aside, this was adorable, I hope this emboldens Tomoko try to have a conversation with committee girl.
Well the flooded carpet scenario continues to get worked on, at the expense of potential infections, TV being further away, cluttering one side of the room and can't see the TV properly, and a loud ass fan to make it difficult to hear.
More things to hold off on. Lovely...... -_-
Appliance breaking. Happened early Saturday morning before I went to bed, but I thought it was the mini fridge being dumb. Oh man was I horribly wrong.
Flushed tampons topic GO
Well, I mean, there's a difference between being a fan of Miley Cyrus and a fan of Lady Gaga though. I assume that there are probably the equivalent of safe heterosexual male outlets for Japanese guys to go "man, I'd love to bang her" while drinking beers after work.Not all fujoshi shows are BL. This is also the same difference between a Johnny's fan and an AKB fan. One is mainstream, the other is looked at with pity.
Not all fujoshi shows are BL.
Not explicitly, but BL does seem to define the idea of "fujoshi" in the sense that what drives their attachment to a particular series is primarily BL fantasies between its main characters, however much encouragement the series itself may or may not give to those fantasies.
Well, I mean, there's a difference between being a fan of Miley Cyrus and a fan of Lady Gaga though. I assume that there are probably the equivalent of safe heterosexual male outlets for Japanese guys to go "man, I'd love to bang her" while drinking beers after work.
I have to believe that even in Japan, men liking lesbians is just a thing that's seen as normal.There is a line for dudes but the line is incredibly blurred for the women. Liking SMAP or Arashi is no different than liking the major male stars since they're one and the same.
Besides, a woman admitting to homoerotic fantasies about dudes is charming/slightly weird. The reverse is not true.