Microsoft needs to figure out how to get RT into the low Android tablet price range.
525 is supposed to have a gig of RAM, that will be nice especially if they can keep the general price the same.
5" 1080p Verizon 929
Why is the Yellow 1020 Camera Grip impossible to find? No way i'm going to be able to get one before my Japan trip Friday.
Hey first time seeing another WP8 user, white Nokia with a flat face and curved corners, 620 or 520 maybe?
Hey, those numbers are actually good! Great to see the platform finally getting some legs, but even with the improvements in the US, it's still a ways away from numbers that demand more development priority from a lot of these American-based devs.
929 specs looks great, 32GB and Qi. 5 inch being about as big as I'd want to go with a phone. I could get behind that, but not on Verizon.
Hey, those numbers are actually good! Great to see the platform finally getting some legs, but even with the improvements in the US, it's still a ways away from numbers that demand more development priority from a lot of these American-based devs.
929 specs looks great, 32GB and Qi. 5 inch being about as big as I'd want to go with a phone. I could get behind that, but not on Verizon.
I prefer Skydrive over Dropbox, Youtube app is not really needed, and even then the one MS designed was awesome but Google didn't play nice. I kinda like the eBay app, don't see much missing from the iOS counterpart. I hate it that I can't log into the IMDb app though, now there's an app that's in need of an update.
I also don't care why the youtube situation is the way it is, youtube is an essential app that is available on everything with a screen these days.
Vevo videos seem to be broken again via 3rd party youtube apps. Both Mytube and Metrotube doesn't load the video.
So is there any good podcast downloading app that's free? I tried PODCASTS! but it can't download in the background and the one podcast that I downloaded through it cut out in the middle.
5" 1080p Verizon 929
I like WP, it's just there's a real issue with apps. Not everyone wants third party stuff, and it's not too hard to expect apps from giants like Google, Yahoo, or Ebay. I didn't even mention games, which is a popular and growing aspect of mobile that is completely dead on WP.
I don't know what the fuck you want Microsoft to do here. They even coded a YouTube app from scratch and Google made them pull it. Google outright refuses to put their apps on windows 8 and windows phone, marketshare be damned. If you're gonna act all pissy, then get mad at Google. If you're not willing to use the excellent third party apps, which authenticate through Google (so they never see your password), then just shut.the.fuck.up or go into the android thread and whine to them about Google's refusal to not only support your current phone platform, but to actively and vigorously prevent MS from coding an awesome app on their behalf with absolutely no investment on their part.
And the third party app I use (mytube) is better than the IOS YouTube app on my iPad and the YouTube app on my OneX. This is the stupidest specific complaint and you keep making it, which is why I had no choice but to call you out.
That is one sexy phone. Would love the white version
Vevo videos seem to be broken again via 3rd party youtube apps. Both Mytube and Metrotube doesn't load the video.
So I go to Youtube's mobile site and there's a banner saying a 30 sec ad will play before my video. Ok, cool. Ad plays fine and then I get an error saying video cannot be played on this device. O__O
In case anyone missed this
I don't know what the fuck you want Microsoft to do here. They even coded a YouTube app from scratch and Google made them pull it.
1GB of RAM would be sweet in it, would see a lot less 'Resuming...' in it and other 512MB devices
I wish it a) was international and b) had MicroSD.
If that was so it'd be my perfect WP device.
I bought mine from Amazon. I think eBay had some too.
MS could make the youtube app on HTML5 instead of native code and Google would approve it.
MS could make the youtube app on HTML5 instead of native code and Google would approve it.
Why do we even care whether MS (or Google) make another YouTube app as long as we have MetroTube and MyTube? Both are better than any YouTube app I've tried on other platforms so I'm not sure what we are hoping to gain out of Google allowing a MS developed app.MS could make the youtube app on HTML5 instead of native code and Google would approve it.
They should make an app that links to MyTubeThen people would just claim that the app sucks
The white one in that picture is the 1020 I believe. Unless you just meant that you would love a white version of the phone (in general)... carry on.
MS could make the youtube app on HTML5 instead of native code and Google would approve it.
Why do we even care whether MS (or Google) make another YouTube app as long as we have MetroTube and MyTube? Both are better than any YouTube app I've tried on other platforms so I'm not sure what we are hoping to gain out of Google allowing a MS developed app.
why does it say I don't have permission to download this app?Snapback for Snapchat in the Store now
Will tide me over until 6snap
why does it say I don't have permission to download this app?
I require snapchat asap.
Went to Rogers last night to see if I could trade up to a Lumia 1020 from 920... would cost me $487 after it's all said and done. That's almost full price... so lame.
Yeah, doing early upgrades can sometimes cost you a fortune.Went to Rogers last night to see if I could trade up to a Lumia 1020 from 920... would cost me $487 after it's all said and done. That's almost full price... so lame.
'fast and fluid' is another phrase I'd prefer be eliminated from discourse.
'fast and fluid' is another phrase I'd prefer be eliminated from discourse.
iPodcast is pretty great. Just had a big update.
Yeah, doing early upgrades can sometimes cost you a fortune.
I was pretty fortunate with my upgrade from a 900 to a 1020 that after everything was done it only cost me about $50, but that was mainly due to a credit I got when changing my plan. Without my credit it would have been $250 (which I still would have done).