Stallion Free
Cock Encumbered
I'm more worried that CS:GO's community is as bad as L4D's. It's why I haven't even tried the "Casual" matches.
CSGO's community is just fine, you just need to man up.
I'm more worried that CS:GO's community is as bad as L4D's. It's why I haven't even tried the "Casual" matches.
SOCOM community was awesome. i like that they vote people out for being dicks.SOCOM's took shit wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy too seriously.
As for TF2: The community there is bad for entirely different (trade, hats, etc) reasons. But that's been killed by the numerous class-kit items that Valve is still in the process of balancing, so... :/
I'm more worried that CS:GO's community is as bad as L4D's. It's why I haven't even tried the "Casual" matches.
Another problem with Early Access. Besides the fact that Bohemia jacked the price up through the Alpha->Beta period. But I've already said my piece on that in the Standalone thread and had someone saying "Well, why are you complaining about them wanting more money!?" so I'm not going to rehash my issue there.
Hmm...looks like I'm going to have to pick up Sonic & All Stars Racing Transformed soon.
I had no idea everyone loved it so much.
Jeez, so many people on the steam forums can't read the giant warning for DayZ. Lolcashgrabripoff etc.
SOCOM community was awesome. i like that they vote people out for being dicks.
Vote you out for being new.
Vote you out for being the last one alive (glorious, really)
Vote you out for not having a mic
Vote you out for...
Terrible, awful community. I should've sold the free copy I got for Confrontation from PS Home for $20+ when I had the chance.But hey, I got the final laugh since the servers for all of Socom have been shut-down now.
@Stallion: Eh, it's more an issue of "I don't feel like wasting time and having people kick for stupid shit" more than manning up. I'm fine with playing CS. I'm not fine with asstards having to get their jollies by being pissy over shit in casual matches.
Jeez, so many people on the steam forums can't read the giant warning for DayZ. Lolcashgrabripoff etc.
As excited as I am for TWD Season 2, where the hell is episode 2 of The Wolf Among Us? First episode came out over two months ago.
I guess longer turnaround between episodes is the price we pay for getting an adventure game set in the rich world of Borderlands.
I'm tempted to buy Overkill... but what if it goes lower?
Is The Last Remnant worth £2?
@Stallion: Eh, it's more an issue of "I don't feel like wasting time and having people kick for stupid shit" more than manning up. I'm fine with playing CS. I'm not fine with asstards having to get their jollies by being pissy over shit in casual matches.
Did enhanced steam get rid of the link?
I only buy Finnish games!
Jeez, so many people on the steam forums can't read the giant warning for DayZ. Lolcashgrabripoff etc.
Is The Last Remnant worth £2?
Is The Last Remnant worth £2?
it is if you like jpegs
Is The Last Remnant worth £2?
For £2 its worth a go. The mechanics of the game may not suit your style, but if they do, you'll have a blast.
it is if you like jpegs
It's probably my game of the gen.
Here's a recent post of mine in the best RPG battle system thread. I'm a little busy to add more or elaborate but hopefully that gives you some idea.
Man, fuck the Abandoned Mines in Ys 1. For an action-rpg that's literally only hours long, we're talking four to five hours and you're completely maxed out at level 10, Ys 1 can be kind of obtuse and frustrating, especially the bosses. Like the one in the Abandoned Mine.
what do you thinkjrpg or jpeg as in .jpg?
Not the biggest JRPG fan, but for £2 it's worth a go. Just bought it.
Kicking doesn't happen in ranked matches really, even with randoms.
I'll take your word for it, but I'm mostly fine just playing with bots.
And I don't think drops work in Casual to where I can make money off never opening those, so...
Now with more bad-ass:
yupfinished Gone Home
videogames are great, man.
finished Gone Home
videogames are great, man.
I'll take your word for it, but I'm mostly fine just playing with bots.
And I don't think drops work in Casual to where I can make money off never opening those, so...
finished Gone Home
videogames are great, man.
I think sr4 and farcry boiltargon in a same year is too much
it got a few chuckles out of me but tbh it mostly felt flat
ehh maybe I'm jaded
play it again with dev commentary and doing shit out of sequence too, it's pretty cool
Drops work in casual, but you aren't going to make squat, and honestly, your sounding like a baby right now no offense. Play the game, if you're not afk you won't get kicked. People don't kick unless you are literally garbage, a douche or afk.
I'll be playing Gone Home very soon. I'm excited.
And yes, i'm waiting for it to hit $2 on steam again. I missed it during the summer sale.
Again, I'll take your word for it. After L4D's community? I really don't have much faith inValve's multiplayer communitieshumanity.
Should TWD unlock at midnight or noon tomorrow?
Drops work in casual, but you aren't going to make squat, and honestly, your sounding like a baby right now no offense. Play the game, if you're not afk you won't get kicked. People don't kick unless you are literally garbage, a douche or afk.
Again, I'll take your word for it. After L4D's community? I really don't have much faith in Valve's multiplayer communities.
Bro I beat ys1 + 2 earlier this year and as much as I appreciate it being oldskool it literally is grinding/maze the video game. All you do is navigate mazes and bump into bad guys to get you to the right experience level at which point you can maybe beat the boss.
CS really does have one of the better communities out there for a large title.
Did I stumble into a wormhole and come out in another dimension?
CS has a very juvenile community.
It does...but god help you if you don't want to play Dust2 or Office.
I wish you could pick which achievements to place in your showcase