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STEAM 2013 Announcements & Updates VIII - Don't ask when the sales are starting.

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SOCOM's took shit wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy too seriously.

As for TF2: The community there is bad for entirely different (trade, hats, etc) reasons. But that's been killed by the numerous class-kit items that Valve is still in the process of balancing, so... :/

I'm more worried that CS:GO's community is as bad as L4D's. It's why I haven't even tried the "Casual" matches.

Another problem with Early Access. Besides the fact that Bohemia jacked the price up through the Alpha->Beta period. But I've already said my piece on that in the Standalone thread and had someone saying "Well, why are you complaining about them wanting more money!?" so I'm not going to rehash my issue there.
SOCOM community was awesome. i like that they vote people out for being dicks.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
SOCOM community was awesome. i like that they vote people out for being dicks.

Vote you out for being new.
Vote you out for being the last one alive (glorious, really)
Vote you out for not having a mic
Vote you out for...

Terrible, awful community. I should've sold the free copy I got for Confrontation from PS Home for $20+ when I had the chance.
But hey, I got the final laugh since the servers for all of Socom have been shut-down now.

@Stallion: Eh, it's more an issue of "I don't feel like wasting time and having people kick for stupid shit" more than manning up. I'm fine with playing CS. I'm not fine with asstards having to get their jollies by being pissy over shit in casual matches.
Vote you out for being new.
Vote you out for being the last one alive (glorious, really)
Vote you out for not having a mic
Vote you out for...

Terrible, awful community. I should've sold the free copy I got for Confrontation from PS Home for $20+ when I had the chance.
But hey, I got the final laugh since the servers for all of Socom have been shut-down now.

@Stallion: Eh, it's more an issue of "I don't feel like wasting time and having people kick for stupid shit" more than manning up. I'm fine with playing CS. I'm not fine with asstards having to get their jollies by being pissy over shit in casual matches.

confrontation is wack,you needed to play socom 1 and 2. Also most dont vote people for being new you happened to run into the wrong room. they voted people for cheating,team killing or using cheap weapons. of course you get voted for no mic,its a very tactical game.
Jeez, so many people on the steam forums can't read the giant warning for DayZ. Lolcashgrabripoff etc.

Folks on GAF are no better. I bought DayZ when it first popped up because I have been waiting since the standalone was announced. I expect an Alpha just as Rocket has been stating it will be while screaming from the hills. It's as though folks didn't believe him.
As excited as I am for TWD Season 2, where the hell is episode 2 of The Wolf Among Us? First episode came out over two months ago.

I guess longer turnaround between episodes is the price we pay for getting an adventure game set in the rich world of Borderlands.

...and game of thrones....and TWD s2.....

yeah, they're a bit busy. Guess it's going to be slow going pumping out these episodes now. As long as they can keep the quality up, i'm good.

I'm tempted to buy Overkill... but what if it goes lower?

Good, seems we are already in mid-sale form.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
@Stallion: Eh, it's more an issue of "I don't feel like wasting time and having people kick for stupid shit" more than manning up. I'm fine with playing CS. I'm not fine with asstards having to get their jollies by being pissy over shit in casual matches.

Kicking doesn't happen in ranked matches really, even with randoms.


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
Did enhanced steam get rid of the backpack.tf link?

Yes, the way profile links are handled changed in the latest version. You can now select how the icons are displayed (black and white, color, not at all).

The backpack.tf link wasn't converted over to the new system by the time the last update was pushed, but it'll be back in the next version.
I see why Dean continued delaying releasing the alpha. It's like telling 10000 people that if this new amazing wing suit isn't ready for prime time. It's not ready. It's not ready. It's not ready. Putting warning signs on it. And being told daily by whiners that they don't mind. They understand. Then upon releasing it and people buy it and then crash shortly after jumping they scream and gnash their teeth for releasing a product too early.


For £2 its worth a go. The mechanics of the game may not suit your style, but if they do, you'll have a blast.

it is if you like jpegs

Not the biggest JRPG fan, but for £2 it's worth a go. Just bought it.


It's probably my game of the gen.

Here's a recent post of mine in the best RPG battle system thread. I'm a little busy to add more or elaborate but hopefully that gives you some idea.

Thanks for this.


Man, fuck the Abandoned Mines in Ys 1. For an action-rpg that's literally only hours long, we're talking four to five hours and you're completely maxed out at level 10, Ys 1 can be kind of obtuse and frustrating, especially the bosses. Like the one in the Abandoned Mine.

Bro I beat ys1 + 2 earlier this year and as much as I appreciate it being oldskool it literally is grinding/maze the video game. All you do is navigate mazes and bump into bad guys to get you to the right experience level at which point you can maybe beat the boss.


jrpg or jpeg as in .jpg?
what do you think

Not the biggest JRPG fan, but for £2 it's worth a go. Just bought it.

make sure you google around the fix for the huge pop-in issues

like you can 100% fix them real easy, but if not it'll drive you insane

story is pretty lame even for jpeg standards but that emma character is really nice and the combat is fun and challenging. I kinda wish it was a little less obtuse and a little less grindy but that's jrpgs for ya


The crappy part of TLR is that the game opens with two very lackluster "tutorial" missions. The level of tutorial is actually not that high, mechanics are explained to you as soon as you see them and not earlier or later, don't expect Nintendo level handholding, it's just that the missions are unremarkable and the game doesn't really open up to any degree until you clear those.

The easiest comparison to make is FFXII. While they don't share many similarities when it comes to the battle system itself, the general way the game is put together and level of freedom when it comes to progressing the story and exploring the world falls in line with that.

Oh yeah, force V-Sync.

Edit: Yeah the story is unremarkable yet inoffensive. I hope you don't play jrpgs for story. No one should, and if you do you shouldn't be looking at The Last Remnant. The game doesn't at all suffer for it though, believe me.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Kicking doesn't happen in ranked matches really, even with randoms.

I'll take your word for it, but I'm mostly fine just playing with bots.

And I don't think drops work in Casual to where I can make money off never opening those, so...


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
I'll take your word for it, but I'm mostly fine just playing with bots.

And I don't think drops work in Casual to where I can make money off never opening those, so...

CS:GO will drop crates provided you're playing online on a VAC-secured server -- the game type doesn't matter.

Edit: This guide states that there's a "higher chance" of drops when playing on competitive servers, but it's also still listed in the "To be confirmed" section, so..?


I think sr4 and farcry boiltargon in a same year is too much

it got a few chuckles out of me but tbh it mostly felt flat

ehh maybe I'm jaded

finished Gone Home

videogames are great, man.

play it again with dev commentary and doing shit out of sequence too, it's pretty cool


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
finished Gone Home

videogames are great, man.

I saw a screenshot you posted to Steam Community earlier. I thought the box of stuff in it was labelled "From Hell" and you'd either deliberately or unintentionally spoiled some sort of twist, but I took a closer look (the writing's upside-down) and realised it actually says "Front Hall", haha.


I'll take your word for it, but I'm mostly fine just playing with bots.

And I don't think drops work in Casual to where I can make money off never opening those, so...

Drops work in casual, but you aren't going to make squat, and honestly, your sounding like a baby right now no offense. Play the game, if you're not afk you won't get kicked. People don't kick unless you are literally garbage, a douche or afk.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Drops work in casual, but you aren't going to make squat, and honestly, your sounding like a baby right now no offense. Play the game, if you're not afk you won't get kicked. People don't kick unless you are literally garbage, a douche or afk.

Again, I'll take your word for it. After L4D's community? I really don't have much faith in Valve's multiplayer communities.


JC2 Multiplayer is as insane as I expected. The controls are still JC2 garbage but using the extended grapple hook to zip around other people almost makes up for it.


Neo Member
Drops work in casual, but you aren't going to make squat, and honestly, your sounding like a baby right now no offense. Play the game, if you're not afk you won't get kicked. People don't kick unless you are literally garbage, a douche or afk.

As someone new to not just cs:go but counterstrike in general, I've had fun playing exclusively in casual matches after watching the semi-finals and finals of Dreamhack to get a base idea on how counter strike is played. Still have a lot to learn, specifically how/what to buy between rounds as it takes me about thirty seconds while everyone seems to do it in about 5. Have also only seen people kicked for mic spamming and afk. But out of the two skin drops I've had, I did sell one for $4, which after the steam fees and the like pretty much payed for the game itself so its not impossible to find something good.

Again, I'll take your word for it. After L4D's community? I really don't have much faith in Valve's multiplayer communities.

CS really does have one of the better communities out there for a large title.

All the droolers went to call of duty. Pretty much 19 of every 20 people I play with are good sports, and the odd asshole is rather tame by fps standards.
Bro I beat ys1 + 2 earlier this year and as much as I appreciate it being oldskool it literally is grinding/maze the video game. All you do is navigate mazes and bump into bad guys to get you to the right experience level at which point you can maybe beat the boss.

For the first half of Ys 1 I'd agree with that assesment but the Abandoned Mine and Darm Tower is where it gets tedious to navigate. There needs to be a map, straight up. In the Darm Tower if it wasn't for the text in the upper righthand corner stating the floor I'm on, I wouldn't know that I ascending or descending the tower, there's no visual cues. The panorama outside is always the same, regardless of the level of the tower that you're on. They re-use the background art for the interior so much it's impossible to tell if I'm making any discernible progress.

Nevermind that some of the puzzles have some "Ninja's have kidnapped the president, are you a bad enough dude to rescue him?" level of logic behind them. You get an ordinary hammer as a reward for defeating a sub-boss and smash a completely nondescript pillar and this, somehow, magically let's you pass through the hallway of death....what? If I hadn't been reading a FAQ, I wouldn't even know.
Did I stumble into a wormhole and come out in another dimension?
CS has a very juvenile community.

Well it is a big old world, so it is hard to paint a whole community with one brush, either positive or negative.

But the point made was a relative one to other big gaming communities and from my personal experience it is more or less valid.
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