Arma II probably isn't worth jack now that DayZ is a standalone thing, right?
I posted about this one yesterday. But the good news is that it is a Steamworks game. So all the retail copies will have a Steam key. Which is how I got my copy last year for £2.
Arma II probably isn't worth jack now that DayZ is a standalone thing, right?
I was hoping for a 90% fire sale on Steam itself so I could pick up a few spares, but alas.
ARMA II itself is a fun game. I don't remember what's part of Operation Arrowhead and what's part of the stand-alone game, but there's a default mode I've wasted a ton of hours in with friends where all you do really is fuck around in a huge open map starting at a base with many vehicles. Its a stupid fun sandbox type mode.
That and you can still play DayZ on ARMA 2 (and people still do), and there's other wonderful mods for it too outside of DayZ.
Hmmm... is DayZ a different version or seperate entity from the new standalone one? So like, if you get Arma II and mod it up to be DayZ, you won't be playing with people that bought the $30 early access game, right?
I saw someone giving away copies of Savant - Ascent earlier in this thread -- I looked it up and it looks solid, especially for $1. Any reason I *shouldn't* buy it before the sale is over?
I was hoping for a 90% fire sale on Steam itself so I could pick up a few spares, but alas.
Q1: They are completely different. You won't be playing the ARMA2 mod with the people who bought the standalone game.
Q2: It's price won't be lower after the sale. lol
I was hoping for a 90% fire sale on Steam itself so I could pick up a few spares, but alas.
Hmmm... is DayZ a different version or seperate entity from the new standalone one? So like, if you get Arma II and mod it up to be DayZ, you won't be playing with people that bought the $30 early access game, right?
I saw someone giving away copies of Savant - Ascent earlier in this thread -- I looked it up and it looks solid, especially for $1. Any reason I *shouldn't* buy it before the sale is over?
Dice, who had worked with Steam before, helped connect XSEED to Valve for Ys Origin and Ys: The Oath in Felghana, which quickly became two of XSEEDs biggest sellers ever.
Apparently the Ys series has been so successful it convinced them to port both Trails in the Sky and the Sequel
Apparently the Ys series has been so successful it convinced them to port both Trails in the Sky and the Sequel
Apparently the Ys series has been so successful it convinced them to port both Trails in the Sky and the Sequel
How good is You Need a Budget? I work two jobs but the number of hours I get at Job #1 varies and Job #2 is tip driven, so it's very hard to budget since my income can vary pretty wildly.
Here's hoping I can sell enough cards to buy Valdis. I need to make another $1.08 within the next 11.5 hours.
Here's hoping I can sell enough cards to buy Valdis (I need to make another $1.08 within the next 11.5 hours). I could relist my Logician Knight foil, but I'm not that desperate for the game.
Here's hoping I can sell enough cards to buy Valdis (I need to make another $1.08 within the next 11.5 hours). I could relist my Logician Knight foil, but I'm not that desperate for the game.
You have any games you could trade?
So Divinity: Dragon Commander was on a flash sale like 2 days ago and I missed it right?
So. Falcor, my desktop, literally just burst into flames.
Currently typing on Rockbiter, my Surface.
Same for me with Hammerwatch. I'm currently sitting on 57p, so I'm hoping for at least £1 in card moneys before the sale ends.Here's hoping I can sell enough cards to buy Valdis (I need to make another $1.08 within the next 11.5 hours). I could relist my Logician Knight foil, but I'm not that desperate for the game.
Is it too early to post the "damages"?
So Divinity: Dragon Commander was on a flash sale like 2 days ago and I missed it right?
I really don't understand not buying a game you (probably?) want because it uses Origin. Origin isn't the devils hell hole it is made out to be.
My guess is that everything that's on sale stops being on sale, then it's ONLY a recap of the best deals on Thursday with the sale truly ending on Friday. Well, maybe the other sales just get a last minute renew and it's all so we can't guess what the recap deals will be, but either way.Oh, duh, sorry. The banner says the sale runs until the 3rd so I can only assume that portion of the news posts is a mistake.
Edit: Then again the current Dailies are simply marked as general Holiday Sale offers and end in just under 13 hours. *shrug*
still looking for two more people to get in the Hammerwatch 4-pack...
It's pretty bad - essentially one step away from malware. I refuse to use the program as is because it has the capability to snoop in your system folders, even after you've uninstalled it.
I can't say from personal experience, but my curiosity led me to look up some stuff and it looks like it lets you adjust your income every week and then budget those dollars out to expenses... so as long as you're willing to update your income every week to reflect what you're bringing in, you should be able to use it, I think?
Another game that I wish had online no doubt. Looks neat.