Oh I just love me some options. And an in-game implementation of DLAA? Intriguing.
What is DLAA and how does it compare to other forms of AA. MSAA x2 in this game doesn't really help
Oh I just love me some options. And an in-game implementation of DLAA? Intriguing.
Banner Saga last week, Blackguards today and M&M X tomorrow. What a month this has been!
MM X, so far, is a GREAT experience
Before I start this, here is what for you to consider:
Many thanks V_Arnold for that write-up! Really great praise but I hope some of those drawbacks that you noted will be fixed. That specific of a spell that didn't work as expected is the the worse for me. I understand when a spell has some restrictions to its use/effect or some enemies that have invulnerability to it but I expect the game to let me know what those restrictions are. Or is it a case of a dice roll deciding its success hit maybe? I'll play today for a bit to see for myself.
I decided to go with this party: Druid (healing+cc), Wizard (damage spells, CC), Ranger (ranged attack for free, yo), Shaman (dunno. Spells, ofc.).
A party with no Melee characters in a M&M game? Yikes.
Double yikes.
After 26 hours and reaching the end of chapter two my conclusion is this: ranged characters are garbage in this game. Rerolled new team, 2 melee, 2 casters![]()
3. Mandate of Heaven, jesus is the GOG version as broken as this one? Fullscreen, turning speed is extremely high, makes it pretty much unplayable for me. You can switch to windowed, but it's a tiny ass screen and I had to drop my desktop down to 16-bit color depth for it to work. I see there is a config file, maybe I can increase the size of that window? Oh, and every time I run it, it moves icons out of place on the desktop, keep having to put them back heh.
Overall impressions?
Is Blackguards good? I heard it was very repetitive.
3. Mandate of Heaven, jesus is the GOG version as broken as this one? Fullscreen, turning speed is extremely high, makes it pretty much unplayable for me. You can switch to windowed, but it's a tiny ass screen and I had to drop my desktop down to 16-bit color depth for it to work. I see there is a config file, maybe I can increase the size of that window? Oh, and every time I run it, it moves icons out of place on the desktop, keep having to put them back heh.
Also, was JVC involved with this in any way?
After 26 hours and reaching the end of chapter two my conclusion is this: ranged characters are garbage in this game. Rerolled new team, 2 melee, 2 casters![]()
26 hours for 2 chapters (I assume 100% everything, every side quest and square on the map) that is fantastic to hear. How many chapters are there, do you know?
My computer is pretty old now. I am running a duoCore 2.6, 3 GB RAM (I know, pitiful) and a Geforce 9500 GT. Will this be sufficient?
Does this game use Uplay?
Does this game use Uplay?
After 26 hours and reaching the end of chapter two my conclusion is this: ranged characters are garbage in this game. Rerolled new team, 2 melee, 2 casters![]()
The only thing I found was Ubi replying in the comments section of their blog post saying "morning" CET so who knows how long morning is for them and when it starts.Any idea exactly when this goes live?
I had some weird slowdowns on my 660TI.
It's why I get annoyed that these people keep wanting to make their own services, when seemingly more often than not they run like crap and are typically redundant with Steam, and can usually go without those features if they'd rather go DRM free or allow someone else to sell it. Maybe if everyone was doing a really good job, but that's not the case. It's basically a somewhat more benevolent GFWL, except only for Ubi games. At least EA's better on the uptake of Steam's advantages.Uplay really sucks though, its just uncomfortable and annoying, and if you're not really sure you'll like the game anyway, it might very well tip the scales.
For people on Uplay: restarting makes the download show up immediately. And I'm actually getting 6.2 MB/s, which is my connection's maximum more or less. I always get better BW on every service that's not SteamIt's now been officially released.
For people on Uplay: restarting makes the download show up immediately. And I'm actually getting 6.2 MB/s, which is my connection's maximum more or less. I always get better BW on every service that's not Steam![]()
I just got my box a minute or so after starting the download. Really nice, paticularly the map. You can see that it was designed by someone who appreciates collecting, all the marketing stuff and ugly logos were on a sleeve which is easily removable from the box, and they are also absent from the DVD inside it.
And it arrived on the morning of the release day. Good job Ubisoft!
It's why I get annoyed that these people keep wanting to make their own services, when seemingly more often than not they run like crap and are typically redundant with Steam, and can usually go without those features if they'd rather go DRM free or allow someone else to sell it. Maybe if everyone was doing a really good job, but that's not the case. It's basically a somewhat more benevolent GFWL, except only for Ubi games. At least EA's better on the uptake of Steam's advantages.
I just got my box a minute or so after starting the download. Really nice, paticularly the map. You can see that it was designed by someone who appreciates collecting, all the marketing stuff and ugly logos were on a sleeve which is easily removable from the box, and they are also absent from the DVD inside it.
And it arrived on the morning of the release day. Good job Ubisoft!
Guess I won't be picking this up until it goes on sale then.![]()
What in the world are all those different AA?
Can someone give a bulletpoint breakdown of each?