bluetooth headphones or earphones?
I'm not sure the E17 can drive the Mad Dogs well enough.
Yeah not sure the E17 will have enough power.
That's terribly sexy.I've been testing out a Racoon SG-300 USB tube amp/DAC tonight with my DT880 600ohm headphones and boy does it sing!
It's early but right now I'm thinking that it's a better option in the ~$150-200 range than the Aune T1 that I own. Maybe a touch warmer sounding and even more power than the T1. This is with zero burn-in since it's a new unit. It's not mine so unfortunately I can't do a long term comparison. There are a few very similar looking units (Shange SG200, Uber Musik Tiny Tube, etc) but there doesn't seem to be a ton of info out there on them. Imo the Racoon is worth a look over the Aune T1.
So does anyone here have any impressions of the schiit modi and magni combination?
No idea about the Modi but the Magni has objectively good performance. Subjectively, Magni sound pretty good too. For the $200-300 price bracket, its one of those options that everyone should consider for a reason.
I know I'm crazy thinking this, but at that price, it almost feels like a good idea to buy 2...
I won't though, but still, I don't think I've seen such a good sale in a long time.
Yes. Please buy the Fidelio X1 to replace your FA-003 if you don't mind an open headphone.Were you trying to reach me earlier?
Oh man late night internet browsing strikes me again...
So does anyone here have any impressions of the schiit modi and magni combination?
I've got the a Modi/Magni and I love it. I use it primarily with Beyerdynamic DT-990 250 ohms
Now, I know beats are generally frowned upon (not sure why, the price? ), but my friend wants some for his birthday. I can buy some solo hds, brand new, right now for $120 and no tax. Is that a good deal?
edit: I'm also wanting to buy these for myself. Are they pretty good, or are there any that might be better?
And is there any difference between the 558 and the 598?
edit 2: Also, if I get the 558's, should I get the 5x8 short cable off Sennheiser? I'd like to just have a 3.5 mm plug.
Damn breh, you have some D2000's and don't have enough bass? Just adjust the EQ in your music player with those. It doesn't get much deeper than those. More controlled, but not deeper or louder while sounding good. EQ them shits to taste.Headphone GAF what is the ultimate Bass headphone? Considering money is no object.
(or at least less than $1500.00)
I currently have-
AT A50
V Moda Crossfade LP
Denon AHD2000
I was going to buy the B&O H6's but looking for something with a ton of bass since I listen to 90% EDM.
any suggestions?
Headphone GAF what is the ultimate Bass headphone? Considering money is no object.
(or at least less than $1500.00)
I currently have-
AT A50
V Moda Crossfade LP
Denon AHD2000
I was going to buy the B&O H6's but looking for something with a ton of bass since I listen to 90% EDM.
any suggestions?
Headphone GAF what is the ultimate Bass headphone? Considering money is no object.
(or at least less than $1500.00)
I currently have-
AT A50
V Moda Crossfade LP
Denon AHD2000
I was going to buy the B&O H6's but looking for something with a ton of bass since I listen to 90% EDM.
any suggestions?
Those Denon's have incredible bass man, like I don't know even know where you can without going all the way to LCD-2
Fostex TH900 probably.
I have that very same DAC/amp combo! It was my first one, bought it a couple of years ago. It paired well with my Macbook Pro and AKG K271 Mk2 phones. If you've never owned one before, I'd say it's a good beginner amp. Of course, you'll want to upgrade one day.
Here's a review I found:
Another good option might be the Fiiio E07 or the Fiio E17. The E07 is more portable while the E17 has a stronger amp. You can look up reviews on Head-Fi or Headfonia if you're interested.
Edit- About the D12 you edited in, I saw this quote on a headphone forum: "The default D12 (original opamp) has a more transparent sound (can be perceived as cold by some) while the E17 is targeted to mainstream audience with warm and smooth sound signature."
And it looks like the E17 is pretty versatile too:
I've got the a Modi/Magni and I love it. I use it primarily with Beyerdynamic DT-990 250 ohms
Are these good headphones?$pcmcat143000050011&cp=1&lp=2
I'm lookimg for good sound and portability. Mainly using them for travel AMD at my desk
No. Refer to my previous post for why the Beats Solo HD are awful.
For that price bracket, you've got these which are miles better. There are other options too that I may not be aware of but I know the HD25s are very nice sounding on-ear options.
So will it power the Hifiman HE-500? Looking to get the HE-400i depending on how reviews go.
Sorry I posted the wrong link. Just updated it with the right one. Should be for sony x series