‘Starfield’ Gets Infinitely Better With 100 ‘Star Wars’ Mandalorian Mods Installed


Nah, this whole mods will make a game better is just plain nonsense. You have a game, sit down, play with it. Turns out it is shit, you don't like it. No mod will change that. Mods are for people who are totally into a fucking game and can't let it go, because they are trainwrecks who cannot cope without a daily shot of heroin.
Why so serious? It’s a game, have some fun, modding really does make games better.

This simple thing took Returnal from a 10/10 to a 11/10. Sometimes all you really need is character snaps.


Skins wont make the game better no matter how much you try/cope. Only way I will touch the game again is if the galaxy becomes seamless, no loading and the planets are less randomly generated and more humanly and uniquely crafted and with more unique side quests like the factions one.
That's essentially Star Citizen releasing in 2069.


At this point it really does seem like Bethesda's future is just making a modders playground, for the community to turn into a proper game lol. I do hope bethesda turns it around either with dlc, or the next game, but i won't hold my breath. Also not interested in star wars mods, hopefully we will get other better mods in the future, but nice for the 10 remaining star wars fans to enjoy
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