to be honest, I never played a game with the D&D ruleset before and after Baldurs Gate. But Baldurs Gate alone is SO good, that it is easily worth learing the rules of the D&D games.
Baldurs Gate 2 is so damn good, that it eclipses all other GOAT RPGs that are out there. Call it Witcher, New Vegas, Morrowind - you Name it. They ALL have to bow down before the Emperor of Emperors that is Baldurs Gate 2, and they are all absolutely wonderful games on their own.
I'm not even exaggerating. The content that has been injected in BG2 is as diversive, as fantastic, as well thought out, as well presented and as believeable as it can get. As I said, this RPG cannot be topped. It is simply not possible. The adventure and experiences you'll get out of this game are priceless, every gamer who is interested in fantasy role playing games needs to play this game to define him/herself.
Baldurs Gate 2 carries more depth in a single city district then other RPGs in their entirety. It's hard do describe, especially for a non native english speaker like me, but Baldurs Gate 2 is like Lighning in a Bottle. Its THE perfect CRPG. It's as close to perfection as I can imagine anything (not only Games) can get. It not only deserves the praise, it it entitled to the praise.