there still are some good shows left.
hellone could argue the ratio of shitty shows and good shows are the same...
the issue is that the good shows bomb more and thus moeblobs are pushed to the forefront.
Thus you have to look harder for the good stuff and that can be a challenge that isn't worth the time.
The PS3 is the first online console or hell online gaming I've ever done. so I personally don't see the bad parts of it...but yeah downloads are shit (they have been better since switching to try that and see if it helps). It's not perfect..not even close.
But it's free.
and to my broke-ass, that's good enough (I also don;t have a 360 anymore...and my PC is lulz).
But I've learned that if you say anythign negative abotu anybody's system of choice you will get shanked for it. I remember my Xbox Live thread and I almost got killed.
Gaming Side: if you post. Make sure it's generic as shit...any criticism can get you flamed...unless it's Capcom. Then it's cool.
hellone could argue the ratio of shitty shows and good shows are the same...
the issue is that the good shows bomb more and thus moeblobs are pushed to the forefront.
Thus you have to look harder for the good stuff and that can be a challenge that isn't worth the time.
PSN blows. I've never had a single problem with an Xbox Live download. Not once. PSN? I've had to go through all kinds of shit... check transaction list, delete corrupted file, re-download, check corrupted file again - this time don't delete, download a third time after deleting shit that I actually need to make space for the third copy of this 12 gig file, install, delete more shit, update, then get news that my game is just fucked to begin with and that I now must download all my shit directly from PSN instead of through the game client.
Its simply not as fast either. Screw all the proxy shit. Download in background stuff, etc. If I don't do anything at all other than plug my shit in, 360 is better across the board when it comes to anything online.
But you're just hating on PSN! Ugh! I hate these Sony trolls!
The PS3 is the first online console or hell online gaming I've ever done. so I personally don't see the bad parts of it...but yeah downloads are shit (they have been better since switching to try that and see if it helps). It's not perfect..not even close.
But it's free.
and to my broke-ass, that's good enough (I also don;t have a 360 anymore...and my PC is lulz).
But I've learned that if you say anythign negative abotu anybody's system of choice you will get shanked for it. I remember my Xbox Live thread and I almost got killed.
Gaming Side: if you post. Make sure it's generic as shit...any criticism can get you flamed...unless it's Capcom. Then it's cool.