Oh my didn't know headphones can be so comfortable.
Just arrived so will start listening to everything I own haha. The audio quality is making me tear up a little, I have issues.
What are these?
They look soft.
Phillips Fidelio X1.
Plus you need like a thousand dollar rig to drive them properly, never spending that much on headphones.I had a chance to get HD800s for $700, but I just can't pull the trigger. Too much money already spent ;_;
Excellent taste underrated headphone.Soundmagic HP100 with ModMic 4.0![]()
I love the deep bass, sounds similar to my Ultimate Ears TripleFi 10Excellent taste underrated headphone.
Looking for a wireless gaming headset that would work for PS4/PC. Are the gold wireless by Sony really that bad? I see that they work with the PC which is kinda nice. I don't mind spending some money on it but would like it to be pretty plug n play.
Read about the Tenore on the last page and try to justify getting a $200 pair now
Amazing sound, low price, and questionable QC? That's okay, it's like I'm right back home with HiFiMan again.
I'm so excited to get them, I paid extra on the shipping.
These? They seem way too cheap. If they are the right ones I'll order a set just to test. http://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B0093VVP0Q/
The cable on my Momentums went bad, and waiting for the replacement has me bored, so I want some new IEMs.
Here's what I need:
Budget: up to $200-$300
Priorities: clarity, resolution, soundstage, accuracy
They'll be used with a FiiO E17. The money doesn't have to be spent. If a $100 pair gets me what I want, so be it.
Guys, could someone recommend a good pair of headphones for no more than 25-30 dollars?
I'm basically in the same boat. Cable died on my Sony EX-600s after almost 3 years (thanks for the recommendation Des back then. They've served me extremely well and have been awesome) and because it's such a pain in the ass to get a cable replacement, looking for a new pair of IEMs.
Budget: no more than $200
Same priorities but would prefer a bit more bass for my bass heavy tunes.
Will be using them during work, when I'm outside, and while working out so this a big factor
I think this is standard with all IEMs but using different tips is a must since my left and right ear tend to use different sizes.
Will be hooked up directly to my phone (Galaxy S III)
Should I look into the Tenore's as well?
Cable on his Momentums crapped out.I thought you had Momentum?
Since I replace my earbuds once a year I've started thinking about buying a pair of headphones instead, so I'm looking for recommendations on a pair that would be good for public transport and travelling: durable, blocks sounds, doesn't bleed noise and won't look too goofy. Any suggestions? I listen to all kinds of music and a lot of podcasts, too.
Sorry for the incredibly late reply! I'd say I have about $150-200 to spend.Price range
If you're okay with on ears I'd snag some V-Moda XS or some Sennheiser Amperior.Sorry for the incredibly late reply! I'd say I have about $150-200 to spend.
Thanks, I'll check those out!If you're okay with on ears I'd snag some V-Moda XS or some Sennheiser Amperior.
Rock-it sounds R-DJ are also a great choice if you wanna save a bit of money.
Were the amperiors not discontinued a while back and replaced by on ear momentums'?If you're okay with on ears I'd snag some V-Moda XS or some Sennheiser Amperior.
Rock-it sounds R-DJ are also a great choice if you wanna save a bit of money.
No they came out around the same time completely different sound signatures though the Amperior will be replaced with a steel version of the HD25 eventually.Were the amperiors not discontinued a while back and replaced by on ear momentums'?
I dunno that I'd recommend complies to someone just like that. I'd imagine some people wouldn't be able to stand them. They're basically like having earplugs in. If you can't take that sensation of fullness in your ears I'd move along
Where can I get some new tips from in the UK? I'm having a hard time finding any. Amazon doesn't seem to have much at all.
Fake edit: the fuck? They have loads of Comply tips but they're £20. Is that anywhere near worth it?
depending on your requirements:
Koss KSC75 - The ultimate budget portable, but is open and will leak sound. Decent comfort.
Panasonic HTF-600 - One of the best sounding things you can get and it's closed so it leaks less sound, this is at the edge of your budget though. Decent comfort
JVC HARX700 - Probably isolates the best out of these, but it's not very portable, and is also closer to the edge of your budget. Good comfort
JVC-HA S400 - Offers the best clarity out of these, but doesn't have a very robust bass response or isolate very well, is quite portable though. Fair comfort
JVC HA-S500 - Up there with there with the Panasonic in terms of overall sound quality, and is quite portable, but it's slightly over budget and doesn't isolate very well. Fair comfort