Oh I forgot you are UK right?http://m.ebay.co.uk/itm/221652897479?nav=SEARCH
Here are some 30 Ohm Dt990 http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B0024NK344/
Pono/Ayre choose not to publish certain specifications including the headphone amp output impedance because this has nothing to do with sound quality, according to Charles Hansen, Ayre's Founder and Designer (I prefer the shut up and listen approach as well). It turns out there was some misinformation that found its way to the web, stating this spec was 5 Ohms. While this was true for a prototype unit, it is not the output impedance of production units according to Ayre. Beyond that, Ayre chooses to keep silent. The battery in the Player is a "2950 mAH Li-Ion rechargeable for up to 8 hours of playback time" according to Pono.
Good dealFound an Asgard (gen 1) for $150, good deal? Is it as good as the Asgard 2?
Is $100 for the fiio E10 a good price ? Oh wait a minute, would the astro amp be sufficient enough to power the DT990 pro's on the PC as well ? Could I just hook that up for the PC like I would for the PS4 and not need the E10 ? I wish there was a quick way to know what level ohms different amps are capable of running.
Is $100 for the fiio E10 a good price ? Oh wait a minute, would the astro amp be sufficient enough to power the DT990 pro's on the PC as well ? Could I just hook that up for the PC like I would for the PS4 and not need the E10 ? I wish there was a quick way to know what level ohms different amps are capable of running.
$100 is a bad price because it goes for $75.99.
Yea those or Somic MH463Anyone have some good suggestions for cheap headphones to get as a good beginner modding project?
I was looking at the Takstar HI2050's, or one of the many rebrands. The eStudio HF100 seems to be one of them as far as I can tell and would be the cheapest here I think.
So... I'm able to obtain these with a nice $300 discount. Still almost $300 though, anyone have a pair of these?
Is the astro a40 for about 137€ a good purchase for pc only use (without mixamp, it's too expensive for me)?
I need a headset which hast a good sound, an ok microphone, control for volume and mic and it shouldn't break in a few months when I use it normally.
I bought the Momentum In-Ears last night and I'm wondering if it was wroth the purchase.
Used to have M-Duo Drivers from ME Electronics and the left earbud stopped cooperating. How's the durability on the Momentum?
Anyone know a walk-in showroom in San Francisco where I could audition the Audeze LCD-3s? Not planning on upgrading until we make our next big deal in a year or two, but would love to compare them to my current headset after reading a lot about them here!
Someone mentioned this specifically about higher impedance sets and the mixamp. Unfortunately, they say, the E10 is a source first usb device, with the E10 starting as the source, and allowing other devices to use the E10 as the dac/source. You can't use another source with it (Mixamp). They recommended for DT990 pros, the E9k. http://www.amazon.ca/dp/B008J26ZL4/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pC_S_ttl?_encoding=UTF8&colid=2C4ZL3ONBMYEE&coliid=I2UGT7XC7WMO95
So to use the mixamp with DT990 pros on consoles, and then also on PC this chain would work ?
Rockets and RHA's come with amazing warranties tooEvery IEM I've had busted within months. Momentums have a 2 year warranty though, which is why I chose them.
Came into a bit of money and made some pretty big upgrades to my headphone setup:
(pardon the shitty filter, ripped this off my instagram feed)
Got a pair of HD650s and an iFi Audio iDSD DAC/amp (upgraded from a Matrix M-Stage). The iDSD is ridiculous, musicality and detail retrieval are a marked improvement from the M-Stage, and the Matrix amp is already pretty damn good
Anyone know a walk-in showroom in San Francisco where I could audition the Audeze LCD-3s? Not planning on upgrading until we make our next big deal in a year or two, but would love to compare them to my current headset after reading a lot about them here!
Holy shit, you're using the old theme I used to use for Foobar before I got my new computer. I couldn't remember its name and didn't back it up. What's it called??!!!
Bought a HD 650 today to complement my Mad Dogs. So far so good.
I think the new "entry" Audeze headphones could potentially make the pricing of the LCD3 seem ridiculous if they are as good as all reports indicate.
Got the Cayin C5 the other day to pair up with my DX90 and IE800.
Boy oh boy this amp kicks ass. DX90 & IE800 already provides massive soundstage width, the C5 gives it even more space increasing height and depth. Better bass quality, more controlled, gives the mid's more punch and tames IE800's high as well.
Also bought a pair of Beyers T51p the other day. I'm expecting great things.
You snapped a pair of HP100 wow... That's pretty impressive. The build quality seems quite sturdy. I think M100 is the way to go as the HP100 aren't exactly bass light in any means.Any thoughts on choosing some 'fun' phones for all round music, games and movies up to to $400? Been looking at the fidelio X2, vmoda m100, dt990, etc. Would like something with a bit punchier bass compared to my previous soundmagic hp100s. Also I want to get something with a metal band and forks as they just snapped at the fork despite me babying them. Think i must have a wide head! Will be running them off a beresford bushmaster. Should mention I'm in New Zealand so cant try any of them sadly.
You snapped a pair of HP100 wow... That's pretty impressive. The build quality seems quite sturdy. I think M100 is the way to go as the HP100 aren't exactly bass light in any means.
Well they came out with the HP 150, which might be a bit better built. I don't own the M100, but they're pretty easy to demo. I think a Radioshack actually had them. They're got this very aggressive mode range and full bass that sounds great with rock and hip hop. The top end is a bit weak though. I liked the HP 100 better overall though and the HP 150 is supposed to be improved somehow.It snapped clean through right at the corner where the fork goes up to the swivel. No idea how it happened, they've never been dropped or abused. The headband, swivels and cups are pretty solid, but the forks are made of a quite thin U-shaped plastic section. Definitely the weakest part of the headphone. Damn shame really, they've been good otherwise. Interesting that the HP100s aren't actually considered neutral, could have sworn they were but then I bought them a year and a half ago so probably mis-remembering. Do you have the M100 yourself?
HifiMan HE-560
Garage 1217 Project Polaris