Entry level Stax, $500. Would make a nice comparison with the EL-8
I will agree you probably have enough headphones now though.
Edit: EL-8 is comparable with LCD-2? I know you went for closed back. Have you compared the closed EL-8 with other closed headphones?
The weight of the El-8 is similar to the TH600 right? Kind of weird to make a portable headphone that heavy.
aw yis
Also I noticed someone on reddit linked your EL 8 comparison, Michael.
Those Oppos are gorgeous, definitely going to have to look into them as I've been thinking about getting a closed back pair one of these days.
Anyone tried Tidal and felt the difference was noticeable? Thinking about trying it for a month.
I took a look at the op and this thread is so big, It's gonna take a while looking for what I want so...
is the AudioQuest Dragonfly any good?
can you guys tell me about another good USB DAC around 100$/100 or is it too expensive for the job?
So the earpads on my HD 380 Pros are seriously bad and I can't put off replacing them any longer, but they cost $38 shipped on amazon (after shipping it would be about the same as from senn's website), meanwhile an entire new pair is only $99, seems really absurd. I'm tempted to just buy a new pair of something comparable or better than the 380s if I"m gonna be spending this much :/
So before I do anything crazy, I guess I want to know if anyone can recommend third party earpads for the HD 380 Pros? I see third party pads seem to be a thing so... please help!
I don't mind paying a LITTLE bit more if they are more durable because I didn't care for the stock pads. See, I shave my head and it unless I'm super on top of it and keep my head smooth at all times it gradually causes me to shred through the pads. it really sucks.
It's fine, I appreciate any replies at all. if I can't get any good suggestions I'll order a stock pair I guess. Can't believe it's going to be nearly $40 for what costs them probably $3 but that's the world we live in I guess :/
What I really need is to find something to move up to from my 380 Pros. I'd like something a little better, but not absurdly so. Then I'll modmic it. I'm wondering if I should just get the Senneheiser Gamer Zeros but I'm not sure how they sound compared to the 380 Pros. I need them to be very similar or better, otherwise it's something else for me.
I'm not the kind of guy who has multiple headsets around. I need something that is a good all-around pair for gaming and music. $300 range or thereabouts.
Do they have to be closed back? Have to be over-ear?
I've only ever used closed. i'm not opposed to open since i'm in a fairly quiet environment, but i'm just not sure i'd like them as much, i don't know.
but are open a good idea for gaming? especially if I plan on adding a modmic?
I see people jumping on the HD 650s a lot... maybe I should wait for them to drop to $290 again and get those?
Way too many recommendations for the 598...these things are cheap-ish, and they're audiophile equipment, but they certainly aren't the be-all and end-all of headphones
It's because they had a ridiculous sale on Amazon a few months ago and someone made a thread about it in Off Topic. What's the AKG equivalent of the 598s, anyway? Just curious.
Upgraded my SE846's cable today with some silver's. Man on man, these are finally now my favorite IEM's, upping the IE800 and W60 (sold).
The most amazing bass for an IEM (literally feels like woofers), lush mids, and now with the silver, the treble opened up. Gonna be a fuuun few weeks with these.
There really isn't one.
None of the AKG headphones sound as blurry as the HD598 since they generally don't roll off the treble and combine a broad mid bass hump with a high degree of 4th and 5th order distortion.
Since Sennheiser has enforced minimum advertised prices for all of their products, it's not very good value anymore. I think the Amazon price was $150? I still think that's too much for them havin listened to a pair recently.
Get some Fidelio X2 and a boom pro, fuck the boring ass 598s.
The 598s are a solid first "high end" headphones because they're relatively affordable, comfortable, quite balanced sonically and easy to drive. For $100 they were a steal, and even 150 is a decent price.
The AKG 702 in comparison have a niche sound signature that a lot of people will hate (minimal bass impact, though it goes pretty deep) and they're not that good unamped. I also find their famous 3D soundstage to be artificially large. Even songs that were recorded in an intimate setting sound like an auditorium a times. Definitely not to my taste, which is why I sold them after a month.
My point is that AKG makes nothing that sounds like the HD598 so there's no point looking for their version, or competitor, of it. I don't think I mentioned the AKG K702 anywhere in my post.
As for your initial point, I'm not sure how the HD598 could be considered high end. What does a headphone have to do to be considered high end? If we're talking about tonality, HiResDes knows a whole barrel of options that achieve good balanced sound for a lot cheaper.
The problem with the HD598 is that they're obviously veiled and its clear the veil comes from the really broad midbass hump combined with lots of higher order distortion. If push came to shove and I was forced to purchase a cheap open backed Sennheiser headphone from Amazon, I'd probably save the $50 and get a pair of HD558s instead.
I thought the veiled sound was mostly because of people inadequately powering their Sennheiser headphones? I read comments and have personal experience with the HD555 and HD598 to say that's been my case for any thick and muddy sound in the midbass unless there's a different veil I'm unaware of.I am not talking about sound signature. The problem is that there is a lot of higher order distortion in the lower frequencies. This higher order distortion is emphasized by their broad midbass humps. This results in the sound being thick and muddy. To borrow the term everyone used to throw at Sennheiser headphones, they sound veiled to me.
At $100, they're pretty solid. But they're just not that good value at $150 since that extra $50 gets you a whole lot these days, especially if you don't mind buying second hand.
I thought the veiled sound was mostly because of people inadequately powering their Sennheiser headphones? I read comments and have personal experience with the HD555 and HD598 to say that's been my case for any thick and muddy sound in the midbass unless there's a different veil I'm unaware of.
Beats cost $14 to make LOL
I wonder how much something like the HD800 costs to make. It sells for 1800 bucks here and people were complaining about the paint chipping off after a month.
The comply set is about $10.if you check their website it tells you which set will fit your iems. I think you get 2 of each per set.I want to replace the tips of my Ostry K's with foam tips, what exactly am i looking for? i want the "small" size but i don't know which size fits on the tip.
Man the Momentum 2 thread on Headfi is useless. 95% of the posts are talking about the BT issues and almost zero even mention what the sound is like and how they compare sonically to the original.
The comply set is about $10.if you check their website it tells you which set will fit your iems. I think you get 2 of each per set.