At least the 5.3 user score reflects on this game's quality much more accurately and it restores some of my faith in humanity.
I just spent 15 minutes trying to shake the level 5 police pursuit but they're just retarded and the game compensates by cheating. Whenever you think you're close to shaking the cops, the game will simply materialize a magic helicopter or a new police vehicle right under your ass just to keep the chase going. But none of those idiots will ever come even close to busting you because the AI is just so shitty. Eventually, I got so bored that I just drove to the nearest safehouse and kept circling the building at a leisurly pace and waited for those morons to knock themselves out while the helicopter above us also got bored and flew away on its own for no reason. At that point I was finally able to enter the garage.
Amazing game design, really.
Now, there's been a lot of talk about the game's difficulty, and while it can be incredibly frustrating if you don't understand how the game works, I think it's simply because of two main reasons:
1. Worst rubberbanding since the original Motorstorm
2. Incredibly inconsistent car handling that leads to random spin-outs and crashes that are literally impossible to avoid
The difficulty in this game is just broken. Sometimes you'll be beating races like it's nothing while other times it'll be impossible to get anywhere near the top 3, and best I can tell, the only reliable factor that will determine the outcome of these races is the planetary alignment of our solar system, as well as butterfly wings flapping on the other side of the globe.
Although I think that what I hate more than this gameplay are the people who consistently respond to complaints about the difficulty with "git gud" comments. And just because stupid comments like these are so prevalent, I kinda feel like I need to preemptively say this anyway: this is not a skill issue. And I don't think it's ever a skill issue for any of the people who play this game and complain about the difficulty level. "Easy" mode shouldn't be putting you in the spot where you can barely scrape by the skin of your teeth in the earliest races of the game. A difficulty mode described in the game as "relaxed", by it's very definition should provide an easy experience for the players who aren't very skilled or maybe even have some kind of a disability. Not to mention that the difficulty settings in this game are just broken and straight up misleading.
Now, I've been playing racing games since the days of Commodore 64, which is probably a time from before many of you were even floating inside your dad's left nut. I've beaten so many racing games in my life that I couldn't even count them all, and if you still question my enthusiasm for the genre, know that I frequently use a dedicated gaming peripheral called a "racing wheel" to play stuff like Gran Turismo or Project Cars. I certainly don't claim to be the most skilled player ever, I'm not even that good at racing games, but I'd like to think that I'm at least above-average, as in most other games I can typically play on medium-to-hard difficulty without too much fuss, and I usually manage to complete all the gold medals and what have you.
And I'm saying all this because I can already picture all those shithead responding to this thread by insulting my gaming skills or whatever. If you're one of those people, you really need to lean forward and do a full speed Naruto run into a brick wall.
I can't comment objectively on the quality of this game's visual design or soundtrack because that may be just a matter of preference. Let's just say that this stuff is just not for me. I'm far from being a geezer yet, I enjoy a lot of contemporary music and entertainment without immediately clutching my hanky and shaking a walking stick in the air. But there's just something about the vibe of this series and the kind of culture that it's been attempting to represent with most recent installments that just makes me wanna turn the volume down and put on some podcasts in the background. This series is, for the most part, fun to play but everything else about it is just fucking cringe and the music is awful.
Thank you for listening to my TEDx talk.
I just spent 15 minutes trying to shake the level 5 police pursuit but they're just retarded and the game compensates by cheating. Whenever you think you're close to shaking the cops, the game will simply materialize a magic helicopter or a new police vehicle right under your ass just to keep the chase going. But none of those idiots will ever come even close to busting you because the AI is just so shitty. Eventually, I got so bored that I just drove to the nearest safehouse and kept circling the building at a leisurly pace and waited for those morons to knock themselves out while the helicopter above us also got bored and flew away on its own for no reason. At that point I was finally able to enter the garage.
Amazing game design, really.
Now, there's been a lot of talk about the game's difficulty, and while it can be incredibly frustrating if you don't understand how the game works, I think it's simply because of two main reasons:
1. Worst rubberbanding since the original Motorstorm
2. Incredibly inconsistent car handling that leads to random spin-outs and crashes that are literally impossible to avoid
The difficulty in this game is just broken. Sometimes you'll be beating races like it's nothing while other times it'll be impossible to get anywhere near the top 3, and best I can tell, the only reliable factor that will determine the outcome of these races is the planetary alignment of our solar system, as well as butterfly wings flapping on the other side of the globe.
Although I think that what I hate more than this gameplay are the people who consistently respond to complaints about the difficulty with "git gud" comments. And just because stupid comments like these are so prevalent, I kinda feel like I need to preemptively say this anyway: this is not a skill issue. And I don't think it's ever a skill issue for any of the people who play this game and complain about the difficulty level. "Easy" mode shouldn't be putting you in the spot where you can barely scrape by the skin of your teeth in the earliest races of the game. A difficulty mode described in the game as "relaxed", by it's very definition should provide an easy experience for the players who aren't very skilled or maybe even have some kind of a disability. Not to mention that the difficulty settings in this game are just broken and straight up misleading.
Now, I've been playing racing games since the days of Commodore 64, which is probably a time from before many of you were even floating inside your dad's left nut. I've beaten so many racing games in my life that I couldn't even count them all, and if you still question my enthusiasm for the genre, know that I frequently use a dedicated gaming peripheral called a "racing wheel" to play stuff like Gran Turismo or Project Cars. I certainly don't claim to be the most skilled player ever, I'm not even that good at racing games, but I'd like to think that I'm at least above-average, as in most other games I can typically play on medium-to-hard difficulty without too much fuss, and I usually manage to complete all the gold medals and what have you.
And I'm saying all this because I can already picture all those shithead responding to this thread by insulting my gaming skills or whatever. If you're one of those people, you really need to lean forward and do a full speed Naruto run into a brick wall.
I can't comment objectively on the quality of this game's visual design or soundtrack because that may be just a matter of preference. Let's just say that this stuff is just not for me. I'm far from being a geezer yet, I enjoy a lot of contemporary music and entertainment without immediately clutching my hanky and shaking a walking stick in the air. But there's just something about the vibe of this series and the kind of culture that it's been attempting to represent with most recent installments that just makes me wanna turn the volume down and put on some podcasts in the background. This series is, for the most part, fun to play but everything else about it is just fucking cringe and the music is awful.
Thank you for listening to my TEDx talk.
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