Mibu no ookami
Demoted Member® Pro™
Final Fantasy has always been about innovation and change, and Dragon Quest has always been about tradition and fighting the same monsters designed in the same way with the same interface listening to the same music for 30 years straight.
That is a partially snarky response, but genuinely Final Fantasy doesn't get enough credit for how much they change core mechanics, setting, themes, etc between games. That is pretty ballsy for a prestige franchise. Like, looking back it is insane to me that they followed up Final Fantasy VII, the game that was the first exposure for millions to JRPGs in the first place and had a clever but fairly straightforward leveling and materia system, with the fucking junction system and level scaling enemies.
They changed elements for sure but it was always turn-based.
They had Seiken Densetsu as their primary action rpg series and then Kingdom Hearts... there was really no reason to do this with Final Fantasy.
And as a result they haven't been able to push the visuals as hard as they used to.