Would it be wise to buy this if I've only beat the first 2 AA games? I have the 3rd one & Apollo Justice but I'm so lazy to play another og DS game.
Crap forgot about this. Already had to put down Etrian for Pokemon... am I going to have to put down Pokemon for this?
Thank you for saying SPCA and not PETA.Please don't make us call the SPCA on you.
I hate my brain. I keep thinking this is coming out tomorrow the 22nd and then remember it's coming out Thursday the 24th. If only my delusions were true I could be playing AA in 6 hours.
But what happens if AA6 is announced for 3DS?I can't wait for Thursday, to buy this with the SMT credit, play it, beat it, then immediately sell my 3DS XL/toss it in the ocean/whatever
I bought it for AA5, so I'll hurl that, then be done with it and Capcom. What a mess.
Case Closed was the shit. I still have the DVDs laying around.
Case Closed was the shit. I still have the DVDs laying around.
But what happens if AA6 is announced for 3DS?
Case Closed IS the Shit, it hasn't ended.
Case Closed IS the Shit, it hasn't ended.
Everyone says that, but I didn't find it that bad. Probably because I was expecting it.fuck the the last case in aai just drags on
like literally
fuck the the last case in aai just drags on
like literally
Ugh, perhaps the one thing I didn't like about that game.fuck the the last case in aai just drags on
like literally
Yeah, I just kind of fell off the bandwagon after a point, but what I did watch was good stuff.
Is conan still trying to find the dudes who shrunk his body or does he just not give a shit anymore? It's been more than a decade already, he should have aged back to his original body
You got it the other way around, if that happened he would have been able to date her since he's not a kid anymoreSimpsons Syndrome! Also if that happened he couldn't date Rachel obv![]()
Is this coming out @ midnight?
Case Closed IS the Shit, it hasn't ended.
Well, I still yet to complete my re-playthrough so even I'll buy it Day 1, probably I wouldn't play it untill 2 weeks later.
Third Party game, so no sadly D:
Can't wait for the Lupin III vs. Detective Conan movie. :3
Just saying, maybe the baddie saw Lethal Weapon II and applied the maneuver
This. ALL OF IT. Kindaichi is awesome.Kindaichi is superior to Conan
never seeing the rest of the manga getting official English release
The AAI sub series has made me love Edgeworth so much. I think having a character like him as the lead is so refreshing.The best part is that AAI2's first case has someone try the same strategy, only for Edgeworth to shoot them down super fast.
Playing AAI and AAI2 really increases my appreciation for Edgey. Definitely the 2nd best protagonist in the series.
You got it the other way around, if that happened he would have been able to date her since he's not a kid anymore
...So, how about them ace attorney games. I just put money on my eshop account, all ready to shout TAKE THAT
The best part is that AAI2's first case has someone try the same strategy, only for Edgeworth to shoot them down super fast.
Playing AAI and AAI2 really increases my appreciation for Edgey. Definitely the 2nd best protagonist in the series.
Over 700 episodes and I'm still watching it! XD
Can't wait for the Lupin III vs. Detective Conan movie. :3
fuck the the last case in aai just drags on
like literally
It's the adventure genre equivalent of the 3 stage final boss fight, but then it gets linked into a secret final chapter that NOBODY asked for.
Playing through the fan translation AAI2, and they did a superb job with it. The writing is spot on, and the jokes are could've been written by the primary AA translation team themselves. The game itself is vastly improved too. I didn't care for AAI at all, but this game actually has the suspense and drama one expects from the Ace Attorney series.
I am waiting until they finish AAI2 before I play it but I fear it will either take years upon years or never be finished.
I have been burned too often by fan translations.![]()
MH3G came out at midnight though (I think...)
From my understanding, the text is almost, if not completely translated already. The team is just having problems actually programming the text into the game due to some sort of issues with the RAM. Worst case scenario, if this team ends up being unsuccessful in their efforts I'd imagine some other, more experienced people, could take up the helms and help finish off the project.
I'm curious at howare going to interact.Pearl and Trucy
I am waiting until they finish AAI2 before I play it but I fear it will either take years upon years or never be finished.
I have been burned too often by fan translations.![]()
I really hope this is just speculation on your part. I guess I'm out until I get a chance to play it.
Seriously. It's been mentioned a hundred times in the thread already, and shown in the trailer and screenshots. It's hardly a secret by now.Don't be in the OT if you don't want to stumble upon officially released content![]()
This is real? dafaq.
Wasn't this already released years ago? I heard it wasn't as good as it should've been :/
I've yet to watch it myself though.