Oh, could you please add the badge to mine too? That'd be greatly appreciated!
Sammy Samusu already done it lol, just after I do
Here's my work

Oh, could you please add the badge to mine too? That'd be greatly appreciated!
And I changed my avatar, if anyone wants to use:
Friend of mine bought an XL for this (and Pokemon). Hasn't touched the series since Trials and Tribulations. The hype is real.
Also didnt know Detective Conan and other anime were on topic.![]()
Also didnt know Detective Conan and other anime were on topic.![]()
Could you do mine too on the bottom right? Much appreciated
And I changed my avatar, if anyone wants to use:
I hope Athena is the confident kind of girl.
Daryan is a good culprit though, put a lot of resistance before going break
Oh god, Athena everywhere...
You're doing it wrong.This is going to be my first Ace Attorney game. I really enjoyed the demo and I'm pretty pumped for release.
You're doing it wrong.
Alright... Do tell.
Alright... Do tell.
This is a very story-heavy franchise. You'll be missing out on A TON of references and backstory and general character development. It's like starting to watch Lost on its 3rd season or something like that.Alright... Do tell.
This is a very story-heavy franchise. You'll be missing out on A TON of references and backstory and general character development. It's like starting to watch Lost on its 3rd season or something like that.
Alright. House M. D. then.I think that's a bit harsh - the games' plots aren't directly connected like that suggests. But you do get more out of playing the past ones to recognize old characters/concepts.
Alright... Do tell.
Lol dat hair, I know it gonna be awesome thing when shit hits
Usually the best culprit in AA have law (enforcement) background, which makes them could put resistance by hiding behind procedural, or meta-law things. AAI last case against Quercus Alba have similar thing too right?
Sammy Samusu already done it lol, just after I do
Here's my work
Heavily... no. While it's true there's some important connection between games, they're hardly vital to the overall understanding. I agree it's much better to actually know that stuff before playing AA5!This series heavily relies on its story, which is linear across its games. Playing the fifth game in the main series is not recommended, as a result, though it's manageable.
I'll be the odd man out here: I think AA5 is actually a perfect starting point. It doesn't really spoil anything from previous games, and the story is totally self-contained. And it does a good job of cutting down all the little annoyances that the others had.
So, GSR and I are the only ones on team Apollo? Not fair guys some of you Athena's should swap![]()
Ware it like the badge of shame it is =P
So, GSR and I are the only ones on team Apollo? Not fair guys some of you Athena's should swap![]()
I've always liked Apollo better though.
Heavily... no. While it's true there's some important connection between games, they're hardly vital to the overall understanding. I agree it's much better to actually know that stuff before playing AA5!
Heavily... no. While it's true there's some important connection between games, they're hardly vital to the overall understanding. I agree it's much better to actually know that stuff before playing AA5!
You should Apollo-gize for that
I'm sorry
I like to pretend AJ never happened.
Ware it like the badge of shame it is =P
Team Ema Skye.
I like to pretend AJ never happened.
You'll recall I've already played and finished AA5. I might not be so hasty to call it a badge of shame.
Nope.Bull, if you were truly on her team you'd be fine with how she turned out!
My whole problem with AJ is that they took all my favorite characters and either gave them the shittiest hand possible or discarded them entirely. It was like a slap in the face, like the game was trying to force you to like all the new characters. Trucy is the worst, Apollo is annoying, and the game as a while was just... Ugh.(I don't care if she's Nick's daughter)
Which disgusts me.Yet it's still canon and all leads into AA5.