And even more oh MY GOOOOOOOOD WE'RE DEFENDING A TOTALLY DIFFERENT PHOENIX! Like woah, when the case began and I saw that spiky hair I was like "is that?.... No... it can't b-!" Doesn't Phoenix has that awesome sweater as DLC in Dual Destinies? Haha.
Alright, so Grossberg is completely useless.

And hey, Winston had hair just like his brother in Dual Destinies!! Mia's voice sounds younger than I thought, haha. Also, this is from Phoenix's sneeze comes from in UMvC3 right? Awesome. Aaaah, I seriously can't believe this is how Phoenix acted before. Like, he's even worse than frickin' Larry. lol I guess the events of fourth grade really traumatized him.
Dammit Grossberg, stop talking about your hemorrhoids (also holy cow, did the Harlem Shake existed back then?!). The Judge and Winston falling for Dahlia, haha. Woah, okay, so she murdered Mia's boyfriend before. He was spanish/latin too.

Arriving to the truth feels awesome as always. TAKE THAT DAHLIA! I do feel bad for Winston though. He went from being known for destroying rookies in court to fail to express his arguments (plus he lost his hair too lol)
Phoenix is still acting as weirdo even after the trial. lol I guess this is the point where he realizes what does it means to be lawyer and to defend people, huh. (This is way far more important for Phoenix to remember than a fourth-grade class trial). He mentions saving Edgeworth too. Would be cool if in AA1 everyone mentioned that they already knew each other because of the case. Also, imagine if the trial never happened to Phoenix and he became a lawyer with THAT kind of personality!
I need an Ace Attorney: Mia Fey game. NOW.