Wow! I can't believe there's finally a NOT murder case! Also, you can now present Phoenix to people!
Haha, really loved Ron's character. Um, not really, I t
hink.. And of course Luke Atmey too! His design is Wasn't expecting to see Pearl's backstory explained. This Adrian seems completely different than the one from last game. When I saw her in the beginning of the case I was like "Ugh, dammit, not again" but I guess she now grew on me, and made me appreciate and miss her old personality.

Wow, Mia sure seems more important in this game and I love it! Was surprised at how many people would react if presenting her photo, specially poor Gumshoe's comment about her.
Have I mentioned I love Godot? And have I mentioned that one of the best moment in the series is when he throws his coffe at Phoenix and Phoenix's sprite of it?! Dude, that visor! Even the Judge is thinking "What the heck is with this guy?"
Wow, when that case ended I was super convinced that the chapter was gonna end. I really love these kind of surprises. When Ron talked about the guy that hit him, I totally recognized it was Luke's sprite, but the fact that he admitted to be Mask DeMasque convinced so I chose his wife first. First, it would have been heartbreaking if it was her so I'm glad she wasn't, and second, wow, unique dialogue for getting something wrong, I'm impressed. Glad to see Payne is still in the job, bu the most important thing is.... DID YOU SEE THAT? THAT JUDGE?! A DIFFERENT JUDGE?!
Yes Maya, we understand you think Kane is ugly, SHUT UP, the guy is dead, stop freaking out about him. Hmm, didn't Luke say before his last testimony that he was informed about the button and general stuff about the case despite being in his trial? I guess that didn't happened since Phoenix's main weapon was that he couldn't have known unless he was at the office that night. Luke's animation are amazing.
I'm gonna come out and say the only thing I didn't like about this case was how Phoenix's and Larry's relationship was handled. I mean, in the first game, if I remember right, during the first when Phoenix talks about him, he refers to him as his best friend or at least a really close friend, and tells Mia he's the reason he became a lawyer, and during the fourth he really express his gratitude to him and even says he's doing it for both Edgeworth and Larry but not Maya (which in turn she gets mad). And now? "Uh, he's not that close of a friend to me. Plus I haven't contacted him for about two years" "Our friendship? That was then and this is now! I tell ya!" Even Maya is weirded out by this.