Ok so I am about to unlock Fenrir, my favourite plane from Ace Combat X and I find out that it costs almost 5 mils to unlock...

What is your matching rate? What planes are you using, and what level? Even people around 1500 matching rate have high level and high tier planes nowadays.
With a few levels and the right parts a multirole or attacker could also be decently fast. Despite being fast you are in a severe disadvantage when fighting ground targets at least until around level 7 or 8 I'd guess. I'm not saying to stop using the Typhoon, but unless it's a map like Moscow or second phase of Weapons Base Assault where there are lots of air targets for you to go after you will find yourself getting outscored by players with planes that are more suitable for A2G.
Also, I'm at Mission 10 of AC6. Loved the last mission. Is any of Infinity's content from 6? Tokyo seems like it could be.
How are you supposed to take out the targets without lock-on? UGBs I assume?
AC6 lends Butterfly Master's CFA-44, Aigaion fleet, and the mission maps of Moby Dick 1/Selumna Peak, Pipeline Destruction/Anea Landing, and Alps Air Corridor/Bartolomeo Fortress.Also, I'm at Mission 10 of AC6. Loved the last mission. Is any of Infinity's content from 6? Tokyo seems like it could be.
Aerocrane already explained better than I could've, but if it's any consolation, somebody would have blown up the last railgun early and ruined the run anyway. A Fighter can be useful on Black Ring and maybe Gold Ring, but well-modded Multiroles are better for the last ditch air defense.Why do they think six minutes is enough for Stonehenge?
GPB sucks so much. The matchmaking sucks there should an option where it can restrict the room based on the aircraft cost.
They should've implemented that ages ago. It's hard for new players getting into the game with their F-4E that can barely do anything plus it's difficult to do challenges with Lv.1 aircraft when everyone was running around with high level F-15S/MTDs and the like.
Yep, I used to place in the top 2 in my squadron but now my level 4 (I think) F/A-18F just doesn't cut it. I am a bottom feeder with my ~1580 rank, lol. Even with LASM's equipped the other planes are so much faster than I am they can hit targets with regular missiles. On the other hand, grouping all together allows for more full rooms.
I recently redownloaded the game onto my PS3. Tried one match. The other players were head and shoulders above me, both in terms of planes and rank.
I could barely keep up. My team mate was very angry with me.
Not going back.
Check out the X-49's price tag. XFA-27 -Scarface 1- is even more hilarious.Ok so I am about to unlock Fenrir, my favourite plane from Ace Combat X and I find out that it costs almost 5 mils to unlock...
Check out the X-49's price tag. XFA-27 -Scarface 1- is even more hilarious.
How are you supposed to take out the targets without lock-on? UGBs I assume?
x-49: 7,989,940
What THE FU** is this shit. How can you even amass such a murderous amount of credits ? You would have to constantly play level III emergency missions, use 3 fuel and get an S to make so much credits in any reasonable time frame. I have no problem with upgrade costs being high but 5 mils for Fenrir and 8 mils for X-49 just to unlock them is just retarder.
XFA-27 Scarface 1: 3,040
Any new planes that get high cst (aka everything except MiG-31B) also get ridiculously high prices. Clearly there are some whales who will go for these hangar queens just to have them. The XFA-27 -Scarface 1-'s price scales up really fast. Leveling it up from Lv. 5 to Lv. 6 costs 18,835,600 credits. Leveling the plane all the way to Lv. 10 costs 87,862,000 total.
So many comments for once. Quite a spectacle.
AC6 lends Butterfly Master's CFA-44, Aigaion fleet, and the mission maps of Moby Dick 1/Selumna Peak, Pipeline Destruction/Anea Landing, and Alps Air Corridor/Bartolomeo Fortress.
x-49: 7,989,940
What THE FU** is this shit. How can you even amass such a murderous amount of credits ? You would have to constantly play level III emergency missions, use 3 fuel and get an S to make so much credits in any reasonable time frame. I have no problem with upgrade costs being high but 5 mils for Fenrir and 8 mils for X-49 just to unlock them is just retarder.
XFA-27 Scarface 1: 3,040
The drone mission would be pretty insane for Infinity.
All right, I went balls to the wall with my fuel and I am getting close to start researching the Fenrir so I just need to amass the necessary credits to unlock it.
I actually got pretty lucky today and unlocked the Osean Falken![]()
Unless you've got another 4 million credits lying around, that's staying at Level 1. :/
I was looking forward to getting it as well as I missed out on the ZOE skin.
Wow, that was random. Someone was whistling a classic Namco track after that mission's results(Mappy?).
Butterfly Master. That's her thing, she hums the Mappy theme, and it will play if you have her emblem and MVP.
The general consensus seems to be that emergency missions are a LOT rarer during this period, and I agree. Haven't seen a single one all weekend.
Managed to get a level 2 stonehenge sortie just before the event ended. It pushed me to what looked like rank 2992. I just hope it stays.
I don't care what happens. I'm getting that CFA-44
Hearing people saying that that CFA-44 is ~4.5 million credits to Lv.2. I still want it for the nice colour and interesting special weapons though even if I only keep it at Lv.1.
I never thought I'd say this, but I'm having trouble finding rooms playing Moscow Battle. I need 3 more S-ranks on Moscow for part 6 of the special aircraft lv. cap form challenge.
EDIT: Joined two rooms that were set to Moscow Battle. Both were on Moby Dick Pursuit II. Both rooms were closed after completing the Special Raid. At least I got some credits and research thanks to forced sorties, but still no Moscow Battle.
I'd help you but judging by our post times we play at totally opposite times of day. Moscow is a well-known whale preserve now; I'll sometimes have to wait 20 minutes for my rooms on any map.
Good luck with the GPB challenge. That should be a nice exercise in frustration.
チョット急遽、機内持ち込みサイズの鞄が必要で『グローブトロッター』を買いました。1回しか使わないのに高いっ! -
It seems Mr. Kono is travelling to Los Angeles with an Oculus. VR Ace Combat to be announced at E3?
It seems Mr. Kono is travelling to Los Angeles with an Oculus. VR Ace Combat to be announced at E3?[IMG][/QUOTE]
VR Ace Combat would make so much sense.
Where is Ace Combat?!
Kinda random, but I'll take itTaiko no Tatsujin collaboration event announced.
Kinda random, but I'll take it
Would've been nice to do some color schemes.
(Topical: a rainbow plane would be something else.)