Hrm... Finn's into BP again. Time is a flat circle.I think the Prismo episode is insight into how the show is going to wrap up... a big temporal looping paradox so you can keep rewatching the series forever (but with at least one out for it to end). Expect more things to revert back towards the status quo.
But is PB into Finn this time? With Bubblegum learning to chill out things could be heading that way.Hrm... Finn's into BP again. Time is a flat circle.
Finn's getting older, and since PB's hang up was about his maturity, I can see PB coming around as Finn gets closer to 19.That was so good.
Jake is such a dick (though I would totally be in the same situation, sitting back and laughing).
It'd be interesting if Finn & PB's relationship goes somewhere.
It was funny but PB felt very out of character.
Just seemed too drastic and came out of no where.PBs been getting too dark lately. I liked the change.
They've made it pretty clear over the years that most candy people are inept. I think the only exceptions aside from PB are Root Beer Guy and Peppermint Butler.
Steve Wolfhard said:This is a big one. Listen, Im in the know. A lot of you have seen this already but you should watch it again because its super good.
This one is Toms baby, I boarded the middle of it but Tom wrote the outline and did the rad design for the character Evergreen. Its solid.
Also look out for me voicing Slimy D and the ice imp. My first voice acting, my last voice acting.
I don't think he's going after PB in the same style. He seems more relaxed and less spastic and out to impress, which is the point that everyone needs to reach to be able to have a relationship. They could stay friends and he'd probably be fine with it.
Which, to be fair, women find attractive.
That shit was craaaaaaaazy. Who did the voice of Gunther? I recognized them but can't place the voice.
That shit was craaaaaaaazy. Who did the voice of Gunther? I recognized them but can't place the voice.
Pretty sure that's Pamela Adlon.That shit was craaaaaaaazy. Who did the voice of Gunther? I recognized them but can't place the voice.
It seems that the crown did grant Gunter's deepest wish, which was to be just like Evergreen, to the point of obsession. The first comet hit, and probably brought the Lich/the source of the Lich, killed the dinosaurs, etc.Soooo, it focused on the rulers of Ooo's predecessors? And the future is fudged? I thought the comet represented Litch King until the very end reveal.
The voice actress of Bobby from King of the Hill and Rusty from Big Guy and Rusty.
Sounded like Bobby Hill
Pretty sure that's Pamela Adlon.
Lemon Hope? They wouldn't necessarily be connected. One was far in the past and the other far in the future.interesting ending But doesn't explain what happened with the ending of lemon folk's savior (whatever his name was)
interesting ending But doesn't explain what happened with the ending of lemon folk's savior (whatever his name was)
Comet, huh? Seen this before:
"Listen carefully, Simon's Comet will return by the end of this summer. And the Lich King will use its power to end all life once and for all. If he succeeds, even Prismo won't be able to restore peace to the world. Finn, you must defeat the Lich *before* the comet arrives."
You're talking about the future Candy Kingdom, completely ravaged and abandoned? Maybe has nothing to do with the new comet, which could be season/series finale material.
Sounds like it's fromWhen was the quote brought up?
Shit is getting realer that real in AT and Steven Universe.
If the power of the crown is to be able to grant its wearers deepest wish then why did Simon become the Ice King?
As that was the first wish the crown granted for Gunter, is that now 'locked-in' and the crown will only now bestow ice powers to whomever puts it on?
Don't forget about Betty.Seems that way, at least for now. Maybe PB can reset it.
So did Dino Gunter presumably die from the comet? It almost leaves the impression that ice king is Gunter. I would have thought so if had not seen the previous episodes about Simon.
So did Dino Gunter presumably die from the comet? It almost leaves the impression that ice king is Gunter. I would have thought so if had not seen the previous episodes about Simon.
Don't forget about Betty.
Remember this?There is one question, though: who stopped the comet? They didn't destroy it since it's supposed to return, but if it had hit then the planet should have been destroyed, right? It's also cements the idea of magical creatures prior to the mushroom war.
And in case you missed it (huge image)
Remember this?
(blink and you'll miss it)
There is one question, though: who stopped the comet? They didn't destroy it since it's supposed to return, but if it had hit then the planet should have been destroyed, right? It's also cements the idea of magical creatures prior to the mushroom war.
Remember this?
(blink and you'll miss it)
^ Maybe not.
Order of events seems to go:
age of dinosaurs and apparently magical elementals -> First Impact -> magic fizzles, rise of mammals -> age of humankind -> Second Impact (i.e. catastrophic event that may or may not be the result of another comet) -> magic and all manners of new mutant life emerge -> Land of Ooo civilization established -> 1000 years later, and Third Impact looms
Here's the thing: the promo pic I linked to earlier suggests First Impact resulted in the now-familiar gigantic missing chunk of Earth. Are we to assume that humanity arose on a planet with a humongous crater on its melon? Did this universe's humans not think it was such a big deal? Maybe that's why Simon was so interested in artifacts of the old world: trying to piece together how the world became so damaged?
Or the image is wrong.
The other thing that weirds me out is how the 1st comet seemed to have Lich-like characteristics (green, comet trails that look like horns) so it seems to have something to do with the Lich. This is just headcannon but maybe the evil desire to extinguish all life that makes up The Lich was inside the comet and buried itself deep within the Earth during the collision and later was awakened by humanity's Mushroom War, resulting in the destruction of modern civilization.
Adventure Time's version of Zeal futzing with Lavos and paying the price, basically.