I loved quite a bit of things about the whole Agents of Hydra arc, but felt that a lot of potential was lost in the finale.-
* They kind of pushed a Big RESET button and avoided a lot of interesting consequences from the whole Framework:
-> Al staying in the framework was a very powerful moment, but in the end he comes back.
-> Everyone (outside Fitz a bit) treats the Framework memories like a dream instead of having real personal consequences.
-> The way they recover the Darkhold was super-dumb
-> AIDA was a great antagonist but in the end they get rid of her in less than 24 hours after exiting the Framework.
-> Ghost Rider appearance was very cool, but the way things went it felt like a Deus Ex Machina rushed script to get rid superfast of the arc.
I mean, there were some tangible consequences but the ones that could have really mattered (Al gone in the Framework, Fitz and Melinda really feeling the pain and confusion of Hydra doings, AIDA not doing dumb plans and being a pushover in the finale,etc) were kind of wasted in the end.
I think I said it earlier in the thread but it kind of sucks that they built up Framework Ward as an actual character only to (as far as we know now) have him disappear off screen.
I'm hoping this isn't really the last we've seen of the Framework and they have a surprise for us planned.