Loved the finale, but agree that the pacing was a touch rushed. Would have been better in a 90 minute or 2-hour time slot, but absolutely understand why they couldn't.
Only a few things I wish they had more time for (and they could have fit some things into previous episodes):
-hint at the Jemma LMD. Show it somewhere, the way they showed the Daisy-room, even if it's just a passing comment of how creepy they are while the LMD parts are being boxed up or something (yeah, I know, they burnt them). I know that the Jemma kill fake out can't be ruined, but a small hint 3 or 5 episodes earlier would have done the trick.
-show more time passing between "ok, we have a plan" and Ophelia showing up at the base. Have Fitz working on something (not showing that it's the Jemma LMD), have Coulson and Robbie in some conversation/training/etc...again, nothing obvious, just give a little breathing room between "we have work to do" and "it's on"
-recast/reshoot Mac's daughter. Yeah, she was cute and all, but, wow, did her acting hurt what should have been a gut-wrenching scene. Simmons did amazing work there, and really brought the scene back to a decent level of effectiveness, but it was a fight against her "Daddy, make it stop" and "Am I gonna die? I don't wanna die."